這篇文章主要講解了“golang fasthttp的踩坑分析”,文中的講解內容簡單清晰,易于學習與理解,下面請大家跟著小編的思路慢慢深入,一起來研究和學習“golang fasthttp的踩坑分析”吧!
從錯誤原因看是因為連接被占滿導致的。進入服務A的容器中(服務A和服務B都是通過docker啟動的),通過netstat -anlp查看,發現有大量的tpc連接,處于ESTABLISH。我們采用的是長連接的方式,此時心里非常疑惑:1. fasthttp是能夠復用連接的,為什么還會有如此多的TCP連接,2.為什么這些連接不能夠使用了,出現上述異常,原因是什么?
f.Client.DoTimeout(req, resp, f.ExecTimeout),其中f.Client是一個fasthttp.HostClient,f.ExecTimeout設置的是5s。
func (c *HostClient) doNonNilReqResp(req *Request, resp *Response) (bool, error) { if req == nil { panic("BUG: req cannot be nil") } if resp == nil { panic("BUG: resp cannot be nil") } atomic.StoreUint32(&c.lastUseTime, uint32(time.Now().Unix()-startTimeUnix)) // Free up resources occupied by response before sending the request, // so the GC may reclaim these resources (e.g. response body). resp.Reset() // If we detected a redirect to another schema if req.schemaUpdate { c.IsTLS = bytes.Equal(req.URI().Scheme(), strHTTPS) c.Addr = addMissingPort(string(req.Host()), c.IsTLS) c.addrIdx = 0 c.addrs = nil req.schemaUpdate = false req.SetConnectionClose() } cc, err := c.acquireConn() if err != nil { return false, err } conn := cc.c resp.parseNetConn(conn) if c.WriteTimeout > 0 { // Set Deadline every time, since golang has fixed the performance issue // See https://github.com/golang/go/issues/15133#issuecomment-271571395 for details currentTime := time.Now() if err = conn.SetWriteDeadline(currentTime.Add(c.WriteTimeout)); err != nil { c.closeConn(cc) return true, err } } resetConnection := false if c.MaxConnDuration > 0 && time.Since(cc.createdTime) > c.MaxConnDuration && !req.ConnectionClose() { req.SetConnectionClose() resetConnection = true } userAgentOld := req.Header.UserAgent() if len(userAgentOld) == 0 { req.Header.userAgent = c.getClientName() } bw := c.acquireWriter(conn) err = req.Write(bw) if resetConnection { req.Header.ResetConnectionClose() } if err == nil { err = bw.Flush() } if err != nil { c.releaseWriter(bw) c.closeConn(cc) return true, err } c.releaseWriter(bw) if c.ReadTimeout > 0 { // Set Deadline every time, since golang has fixed the performance issue // See https://github.com/golang/go/issues/15133#issuecomment-271571395 for details currentTime := time.Now() if err = conn.SetReadDeadline(currentTime.Add(c.ReadTimeout)); err != nil { c.closeConn(cc) return true, err } } if !req.Header.IsGet() && req.Header.IsHead() { resp.SkipBody = true } if c.DisableHeaderNamesNormalizing { resp.Header.DisableNormalizing() } br := c.acquireReader(conn) if err = resp.ReadLimitBody(br, c.MaxResponseBodySize); err != nil { c.releaseReader(br) c.closeConn(cc) // Don't retry in case of ErrBodyTooLarge since we will just get the same again. retry := err != ErrBodyTooLarge return retry, err } c.releaseReader(br) if resetConnection || req.ConnectionClose() || resp.ConnectionClose() { c.closeConn(cc) } else { c.releaseConn(cc) } return false, err }
func (c *HostClient) acquireConn() (*clientConn, error) { var cc *clientConn createConn := false startCleaner := false var n int c.connsLock.Lock() n = len(c.conns) if n == 0 { maxConns := c.MaxConns if maxConns <= 0 { maxConns = DefaultMaxConnsPerHost } if c.connsCount < maxConns { c.connsCount++ createConn = true if !c.connsCleanerRun { startCleaner = true c.connsCleanerRun = true } } } else { n-- cc = c.conns[n] c.conns[n] = nil c.conns = c.conns[:n] } c.connsLock.Unlock() if cc != nil { return cc, nil } if !createConn { return nil, ErrNoFreeConns } if startCleaner { go c.connsCleaner() } conn, err := c.dialHostHard() if err != nil { c.decConnsCount() return nil, err } cc = acquireClientConn(conn) return cc, nil }
