先來看一下,如何借助 QLabel 和 QFileDialog 加載低分辨率的圖片,這時候時能正常顯示的。
import sys from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QMainWindow, QWidget, QHBoxLayout, QApplication, QPushButton, QLabel, QFileDialog, QVBoxLayout, QLineEdit) from PyQt5.QtGui import QPixmap class mainwindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self): super(mainwindow, self).__init__() layout = QVBoxLayout() w = QWidget() w.setLayout(layout) self.setCentralWidget(w) self.image_label = QLabel() self.image_label.setFixedSize(800, 500) layout.addWidget(self.image_label) tmp_layout = QHBoxLayout() btn = QPushButton("選擇圖片路徑") tmp_layout.addWidget(btn) btn.clicked.connect(self.load_image) self.result = QLineEdit() self.result.setPlaceholderText("車牌展示") self.result.setReadOnly(True) tmp_layout.addWidget(self.result) layout.addLayout(tmp_layout) def load_image(self): fname, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Open File', 'C://', "Image files (*.jpg *.png)") if fname is not None: pixmap = QPixmap(fname) self.image_label.setPixmap(pixmap) if __name__ == '__main__': app = QApplication([]) m = mainwindow() m.show() sys.exit(app.exec())
第一步,QFileDialog 選擇文件路徑
第二步,將文件路徑傳入 QPixmap 類,通過重載構造一個對象,文檔原話:Constructs a pixmap from the file with the given fileName. If the file does not exist or is of an unknown format, the pixmap becomes a null pixmap.
第三步,將 QPixmap 對象傳給標簽的 setPixmap 方法,就完成了圖片的顯示。
需要注意的是官方文檔的語言是 C++,還好我會C++。打開文檔,映入眼簾的就四句話:
QImageReader reader("large.jpeg"); 讀取圖片
reader.size(); 圖片尺寸
reader.setClipRect(myRect); 圖片裁剪
reader.setScaledSize(mySize); 設置圖片尺寸,文檔原話:Another common function is to show a smaller version of the image. Loading a very large image and then scaling it down to the approriate size can be a very memory consuming operation. By calling the QImageReader::setScaledSize function, you can set the size that you want your resulting image to be.
import sys, time from PyQt5.QtWidgets import (QMainWindow, QWidget, QHBoxLayout, QApplication, QPushButton, QLabel, QFileDialog, QVBoxLayout, QLineEdit) from PyQt5.QtGui import QPixmap, QFont from PyQt5.Qt import QSize, QImageReader import qdarkstyle class mainwindow(QMainWindow): def __init__(self): super(mainwindow, self).__init__() layout = QVBoxLayout() w = QWidget() w.setLayout(layout) self.setCentralWidget(w) self.image_label = QLabel() self.image_label.setFixedSize(800, 500) layout.addWidget(self.image_label) tmp_layout = QHBoxLayout() btn = QPushButton("選擇圖片路徑") tmp_layout.addWidget(btn) btn.clicked.connect(self.load_image) self.result = QLineEdit() self.result.setPlaceholderText("車牌展示") self.result.setReadOnly(True) tmp_layout.addWidget(self.result) layout.addLayout(tmp_layout) self.setStyleSheet(qdarkstyle.load_stylesheet_pyqt5()) def load_image(self): fname, _ = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, 'Open File', 'C://', "Image files (*.jpg *.png)") if fname is not None: # 還需要對圖片進行重新調整大小 img = QImageReader(fname) scale = 800 / img.size().width() height = int(img.size().height() * scale) img.setScaledSize(QSize(800, height)) img = img.read() # 打開設置好的圖片 pixmap = QPixmap(img) self.image_label.setPixmap(pixmap) self.result.setText("車牌號放到這里") if __name__ == '__main__': app = QApplication([]) font = QFont() font.setFamily("SimHei") font.setPointSize(14) app.setFont(font) m = mainwindow() m.show() sys.exit(app.exec())
考慮到可能會加載超清圖像,為了方便對圖片進行控制,不要采用 QImage 或 QPixmap,而是使用 QImageReader
創建 QImageReader 對象,方便對圖片進行更多的操作
自適應伸縮,將寬度限定為 800,自適應計算高度應該是多少,而后設置要縮放的大小
將設置好的圖像讀入為 QImage 類型,而后程序里將其轉為 QPixmap 類型