// html部分 <body> <a href="#1" rel="external nofollow" >go to 1</a> <a href="#2" rel="external nofollow" >go to 2</a> <a href="#3" rel="external nofollow" >go to 3</a> <a href="#4" rel="external nofollow" >go to 4</a> <div id="app"></div> <div id="div404" >你要找的內容被狗吃了</div> <script src="index.js"></script> </body> // js const app = document.getElementById('app') const div1 = document.createElement('div') div1.innerHTML = '1.components' const div2 = document.createElement('div') div2.innerHTML = '2.components' const div3 = document.createElement('div') div3.innerHTML = '3.components' const div4 = document.createElement('div') div4.innerHTML = '4.components' const routerMap = { "1": div1, "2": div2, "3": div3, "4": div4 } function route(container) { // 獲取路由hash 值 let hashName = window.location.hash.substr(1) console.log(hashName) hashName = hashName || '1' // 獲取路由對應的組件 const components = routerMap[hashName] if(!components) { // 404 components = document.querySelector("#div404"); } components.style.display = 'block' console.log(components) // 展示界面 container.innerHTML = ""; container.appendChild(components); } route(app) window.addEventListener('hashchange', () => { route(app); })
到這里以已經完成了一個js 版的簡易路由,在不考慮嵌套的情況下,路由的基本功能已經完成,主要核心的思路其實就是使用 HTML5 中的 hash 提供的一個 api hashchange, 使用這個來監聽hash 的變化, 然后去渲染不同的組件
const app = document.getElementById('app') const div1 = document.createElement('div') div1.innerHTML = '1.components' const div2 = document.createElement('div') div2.innerHTML = '2.components' const div3 = document.createElement('div') div3.innerHTML = '3.components' const div4 = document.createElement('div') div4.innerHTML = '4.components' const routerMap = { "/1": div1, "/2": div2, "/3": div3, "/4": div4 }; function route(container) { // 獲取路由hash 值 let hashName = window.location.pathname; if (hashName === "/") { hashName = "/1"; } // 獲取路由對應的組件 let components = routerMap[hashName] if(!components) { // 404 components = document.querySelector("#div404"); } components.style.display = 'block' // 展示界面 container.innerHTML = ""; container.appendChild(components); } const allA = document.querySelectorAll("a.link"); for(let a of allA) { a.addEventListener('click', ()=> { e.preventDefault(); const href = a.getAttribute("href"); window.history.pushState(null, `page ${href}`, href); // 路由變化更新 onStateChange(href); }) } route(app) function onStateChange() { route(app); }
這里其實html部分是一樣的,相比于hashRouter, 變化點在于 Hsitory 模式無法去監聽路由的變化需要在變化的時候手動去更新組件, 還有就是使用的api 變成了 window.history.pushState
memoryRouter 其實對于前端來說接觸的不多,因為這個路由模式更多的是出現在App上,他不適合出現在h6或者pc 上, 這種路由適合看不見的地方
const app = document.getElementById('app') const div1 = document.createElement('div') div1.innerHTML = '1.components' const div2 = document.createElement('div') div2.innerHTML = '2.components' const div3 = document.createElement('div') div3.innerHTML = '3.components' const div4 = document.createElement('div') div4.innerHTML = '4.components' const routerMap = { "/1": div1, "/2": div2, "/3": div3, "/4": div4 }; function route(container) { // 獲取路由hash 值 let number = window.localStorage.getItem("pathName"); if (hashName === "/") { hashName = "/1"; } // 獲取路由對應的組件 let components = routerMap[hashName] if(!components) { // 404 components = document.querySelector("#div404"); } components.style.display = 'block' // 展示界面 container.innerHTML = ""; container.appendChild(components); } const allA = document.querySelectorAll("a.link"); for(let a of allA) { a.addEventListener('click', ()=> { e.preventDefault(); const href = a.getAttribute("href"); window.localStorage.setItem("pathName", href); // 路由變化更新 onStateChange(href); }) } route(app) function onStateChange() { route(app); }
上面已經實現了 memoryRouter, 其實就把路由藏起來了,在某個地方去獲取