<form id="form2" name="form2" method="post" action="del_product.php" onsubmit="return checkF(this)"> <label> <input type="checkbox" name="id[]" value="<?php echo $rs['id'];?>" /> </label> <div ><input type="button" value="全選" onClick="selectBox('all')"/> <input type="button" value="反選" onClick="selectBox('reverse')"/> <input type="submit" name="btnSave" value="刪除"/></div> </form>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> function selectBox(selectType){ var checkboxis = document.getElementsByName("id[]"); if(selectType == "reverse"){ for (var i=0; i<checkboxis.length; i++){ //alert(checkboxis[i].checked); checkboxis[i].checked = !checkboxis[i].checked; } } else if(selectType == "all") { for (var i=0; i<checkboxis.length; i++){ //alert(checkboxis[i].checked); checkboxis[i].checked = true; } } } </script>
<?php include('checkadmin.php'); header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); if($_POST['btnSave']){ if(empty($_POST['id'])){ echo"<script>alert('必須選擇一個產品,才可以刪除!');history.back(-1);</script>"; exit; }else{ /*如果要獲取全部數值則使用下面代碼*/ $id= implode(",",$_POST['id']); $str="DELETE FROM `product` where id in ($id)"; mysql_query($str); echo "<script>alert('刪除成功!');window.location.href='product_list.php';</script>"; } } ?>
<?php Class DB { private $link_id; private $handle; private $is_log; private $time; //構造函數 public function __construct() { $this->time = $this->microtime_float(); require_once("config.db.php"); $this->connect($db_config["hostname"], $db_config["username"], $db_config["password"], $db_config["database"], $db_config["pconnect"]); $this->is_log = $db_config["log"]; if($this->is_log){ $handle = fopen($db_config["logfilepath"]."dblog.txt", "a+"); $this->handle=$handle; } } //數據庫連接 public function connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpw, $dbname, $pconnect = 0,$charset='utf8') { if( $pconnect==0 ) { $this->link_id = @mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpw, true); if(!$this->link_id){ $this->halt("數據庫連接失敗"); } } else { $this->link_id = @mysql_pconnect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpw); if(!$this->link_id){ $this->halt("數據庫持久連接失敗"); } } if(!@mysql_select_db($dbname,$this->link_id)) { $this->halt('數據庫選擇失敗'); } @mysql_query("set names ".$charset); } //查詢 public function query($sql) { $this->write_log("查詢 ".$sql); $query = mysql_query($sql,$this->link_id); if(!$query) $this->halt('Query Error: ' . $sql); return $query; } //獲取一條記錄(MYSQL_ASSOC,MYSQL_NUM,MYSQL_BOTH) public function get_one($sql,$result_type = MYSQL_ASSOC) { $query = $this->query($sql); $rt =& mysql_fetch_array($query,$result_type); $this->write_log("獲取一條記錄 ".$sql); return $rt; } //獲取全部記錄 public function get_all($sql,$result_type = MYSQL_ASSOC) { $query = $this->query($sql); $i = 0; $rt = array(); while($row =& mysql_fetch_array($query,$result_type)) { $rt[$i]=$row; $i++; } $this->write_log("獲取全部記錄 ".$sql); return $rt; } //插入 public function insert($table,$dataArray) { $field = ""; $value = ""; if( !is_array($dataArray) || count($dataArray)<=0) { $this->halt('沒有要插入的數據'); return false; } while(list($key,$val)=each($dataArray)) { $field .="$key,"; $value .="'$val',"; } $field = substr( $field,0,-1); $value = substr( $value,0,-1); $sql = "insert into $table($field) values($value)"; $this->write_log("插入 ".$sql); if(!$this->query($sql)) return false; return true; } //更新 public function update( $table,$dataArray,$condition="") { if( !is_array($dataArray) || count($dataArray)<=0) { $this->halt('沒有要更新的數據'); return false; } $value = ""; while( list($key,$val) = each($dataArray)) $value .= "$key = '$val',"; $value .= substr( $value,0,-1); $sql = "update $table set $value where 1=1 and $condition"; $this->write_log("更新 ".$sql); if(!$this->query($sql)) return false; return true; } //刪除 public function delete( $table,$condition="") { if( empty($condition) ) { $this->halt('沒有設置刪除的條件'); return false; } $sql = "delete from $table where 1=1 and $condition"; $this->write_log("刪除 ".$sql); if(!$this->query($sql)) return false; return true; } //返回結果集 public function fetch_array($query, $result_type = MYSQL_ASSOC){ $this->write_log("返回結果集"); return mysql_fetch_array($query, $result_type); } //獲取記錄條數 public function num_rows($results) { if(!is_bool($results)) { $num = mysql_num_rows($results); $this->write_log("獲取的記錄條數為".$num); return $num; } else { return 0; } } //釋放結果集 public function free_result() { $void = func_get_args(); foreach($void as $query) { if(is_resource($query) && get_resource_type($query) === 'mysql result') { return mysql_free_result($query); } } $this->write_log("釋放結果集"); } //獲取最后插入的id public function insert_id() { $id = mysql_insert_id($this->link_id); $this->write_log("最后插入的id為".$id); return $id; } //關閉數據庫連接 protected function close() { $this->write_log("已關閉數據庫連接"); return @mysql_close($this->link_id); } //錯誤提示 private function halt($msg='') { $msg .= "\r\n".mysql_error(); $this->write_log($msg); die($msg); } //析構函數 public function __destruct() { $this->free_result(); $use_time = ($this-> microtime_float())-($this->time); $this->write_log("完成整個查詢任務,所用時間為".$use_time); if($this->is_log){ fclose($this->handle); } } //寫入日志文件 public function write_log($msg=''){ if($this->is_log){ $text = date("Y-m-d H:i:s")." ".$msg."\r\n"; fwrite($this->handle,$text); } } //獲取毫秒數 public function microtime_float() { list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime()); return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec); } } ?>
<?php $db_config["hostname"] = "localhost"; //服務器地址 $db_config["username"] = "root"; //數據庫用戶名 $db_config["password"] = "123"; //數據庫密碼 $db_config["database"] = "test"; //數據庫名稱 $db_config["charset"] = "utf8";//數據庫編碼 $db_config["pconnect"] = 1;//開啟持久連接 $db_config["log"] = 1;//開啟日志 $db_config["logfilepath"] = './';//開啟日志 ?>