//遞歸 #include<iostream> #include<stack> using namespace std; struct BinaryTreeNode { int data; BinaryTreeNode* left; BinaryTreeNode* right; BinaryTreeNode(int x) :data(x) , left(NULL) , right(NULL) {} }; class BinaryTree { protected: BinaryTreeNode* _root; BinaryTreeNode* _CreateBinaryTree(int* arr, int& index, int size) { BinaryTreeNode* root = NULL; if (index < size&&arr[index] != '#') { root = new BinaryTreeNode(arr[index]); root->left = _CreateBinaryTree(arr, ++index, size); root->right = _CreateBinaryTree(arr, ++index, size); } return root; } void _Clear(BinaryTreeNode* root) { if (root == NULL) return; _Clear(root->left); _Clear(root->right); delete root; } void _Convert(BinaryTreeNode* root, BinaryTreeNode** head)//有可能改變head,加引用 { if (root == NULL) return; BinaryTreeNode* cur = root; if (cur->left) _Convert(root->left, head); cur->left = *head; if (*head) (*head)->right = cur; *head = cur; if (cur->right) _Convert(cur->right, head); } //打印并銷毀雙向鏈表 private: static void PrintList(BinaryTreeNode* head) { if (head == NULL) return; BinaryTreeNode* cur = head; while (cur) { cout << cur->data << " "; if (cur->left) cout << "prev" << cur->left->data << " "; if (cur->right) cout << "next" << cur->right->data << endl; cur = cur->right; } } static void Destroy(BinaryTreeNode** head) { BinaryTreeNode* cur = *head; BinaryTreeNode* del = NULL; while (cur) { del = cur; cur = cur->right; delete del; } head = NULL; } public: BinaryTree() :_root(NULL) {} ~BinaryTree() { _Clear(_root); } BinaryTree(int *arr, int size) { int index = 0; _root = _CreateBinaryTree(arr, index, size); } void PreOrder_Non() { if (_root == NULL) return; BinaryTreeNode* cur = _root; stack<BinaryTreeNode*> s; s.push(_root); while (!s.empty()) { cur = s.top(); printf("%d ", cur->data); s.pop(); if (cur->right) s.push(cur->right); if (cur->left) s.push(cur->left); } } BinaryTreeNode* TransformList() { if (_root == NULL) return NULL;//返回匿名對象 //應按后序遍歷順序 BinaryTreeNode* ret = NULL; _Convert(_root, &ret); while (ret != NULL&&ret->left != NULL) ret = ret->left; _root = NULL; PrintList(ret); Destroy(&ret); } }; void Test1() { int arr[] = { 10, 6, 4, '#', '#', 8, '#', '#', 14, 12, '#', '#', 16 }; BinaryTree bt1(arr, sizeof(arr) / sizeof(arr[0])); bt1.PreOrder_Non(); BinaryTreeNode* head = bt1.TransformList(); } //非遞歸 TreeNode * transfer(TreeNode * root) { // left will be used as previous pointer (point to a little one); // right will be used as post pointer (point to a large one); if (!root) return NULL; Stack *s = new Stack(); TreeNode *curr, *head, *tail; curr = root; head = NULL, tail=NULL; while(true) { while(curr) { s->push(curr); curr = curr->left; } if(s->isEmpty()) break; curr = s->pop(); //visit(curr); //將curr節點加入到雙向鏈表末尾 if ( head==NULL) { //curr是鏈表中的第一個節點。 head = curr; tail = curr; } else { tail->right = curr; curr->left = tail; tail = curr; //注意此處不能夠修改tail->right指針的值,到目前為止, //當前節點的右子樹還未被訪問。 } while(!curr->right) { if(s->isEmpty()) break; curr = s->pop(); //visit(curr); // if ( head==NULL) { head = curr; tail = curr; } else { tail->right = curr; curr->left = tail; tail = curr; } } if (curr->right) curr = curr->right; else break; } head->left = NULL; tail->right = NULL; delete s; return head; }