Usage: bedtools getfasta [OPTIONS] -fi <fasta> -bed <bed/gff/vcf> Options: -fi Input FASTA file -bed BED/GFF/VCF file of ranges to extract from -fi -name Use the name field for the FASTA header -split given BED12 fmt., extract and concatenate the sequencesfrom the BED "blocks" (e.g., exons) -tab Write output in TAB delimited format. - Default is FASTA format. -s Force strandedness. If the feature occupies the antisense, strand, the sequence will be reverse complemented. - By default, strand information is ignored. -fullHeader Use full fasta header. - By default, only the word before the first space or tab is used.
其中-fi 指定基因組fasta文件,-bed 指定要提取序列的位置文件,可以是bed、gff 或 vcf 文件(染色體堿基位置從0開始計數)。
-tab 指定輸出格式。
$bedtools getfasta -fi GCA_001651475.1_Ler_Assembly_genomic.fna -bed id.bed >CM004359.1:0-10 gtttagggtt >CM004359.1:100-200 ttagggtttagggtttagggtttagggtttagggtttagggtttagggtttagggtttagggtttagggtttagggtttagggtttagggtttagggttt >CM004359.1:1000-1050 TTGTGGgaaaattatttagttgtaGGGATGAAGTCTTTCTTCGTTGTTGT $bedtools getfasta -fi GCA_001651475.1_Ler_Assembly_genomic.fna -bed id.bed -tab CM004359.1:0-10 gtttagggtt CM004359.1:100-200 ttagggtttagggtttagggtttagggtttagggtttagggtttagggtttagggtttagggtttagggtttagggtttagggtttagggtttagggttt CM004359.1:1000-1050 TTGTGGgaaaattatttagttgtaGGGATGAAGTCTTTCTTCGTTGTTGT