sudo apt-get install git curl ruby
yum install git curl ruby
現在用git工具把Betty庫clone到你自定義的任何路徑。這里我克隆到我的home目錄,例如 /home/sk/.
git clone https://github.com/pickhardt/betty
sudo nano ~/.bashrc
alias betty="/home/sk/betty/main.rb"
你應該在英語短語之前加上單詞“betty”[LCTT譯注,你自然可以用你的小甜心的名字來替換這個不是知道是誰的Betty :>]。你也許已經知道,如果我們想知道在系統中我們的用戶名,應該運行下面的命令:
如你所見,我當前登錄的用戶名是 sk. 現在我也可以通過下面的betty命令獲取相同的結果。
betty whats my username
Betty: Running whoami sk
真的好酷,是不是?Betty理解我輸入的“whats my username”短語,然后運行“whoami”命令,***輸出結果。
betty whats my name
Betty不確定她應該查找系統用戶名還是用戶全名。這種情況下,她會詢問你多個問題來找到準確的結果。如你下面所見,Betty問我想要運行哪一條命令(whoami 還是 finger $(whoami) | sed 's/.://;q')[LCTT譯注,需要你的系統已經安裝finger]。我只想知道我的用戶名,所以我選擇數字1。
Betty: Okay, I have multiple ways to respond. Betty: Enter the number of the command you want me to run, or N (no) if you don't want me to run any. [1] whoami Gets your system username. [2] finger $(whoami) | sed 's/.*: *//;q' Gets your full name. 1 Betty: Running whoami sk
betty compress test/ test.tar.gz
Betty: Running tar -czvf test.tar.gz test/ test/ test/home/ test/home/sk/ test/home/sk/test/ test/home/sk/test/sample
betty uncompress test.tar.gz
Betty: Running mkdir test &&tar -zxvf test.tar.gz -C test test/ test/home/ test/home/sk/ test/home/sk/test/ test/home/sk/test/sample
Betty工具有一些命令格式。如果你輸入“what is my user name”而不是“whats my username”,它是不能識別的。所以,你只能輸入Betty支持的英語短語。
Count: betty how many words are in this directory betty how many characters are in myfile.py betty count lines in this folder (Note that there's many ways to say more or less the same thing.) Config: betty change your name to Joe betty speak to me betty stop speaking to me Datetime: betty what time is it betty what is todays date betty what month is it betty whats today Find: betty find me all files that contain california Internet: betty download http://www.mysite.com/something.tar.gz to something.tar.gz betty uncompress something.tar.gz betty unarchive something.tar.gz to somedir (You can use unzip, unarchive, untar, uncompress, and expand interchangeably.) betty compress /path/to/dir iTunes: betty mute itunes betty unmute itunes betty pause the music betty resume itunes betty stop my music betty next song betty prev track betty what song is playing (Note that the words song, track, music, etc. are interchangeable) Fun: betty go crazy betty whats the meaning of life ...and more that are left for you to discover! Map: betty show me a map of mountain view Meta: betty what version are you (or just betty version) betty whats your github again Permissions: betty give me permission to this directory betty give anotheruser ownership of myfile.txt Process: betty show me all processes by root containing grep betty show me all my processes containing netbio Sizes: betty show size for myfile.txt Spotify: betty play spotify betty pause spotify betty next spotify betty previous spotify User: betty whats my username betty whats my real name betty whats my ip address betty who else is logged in betty whats my version of ruby Web queries: betty turn web on betty please tell me what is the weather like in London