RuntimeError: in-place operations can be only used on variables that don't share storage with any other variables, but detected that there are 4 objects sharing it
自動求導是很方便, 但是想想, 如果兩個Variable共享內存, 再對這個共享的內存的數據進行修改, 就會引起錯誤!
一般是由于 inplace操作或是indexing或是轉置. 這些都是共享內存的.
@staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad_output): ind_lst = ctx.ind_lst flag = ctx.flag c = grad_output.size(1) grad_former_all = grad_output[:, 0:c//3, :, :] grad_latter_all = grad_output[:, c//3: c*2//3, :, :] grad_swapped_all = grad_output[:, c*2//3:c, :, :] spatial_size = ctx.h * ctx.w W_mat_all = Variable(ctx.Tensor(ctx.bz, spatial_size, spatial_size).zero_()) for idx in range(ctx.bz): W_mat = W_mat_all.select(0,idx) for cnt in range(spatial_size): indS = ind_lst[idx][cnt] if flag[cnt] == 1: # 這里W_mat是W_mat_all通過select出來的, 他們共享內存. W_mat[cnt, indS] = 1 W_mat_t = W_mat.t() grad_swapped_weighted = torch.mm(W_mat_t, grad_swapped_all[idx].view(c//3, -1).t()) grad_swapped_weighted = grad_swapped_weighted.t().contiguous().view(1, c//3, ctx.h, ctx.w) grad_latter_all[idx] = torch.add(grad_latter_all[idx], grad_swapped_weighted.mul(ctx.triple_w))
由于 這里W_mat是W_mat_all通過select出來的, 他們共享內存. 所以當對這個共享的內存進行修改W_mat[cnt, indS] = 1, 就會出錯. 此時我們可以通過clone()將W_mat和W_mat_all獨立出來. 這樣的話, 梯度也會通過 clone()操作將W_mat的梯度正確反傳到W_mat_all中.
@staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad_output): ind_lst = ctx.ind_lst flag = ctx.flag c = grad_output.size(1) grad_former_all = grad_output[:, 0:c//3, :, :] grad_latter_all = grad_output[:, c//3: c*2//3, :, :] grad_swapped_all = grad_output[:, c*2//3:c, :, :] spatial_size = ctx.h * ctx.w W_mat_all = Variable(ctx.Tensor(ctx.bz, spatial_size, spatial_size).zero_()) for idx in range(ctx.bz): # 這里使用clone了 W_mat = W_mat_all.select(0,idx).clone() for cnt in range(spatial_size): indS = ind_lst[idx][cnt] if flag[cnt] == 1: W_mat[cnt, indS] = 1 W_mat_t = W_mat.t() grad_swapped_weighted = torch.mm(W_mat_t, grad_swapped_all[idx].view(c//3, -1).t()) grad_swapped_weighted = grad_swapped_weighted.t().contiguous().view(1, c//3, ctx.h, ctx.w) # 這句話刪了不會出錯, 加上就吹出錯 grad_latter_all[idx] = torch.add(grad_latter_all[idx], grad_swapped_weighted.mul(ctx.triple_w))
但是現在卻出現 4個objects共享內存. 如果將最后一句話刪掉, 那么則不會出錯.
如果沒有最后一句話, 我們看到
grad_swapped_weighted = torch.mm(W_mat_t, grad_swapped_all[idx].view(c//3, -1).t())
grad_swapped_weighted = grad_swapped_weighted.t().contiguous().view(1, c//3, ctx.h, ctx.w)
grad_swapped_weighted 一個新的Variable, 因此并沒有和其他Variable共享內存, 所以不會出錯. 但是最后一句話,
grad_latter_all[idx] = torch.add(grad_latter_all[idx], grad_swapped_weighted.mul(ctx.triple_w))
你可能會說, 不對啊, 修改grad_latter_all[idx]又沒有創建新的Variable, 怎么會出錯. 這是因為grad_latter_all和grad_output是共享內存的. 因為 grad_latter_all = grad_output[:, c//3: c*2//3, :, :], 所以這里的解決方案是:
@staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad_output): ind_lst = ctx.ind_lst flag = ctx.flag c = grad_output.size(1) grad_former_all = grad_output[:, 0:c//3, :, :] # 這兩個后面修改值了, 所以也要加clone, 防止它們與grad_output共享內存 grad_latter_all = grad_output[:, c//3: c*2//3, :, :].clone() grad_swapped_all = grad_output[:, c*2//3:c, :, :].clone() spatial_size = ctx.h * ctx.w W_mat_all = Variable(ctx.Tensor(ctx.bz, spatial_size, spatial_size).zero_()) for idx in range(ctx.bz): W_mat = W_mat_all.select(0,idx).clone() for cnt in range(spatial_size): indS = ind_lst[idx][cnt] if flag[cnt] == 1: W_mat[cnt, indS] = 1 W_mat_t = W_mat.t() grad_swapped_weighted = torch.mm(W_mat_t, grad_swapped_all[idx].view(c//3, -1).t()) grad_swapped_weighted = grad_swapped_weighted.t().contiguous().view(1, c//3, ctx.h, ctx.w) grad_latter_all[idx] = torch.add(grad_latter_all[idx], grad_swapped_weighted.mul(ctx.triple_w)) grad_input = torch.cat([grad_former_all, grad_latter_all], 1) return grad_input, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None
補充知識:Pytorch 中 expand, expand_as是共享內存的,只是原始數據的一個視圖 view
mask = mask_miss.expand_as(sxing).clone() # type: torch.Tensor
mask[:, :, -2, :, :] = 1 # except for person mask channel
# Notice! expand does not allocate more memory but just make the tensor look as if you expanded it.
# You should call .clone() on the resulting tensor if you plan on modifying it
# https://discuss.pytorch.org/t/very-strange-behavior-change-one-element-of-a-tensor-will-influence-all-elements/41190