# 概述
相信很多剛用google 搜索資料的童鞋, 對于搜索時用什么關鍵詞,或者如何提問會比較懵逼, 本文整理了一些比較常用的 搜索關鍵詞,助你搜索出更優質的資料。更多搜索關鍵詞請探索 Stack Overflow。
# 最佳實踐
xx best practice
# 最好的xx
the best of java IO library
# 命名約定(規范)
What are naming convention for mongodb
# 如何做?
- How do I enumerate an enum?
- how do you ....
- how to get/do ... in C#
- How does the “this” keyword work?
# 是什么?
- what are the dog
- What is a NullReferenceException, and how do I fix it?
- What is the best way to iterate over a Dictionary in C#?
- What is the ...
# 如何能
- How can I prevent SQL-injection in PHP?
- How can I SELECT rows with MAX(Column value), DISTINCT by another column in SQL?
# xx 和 yy 有什么不同
what is the difference between xx and yy
# xxx 和 yyy 比較
xxx vs yyy
# 應用場景 : 好處, 作用, 優缺點 ,功能
- when to use mongodb
- mongodb usage scenarios
# xx原理, 工作機制
- how xxx internal works
- xx architecture
- understand xxx
# xx 生命周期
xx lifecycle
# 編碼規范
coding convertion
# 判斷一個文件是否在使用的方式
is there a way to check if a file is in use
# 判斷一個列是否存在
how to check if a colum exist in sql server
# 常用的 xx
frequently used java packages