JQuery+Bootstrap 自定義全屏Loading插件
/** * 自定義Loading插件 * @param {Object} config * { * content[加載顯示文本], * time[自動關閉等待時間(ms)] * } * @param {String} config * 加載顯示文本 * @refer 依賴 JQuery-1.9.1及以上、Bootstrap-3.3.7及以上 * @return {KZ_Loading} 對象實例 */ function KZ_Loading(config) { if (this instanceof KZ_Loading) { const domTemplate = '<div class="modal fade kz-loading" data-kzid="@@KZ_Loadin_ID@@" backdrop="static" keyboard="false"><div ><div class="progress progress-striped active" ><div class="progress-bar" ></div></div><h6>@@KZ_Loading_Text@@</h6></div></div>'; this.config = { content: 'loading...', time: 0, }; if (config != null) { if (typeof config === 'string') { this.config = Object.assign(this.config, { content: config }); } else if (typeof config === 'object') { this.config = Object.assign(this.config, config); } } this.id = new Date().getTime().toString(); this.state = 'hide'; /*顯示 */ this.show = function () { $('.kz-loading[data-kzid=' + this.id + ']').modal({ backdrop: 'static', keyboard: false }); this.state = 'show'; if (this.config.time > 0) { var that = this; setTimeout(function () { that.hide(); }, this.config.time); } }; /*隱藏 */ this.hide = function (callback) { $('.kz-loading[data-kzid=' + this.id + ']').modal('hide'); this.state = 'hide'; if (callback) { callback(); } }; /*銷毀dom */ this.destroy = function () { var that = this; this.hide(function () { var node = $('.kz-loading[data-kzid=' + that.id + ']'); node.next().remove(); node.remove(); that.show = function () { throw new Error('對象已銷毀!'); }; that.hide = function () {}; that.destroy = function () {}; }); } var domHtml = domTemplate.replace('@@KZ_Loadin_ID@@', this.id).replace('@@KZ_Loading_Text@@', this.config.content); $('body').append(domHtml); } else { return new KZ_Loading(config); } }
var loading = new KZ_Loading('數據加載中。。。'); setTimeout(function () { console.log('加載完成!'); loading.hide(); }, 1000);
var loading = new KZ_Loading({ content: '數據加載中。。。', time: 2000 }); loading.show();
銷毀Loading Dom節點:
ps:下面看下基于JQUERY BOOTSTRAP 最簡單的loading遮罩層
<%--loading遮罩層--%> <div class="modal fade" id="loadingModal" backdrop="static" keyboard="false"> <div > <div class="progress progress-striped active" > <div class="progress-bar" ></div> </div> <h6 id="loadText">loading...</h6> </div> </div> <%--loading方法--%> <script type="text/javascript"> var loadingTime= 5;//默認遮罩時間 showLoading = function (loadText) { if(!loadText){ $("#loadText").html(loadText) } $('#loadingModal').modal({backdrop: 'static', keyboard: false}); } hideLoading = function () { $('#loadingModal').modal('hide'); } </script>