Rscript snp.density.map.R -i snp.vcf -n out -s 1000000 -c "darkgreen,yellow,red"
-i :跟輸入文件,格式為vcf文件;
-n :設置輸出文件名稱前綴,文件輸出到當前目錄下;
-s :設置窗口大小;
-c :設置顏色梯度,可以設置一到多種顏色,建議設置兩種或三種顏色,顏色間以 "," 分隔。
#北京組學生物科技有限公司 #email: wangq@biomics.com.cn source("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/YinLiLin/CMplot/master/R/CMplot.r") library(getopt) #+-------------------- # get options #+-------------------- spec <- matrix(c( 'help', 'h', 0, "logical", "help", 'binsize', 's', 1, "integer", "the size of bin for SNP_density plot, optional.", 'color', 'c', 1, "character", " the colour for the SNP density, separated by ',', optional.", 'name', 'n', 1, "character", "add a character to the output file name, optional.", 'input', 'i', 1, "character", "vcf input file, forced." ), byrow = TRUE, ncol = 5) opt <- getopt(spec) #+-------------------- # check options #+-------------------- if ( !is.null(opt$help) | is.null(opt$input) ) { cat(getopt(spec, usage=TRUE)) q(status=1) } if ( is.null(opt$binsize ) ) { opt$binsize = 1e6 } if ( is.null(opt$color ) ) { opt$color = "yellow,red" } if ( is.null(opt$name ) ) { opt$name = "Fig1" } #data(pig60K) data <- read.table(opt$input, comment.char = "#", header = F, blank.lines.skip = T) num <- dim(data)[1] name <- paste("A", 1:num, sep = "") snp <- data.frame(name,data[1],data[2]) colnames(snp) = c("SNP","Chromosome","Position") color <- unlist(strsplit( opt$color, split = ",")) CMplot( snp, plot.type="d", bin.size=opt$binsize, col=color, xlab = "SNP", file="jpg", dpi=300, memo=opt$name, file.output=TRUE, verbose=TRUE ) CMplot( snp, plot.type="d", bin.size=opt$binsize, col=color, file="pdf", memo=opt$name, file.output=TRUE, verbose=TRUE )