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發布時間:2020-08-28 14:22:39 來源:億速云 閱讀:142 作者:小新 欄目:關系型數據庫



LRU算法背后的的思想在計算機科學中無處不在,它與程序的"局部性原理"很相似。在生產環境中,雖然有Redis內存使用告警,但是了解一下Redis的緩存使用策略還是很有好處的。下面是生產環境下Redis使用策略:最大可用內存限制為4GB,采用 allkeys-lru 刪除策略。所謂刪除策略:當redis使用已經達到了最大內存,比如4GB時,如果這時候再往redis里面添加新的Key,那么Redis將選擇一個Key刪除。那如何選擇合適的Key刪除呢?

CONFIG GET maxmemory

  1. "maxmemory"
  2. "4294967296"

CONFIG GET maxmemory-policy

  1. "maxmemory-policy"
  2. "allkeys-lru"

在官方文檔Using Redis as an LRU cache描述中,提供了好幾種刪除策略,比如 allkeys-lru、volatile-lru等。在我看來按選擇時考慮三個因素:隨機、Key最近被訪問的時間 、Key的過期時間(TTL)


evict keys by trying to remove the less recently used (LRU) keys first, in order to make space for the new data added.


evict keys randomly in order to make space for the new data added.

再比如:volatile-lru,它只移除那些使用 expire 命令設置了過期時間的Key,根據LRU算法來移除。

evict keys by trying to remove the less recently used (LRU) keys first, but only among keys that have an expire set, in order to make space for the new data added.

再比如:volatile-ttl,它只移除那些使用 expire 命令設置了過期時間的Key,哪個Key的 存活時間(TTL KEY 越小)越短,就優先移除。

evict keys with an expire set, and try to evict keys with a shorter time to live (TTL) first, in order to make space for the new data added.

volatile 策略(eviction methods) 作用的Key 是那些設置了過期時間的Key。在redisDb結構體中,定義了一個名為 expires 字典(dict)保存所有的那些用expire命令設置了過期時間的key,其中expires字典的鍵指向redis 數據庫鍵空間(redisServer--->redisDb--->redisObject)中的某個鍵,而expires字典的值則是這個鍵的過期時間(long類型整數)。
額外提一下:redis 數據庫鍵空間是指:在結構體redisDb中定義的一個名為"dict",類型為hash字典的一個指針,它用來保存該redis DB中的每一個鍵對象、以及相應的值對象。

既然有這么多策略,那我用哪個好呢?這就涉及到Redis中的Key的訪問模式了(access-pattern),access-pattern與代碼業務邏輯相關,比如說符合某種特征的Key經常被訪問,而另一些Key卻不怎么用到。如果所有的Key都可能機會均等地被我們的應用程序訪問,那它的訪問模式服從均勻分布;而大部分情況下,訪問模式服從冪指分布(power-law distribution),另外Key的訪問模式也有可能是隨著時間變化的,因此需要一種合適的刪除策略能夠catch 住 (捕獲住)各種情形。而在冪指分布下,LRU是一種很好的策略:

While caches can’t predict the future, they can reason in the following way: keys that are likely to be requested again are keys that were recently requested often. Since usually access patterns don’t change very suddenly, this is an effective strategy.


最直觀的想法:LRU啊,記錄下每個key 最近一次的訪問時間(比如unix timestamp),unix timestamp最小的Key,就是最近未使用的,把這個Key移除。看下來一個HashMap就能搞定啊。是的,但是首先需要存儲每個Key和它的timestamp。其次,還要比較timestamp得出最小值。代價很大,不現實啊。

第二種方法:換個角度,不記錄具體的訪問時間點(unix timestamp),而是記錄idle time:idle time越小,意味著是最近被訪問的。

The LRU algorithm evicts the Least Recently Used key, which means the one with the greatest idle time.


比如A、B、C、D四個Key,A每5s訪問一次,B每2s訪問一次,C和D每10s訪問一次。(一個波浪號代表1s),從上圖中可看出:A的空閑時間是2s,B的idle time是1s,C的idle time是5s,D剛剛訪問了所以idle time是0s


It is simple to implement because all we need to do is to track the last time a given key was accessed, or sometimes this is not even needed: we may just have all the objects we want to evict linked in a linked list.

