今天小編給大家分享一下node ftp怎么上傳文件夾到服務器的相關知識點,內容詳細,邏輯清晰,相信大部分人都還太了解這方面的知識,所以分享這篇文章給大家參考一下,希望大家閱讀完這篇文章后有所收獲,下面我們一起來了解一下吧。
const ftp = require('ftp');//連接FTP const path = require('path'); const client = new ftp(); const fs = require('fs'); //本地文件夾路徑; const localDirPath = '/test/'; //遠程地址,打開ftp以后的地址,不需要加入host; const remotePath = '/'; const uploadFiles = []; const mkDirPromiseArr = []; const connectionProperties = { host: '', //ftp地址; user: '', //用戶名; password: '', //密碼; port: 21 //端口; }; client.connect(connectionProperties); client.on('ready', () => { console.log('ftp client is ready'); start(); }); async function start() { const { err: ea, dir } = await cwd(remotePath);//此處應對err做處理 if (ea) { client.mkdir(remotePath, true, (err) => { if (err) { console.log('創建' + remotePath + '文件夾失敗'); upload(); } else { console.log('創建' + remotePath + '成功'); upload(); } }); } else { upload(); } function upload() { const filesPath = { files: [] }; getDirAllFilePath(localDirPath, filesPath); remoteMkDir(filesPath, ''); console.log('準備上傳...'); setTimeout(() => { Promise.all(mkDirPromiseArr).then(() => { console.log('開始上傳...'); const tasks = uploadFile(); runPromiseArray(tasks).then(() => { client.end(); console.warn('上傳完成~'); }); }); }, 3000); } } // 獲取本地的文件地址和路徑; function getDirAllFilePath(paths, parent) { const files = fs.readdirSync(paths); files.forEach(item => { if (item != '.DS_Store') { const path = `${paths}/${item}`; if (isDir(path)) { getDirAllFilePath(path, parent[item] = { files: [] }); } else if (isFile(path)) { parent.files.push(item); } } }) } //創建遠程確實的文件夾; async function remoteMkDir(obj, _path) { for (const key in obj) { if (key === 'files') { for (let i = 0, len = obj[key].length; i < len; i++) { const promise = new Promise(async resolve => { let p = ''; if (_path) { p = _path + '/'; } const filePathName = p + obj[key][i]; uploadFiles.push({ path: filePathName, fileName: obj[key][i] }); const ph = remotePath + filePathName.substring(0, filePathName.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); let { err: ea, dir } = await cwd(ph);//此處應對err做處理 if (ea) { client.mkdir(ph, true, (err) => { if (err) { console.log('mkdir' + ph + 'err', err); resolve(null); return; } console.log('mkdir ' + ph + ' success'); resolve(null); }); } else { resolve(null); } }); mkDirPromiseArr.push(promise); } } else { let p = ''; if (_path) { p = _path + '/'; } remoteMkDir(obj[key], p + key); } } } //上傳文件; function uploadFile() { const tasks = []; const resourcesPath = localDirPath; //目標路徑文件夾; const checkPath = remotePath; for (let i = 0, len = uploadFiles.length; i < len; i++) { const task = () => { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { const _path = uploadFiles[i].path; const targetPath = checkPath + _path; const putPath = resourcesPath + '/' + _path; const dirpath = path.dirname(targetPath); const fileName = path.basename(targetPath); client.cwd(dirpath, (cwdErr, dir) => { client.pwd((pwdErr, cwd) => { if (pwdErr) { resolve(pwdErr) } else { client.get(fileName, (err, res) => { if (res) { console.log(`${targetPath} =====================已經存在了`); resolve(true); } else { const rs = fs.createReadStream(putPath); client.put(rs, fileName, (putErr, data) => { if (putErr) { resolve(err); } else { console.log(targetPath + '文件上傳成功'); resolve(true); } }) } }); } }); }) }); } tasks.push(task); } return tasks; } //執行Promise的隊列動作; function runPromiseArray(parray) { //這個方法可以放到G里 let p = Promise.resolve(); for (let promise of parray) { p = p.then(promise); } return p; } //切換目錄 async function cwd(dirpath) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { client.cwd(dirpath, (err, dir) => { resolve({ err: err, dir: dir }); }) }); } function isFile(filepath) { //判斷是否是文件 Boolean let stat = fs.statSync(filepath) return stat.isFile() } function isDir(filepath) { //判斷是否是文件夾 Boolean let stat = fs.statSync(filepath); return stat.isDirectory(); }
