19、Which two can be backed up by using RMAN when a database Is open in ARCHIVELOG mode, so that me
查詢是否發生了索引碎片 SELECT object_name(dt.object_id) Tablename,si.name Indexname,dt.avg_fragmentation_in_p
57、Which two statements are true about dispatchers used by the Oracle shared server? A. Multiple
69、Which is true about unusable indexes? A. Rebuilding an unusable index always requires at least
20、Your database is using Automatic Memory Management. Which two SGA components must be managed m
【OGG】OGG基礎知識整理 一、GoldenGate介紹 GoldenGate軟件是一種基于日志的結構化數據復制軟件。GoldenGate 能夠
整理一篇工作中的JavaScript工作腳本筆記,學而三省吾身。 (1) 獲取Url絕對路徑 function getUrlRelativePath()  
70、Which two are true about space management in tablespaces? A. Free lists are used for managing
65、Which three structures can span multiple data files? A. chained rows B. segments C. tempor
表碎片的來源當針對一個表的刪除操作很多時,表會產生大量碎片。刪除操作釋放的空間不會被插入操作立即重用,甚至永遠也不會被重用。怎樣確定是否有表碎片-- 收集表統計信息SQL> exec dbms_