check_lock.sql腳本 列出對象鎖(lock)信息及其被殺的會話(sid,serial#)信息 set linesize 132 pagesize 66 break on Kill on username on terminal column Kill heading 'Kill String' format a13 column res heading 'Resource Type' format 999 column id1 format 9999990 column id2 format 9999990 column lmode heading 'Lock Held' format a20 column request heading 'Lock Requested' format a20 column serial# format 99999 column username format a10 heading "Username" column terminal heading Term format a6 column tab format a35 heading "Table Name" column owner format a9 column Address format a18 column ctime heading "Seconds" select nvl(S.USERNAME,'Internal') username, nvl(S.TERMINAL,'None') terminal, L.SID||','||S.SERIAL# Kill, U1.NAME||'.'||substr(T1.NAME,1,20) tab, decode(L.LMODE,1,'No Lock', 2,'Row Share', 3,'Row Exclusive', 4,'Share', 5,'Share Row Exclusive', 6,'Exclusive',null) lmode, decode(L.REQUEST,1,'No Lock', 2,'Row Share', 3,'Row Exclusive', 4,'Share', 5,'Share Row Exclusive', 6,'Exclusive',null) request, l.ctime from V$LOCK L, V$SESSION S, SYS.USER$ U1, SYS.OBJ$ T1 where L.SID = S.SID and T1.OBJ# = decode(L.ID2,0,L.ID1,L.ID2) and U1.USER# = T1.OWNER# and S.TYPE != 'BACKGROUND' order by 1,2,5 / 會話1: 以scott用戶登錄創建一個表t1 [root@Oel_10G ~]# su - oracle [oracle@Oel_10G ~]$ sqlplus scott/oracle SQL> create table t1 (i int); Table created. SQL> insert into t1 values(1); 1 row created. SQL> commit; Commit complete. 在會話1中給t1加一個鎖 SQL> select * from t1 for update; I ---------- 1 會話 2: 在會話2中更新t1表的一行, 由于t1表中有Row Exclusive鎖,此時會話2獲取不到鎖暫時為掛起狀態 [root@Oel_10G ~]# su - oracle [oracle@Oel_10G ~]$ sqlplus scott/oracle SQL> update t1 set i=3 where i=1; 會話 3: 在會話3中更新t1表的一行, 由于t1表中有Row Exclusive鎖,此時會話3獲取不到鎖暫時為掛起狀態 [root@Oel_10G ~]# su - oracle [oracle@Oel_10G ~]$ sqlplus scott/oracle SQL> update t1 set i=5 where i=1; 會話 4: 新開一個會話,以sys登陸,執行lock_check.sql查看相關對象鎖信息 [root@Oel_10G ~]# su - oracle [oracle@Oel_10G ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba SQL>@check_lock.sql Username Term Kill String Table Name Lock Held Lock Requested Seconds ---------- ------ ------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ---------- SCOTT pts/1 525,891 PUBLIC.V$SQLAREA_PLAN_HASH Exclusive 108 SCOTT.T1 Row Exclusive 108 SCOTT pts/2 544,8727 SCOTT.T1 Row Exclusive 72 PUBLIC.V$SQLAREA_PLAN_HASH Exclusive 72 SCOTT pts/3 522,5542 SCOTT.T1 Row Exclusive 6 PUBLIC.V$SQLAREA_PLAN_HASH Exclusive 6 6 rows selected. 執行腳本后,結果列出表t1相關對象及鎖信息,會話1持有t1的行獨占鎖,會話2與會話3都在請求Exclusive鎖 現在我們kill掉scott用戶下sid,serial#為(522,5542)的會話 SQL> alter system kill session '522,5542'; System altered 在會話3中可以看到(sid,serial#)(522,5542)被殺掉 SQL> update t1 set i=5 where i=1; update t1 set i=5 where i=1 * ERROR at line 1: ORA-00028: your session has been killed 在會話4中繼續執行check_lock.sql SQL>@check_lock.sql Username Term Kill String Table Name Lock Held Lock Requested Seconds ---------- ------ ------------- ----------------------------------- -------------------- -------------------- ---------- SCOTT pts/1 525,891 PUBLIC.V$SQLAREA_PLAN_HASH Exclusive 388 SCOTT.T1 Row Exclusive 388 SCOTT pts/2 544,8727 SCOTT.T1 Row Exclusive 352 PUBLIC.V$SQLAREA_PLAN_HASH Exclusive 352 此時,會話3已被***