但是在redis中,并沒有采用這種方式實現,它嫌LinkedList占用的空間太大了。Redis并不是直接基于字符串、鏈表、字典等數據結構來實現KV數據庫,而是在這些數據結構上創建了一個對象系統Redis Object。在redisObject結構體中定義了一個長度24bit的unsigned類型的字段,用來存儲對象最后一次被命令程序訪問的時間:

By modifying a bit the Redis Object structure I was able to make 24 bits of space. There was no room for linking the objects in a linked list (fat pointers!)


To add another data structure to take this metadata was not an option, however since LRU is itself an approximation of what we want to achieve, what about approximating LRU itself?


隨機選三個Key,把idle time最大的那個Key移除。后來,把3改成可配置的一個參數,默認為N=5:maxmemory-samples 5

when there is to evict a key, select 3 random keys, and evict the one with the highest idle time

就是這么簡單,簡單得讓人不敢相信了,而且十分有效。但它還是有缺點的:每次隨機選擇的時候,并沒有利用歷史信息。在每一輪移除(evict)一個Key時,隨機從N個里面選一個Key,移除idle time最大的那個Key;下一輪又是隨機從N個里面選一個Key...有沒有想過:在上一輪移除Key的過程中,其實是知道了N個Key的idle time的情況的,那我能不能在下一輪移除Key時,利用好上一輪知曉的一些信息?

However if you think at this algorithm across its executions, you can see how we are trashing a lot of interesting data. Maybe when sampling the N keys, we encounter a lot of good candidates, but we then just evict the best, and start from scratch again the next cycle.

start from scratch太傻了。于是Redis又做出了改進:采用緩沖池(pooling)

當每一輪移除Key時,拿到了這個N個Key的idle time,如果它的idle time比 pool 里面的 Key的idle time還要大,就把它添加到pool里面去。這樣一來,每次移除的Key并不僅僅是隨機選擇的N個Key里面最大的,而且還是pool里面idle time最大的,并且:pool 里面的Key是經過多輪比較篩選的,它的idle time 在概率上比隨機獲取的Key的idle time要大,可以這么理解:pool 里面的Key 保留了"歷史經驗信息"。

Basically when the N keys sampling was performed, it was used to populate a larger pool of keys (just 16 keys by default). This pool has the keys sorted by idle time, so new keys only enter the pool when they have an idle time greater than one key in the pool or when there is empty space in the pool.

采用"pool",把一個全局排序問題 轉化成為了 局部的比較問題。(盡管排序本質上也是比較,囧)。要想知道idle time 最大的key,精確的LRU需要對全局的key的idle time排序,然后就能找出idle time最大的key了。但是可以采用一種近似的思想,即隨機采樣(samping)若干個key,這若干個key就代表著全局的key,把samping得到的key放到pool里面,每次采樣之后更新pool,使得pool里面總是保存著隨機選擇過的key的idle time最大的那些key。需要evict key時,直接從pool里面取出idle time最大的key,將之evict掉。這種思想是很值得借鑒的。



JDK中的LinkedHashMap實現了LRU算法,使用如下構造方法,accessOrder 表示"最近最少未使用"的衡量標準。比如accessOrder=true,當執行java.util.LinkedHashMap#get元素時,就表示這個元素最近被訪問了。

     * Constructs an empty <tt>LinkedHashMap</tt> instance with the
     * specified initial capacity, load factor and ordering mode.
     * @param  initialCapacity the initial capacity
     * @param  loadFactor      the load factor
     * @param  accessOrder     the ordering mode - <tt>true</tt> for
     *         access-order, <tt>false</tt> for insertion-order
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the initial capacity is negative
     *         or the load factor is nonpositive
    public LinkedHashMap(int initialCapacity,
                         float loadFactor,
                         boolean accessOrder) {
        super(initialCapacity, loadFactor);
        this.accessOrder = accessOrder;


The {@link #removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry)} method may be overridden to impose a policy for removing stale mappings automatically when new mappings are added to the map.


Note that this implementation is not synchronized. If multiple threads access a linked hash map concurrently, and at least one of the threads modifies the map structurally, it must be synchronized externally.  This is typically accomplished by synchronizing on some object that naturally encapsulates the map.


final Map<Long, TimeoutInfoHolder> timeoutInfoHandlers =
        Collections.synchronizedMap(new LinkedHashMap<Long, TimeoutInfoHolder>(100, .75F, true) {
            protected boolean removeEldestEntry(Map.Entry eldest) {
                return size() > 100;

當容量超過100時,開始執行LRU策略:將最近最少未使用的 TimeoutInfoHolder 對象  evict 掉。





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