其中ErrNoFreeConns 即為errors.New("no free connections available to host"),該錯誤就是我們服務中出現的錯誤。那原因很明顯就是因為!createConn,即無法創建新的連接,為什么無法創建新的連接,是因為連接數已經達到了maxConns =DefaultMaxConnsPerHost = 512(默認值)。連接數達到最大值了,但是為什么連接沒有回收也沒有復用,從這塊看,還是沒有看出來。又仔細的查了一下業務代碼,發現很多服務A到服務B的請求,都是因為超時了而結束的,即達到了f.ExecTimeout = 5s。
func clientDoDeadline(req *Request, resp *Response, deadline time.Time, c clientDoer) error { timeout := -time.Since(deadline) if timeout <= 0 { return ErrTimeout } var ch chan error chv := errorChPool.Get() if chv == nil { chv = make(chan error, 1) } ch = chv.(chan error) // Make req and resp copies, since on timeout they no longer // may be accessed. reqCopy := AcquireRequest() req.copyToSkipBody(reqCopy) swapRequestBody(req, reqCopy) respCopy := AcquireResponse() if resp != nil { // Not calling resp.copyToSkipBody(respCopy) here to avoid // unexpected messing with headers respCopy.SkipBody = resp.SkipBody } // Note that the request continues execution on ErrTimeout until // client-specific ReadTimeout exceeds. This helps limiting load // on slow hosts by MaxConns* concurrent requests. // // Without this 'hack' the load on slow host could exceed MaxConns* // concurrent requests, since timed out requests on client side // usually continue execution on the host. var mu sync.Mutex var timedout bool //這個goroutine是用來處理連接以及發送請求的 go func() { errDo := c.Do(reqCopy, respCopy) mu.Lock() { if !timedout { if resp != nil { respCopy.copyToSkipBody(resp) swapResponseBody(resp, respCopy) } swapRequestBody(reqCopy, req) ch <- errDo } } mu.Unlock() ReleaseResponse(respCopy) ReleaseRequest(reqCopy) }() //這塊內容是用來處理超時的 tc := AcquireTimer(timeout) var err error select { case err = <-ch: case <-tc.C: mu.Lock() { timedout = true err = ErrTimeout } mu.Unlock() } ReleaseTimer(tc) select { case <-ch: default: } errorChPool.Put(chv) return err }
// DoTimeout performs the given request and waits for response during // the given timeout duration. // // Request must contain at least non-zero RequestURI with full url (including // scheme and host) or non-zero Host header + RequestURI. // // The function doesn't follow redirects. Use Get* for following redirects. // // Response is ignored if resp is nil. // // ErrTimeout is returned if the response wasn't returned during // the given timeout. // // ErrNoFreeConns is returned if all HostClient.MaxConns connections // to the host are busy. // // It is recommended obtaining req and resp via AcquireRequest // and AcquireResponse in performance-critical code. // // Warning: DoTimeout does not terminate the request itself. The request will // continue in the background and the response will be discarded. // If requests take too long and the connection pool gets filled up please // try setting a ReadTimeout. func (c *HostClient) DoTimeout(req *Request, resp *Response, timeout time.Duration) error { return clientDoTimeout(req, resp, timeout, c) }
感謝各位的閱讀,以上就是“golang fasthttp的踩坑分析”的內容了,經過本文的學習后,相信大家對golang fasthttp的踩坑分析這一問題有了更深刻的體會,具體使用情況還需要大家實踐驗證。這里是億速云,小編將為大家推送更多相關知識點的文章,歡迎關注!