const ftp = require('ftp');//連接FTP const path = require('path'); const client = new ftp(); const fs = require('fs'); //本地文件夾路徑; const localDirPath = path.join(__dirname,'/imgtmp/');//待遍歷的本地目錄 //遠程ftp服務器文件路徑 let remotePath = '/yourweb/images/'; const upFileList = ["202304/202304061415075072.png","202304/202304061415075073.png"];//手動設置需要上傳的文件 const uploadFiles = []; const mkDirPromiseArr = []; client.on('ready',()=>{ console.log('ftp client is ready'); }); const connconfig = { host: '', //ftp地址; user: '', //用戶名; password: '', //密碼; port: 21 //端口; } client.connect(connconfig); client.on('ready', () => { console.log('ftp client is ready'); start(); }); async function start() { const { err: ea, dir } = await cwd(remotePath);//此處應對err做處理 if (ea) { client.mkdir(remotePath, true, (err) => { if (err) { console.log('創建' + remotePath + '文件夾失敗'); upload(); } else { console.log('創建' + remotePath + '成功'); upload(); } }); } else { upload(); } function upload() { console.log("mkDirPromiseArr==>",mkDirPromiseArr); // const filesPath = { files: [] }; // getDirAllFilePath(localDirPath, filesPath); const filesPath = { files: upFileList };//直接給定需要上傳的文件列表 // console.log("遍歷之后的filesPath===>",filesPath); remoteMkDir(filesPath, ''); console.log('準備上傳...'); setTimeout(() => { Promise.all(mkDirPromiseArr).then(() => { console.log('開始上傳...'); const tasks = uploadFile(); runPromiseArray(tasks).then(() => { client.end(); console.warn('上傳完成~'); }); }); }, 1000); } } // 獲取本地的文件地址和路徑; function getDirAllFilePath(paths, parent) { const files = fs.readdirSync(paths); files.forEach(item => { if (item != '.DS_Store') { const path = `${paths}/${item}`; if (isDir(path)) { getDirAllFilePath(path, parent[item] = { files: [] }); } else if (isFile(path)) { parent.files.push(item); } } }) } //創建遠程缺失的文件夾; async function remoteMkDir(obj, _path) { for (const key in obj) { if (key === 'files') { for (let i = 0, len = obj[key].length; i < len; i++) { const promise = new Promise(async resolve => { let p = ''; if (_path) { p = _path + '/'; } const filePathName = p + obj[key][i]; // const filePathName = path.dirname(obj[key][i]); const fileName = path.basename(obj[key][i]); // uploadFiles.push({ path: filePathName, fileName: obj[key][i] }); uploadFiles.push({ path: filePathName, fileName: fileName }); const ph = remotePath + filePathName.substring(0, filePathName.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); let { err: ea, dir } = await cwd(ph);//此處應對err做處理 if (ea) { client.mkdir(ph, true, (err) => { if (err) { console.log('mkdir' + ph + 'err', err); resolve(null); return; } console.log('mkdir ' + ph + ' success'); resolve(null); }); } else { resolve(null); } }); mkDirPromiseArr.push(promise); } } else { let p = ''; if (_path) { p = _path + '/'; } remoteMkDir(obj[key], p + key); } } } //上傳文件; function uploadFile() { const tasks = []; const resourcesPath = localDirPath; //目標路徑文件夾; const checkPath = remotePath; for (let i = 0, len = uploadFiles.length; i < len; i++) { const task = () => { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { const _path = uploadFiles[i].path; // const _path = uploadFiles[i]; const targetPath = checkPath + _path; const putPath = resourcesPath + '/' + _path; const dirpath = path.dirname(targetPath); const fileName = path.basename(targetPath); client.cwd(dirpath, (cwdErr, dir) => { client.pwd((pwdErr, cwd) => { if (pwdErr) { resolve(pwdErr) } else { client.get(fileName, (err, res) => { if (res) { console.log(`${targetPath} =====================已經存在了`); resolve(true); } else { const rs = fs.createReadStream(putPath); client.put(rs, fileName, (putErr, data) => { if (putErr) { resolve(err); } else { console.log(targetPath + '文件上傳成功'); resolve(true); } }) } }); } }); }) }); } tasks.push(task); } return tasks; } //執行Promise的隊列動作; function runPromiseArray(parray) { //這個方法可以放到G里 let p = Promise.resolve(); for (let promise of parray) { p = p.then(promise); } return p; } //切換目錄 async function cwd(dirpath) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { client.cwd(dirpath, (err, dir) => { resolve({ err: err, dir: dir }); }) }); } function isFile(filepath) { //判斷是否是文件 Boolean let stat = fs.statSync(filepath) return stat.isFile() } function isDir(filepath) { //判斷是否是文件夾 Boolean let stat = fs.statSync(filepath); return stat.isDirectory(); }
以上就是“node ftp怎么上傳文件夾到服務器”這篇文章的所有內容,感謝各位的閱讀!相信大家閱讀完這篇文章都有很大的收獲,小編每天都會為大家更新不同的知識,如果還想學習更多的知識,請關注億速云行業資訊頻道。