微信小程序 input輸入及動態設置按鈕的實現
<view class="container"> <!--手機號--> <view class="section"> <text class="txt">手機號</text> <input value="{{mobile}}" placeholder-class="placeholder" placeholder="11位手機號碼" type="number" maxlength="11" bindinput="mobileInput"/> </view> <!--圖片驗證碼--> <view class="section"> <view> <text class="txt">圖形驗證碼</text> <input placeholder-class="placeholder" placeholder="輸入圖形驗證碼" type="text" maxlength="4" bindinput="imgCaptchaInput"/> </view> <image class="imgBtn" src="{{imgCodeSrc}}" bindtap="getImgCode"></image> </view> <!--短信驗證碼--> <view class="section"> <view> <text class="txt">驗證碼</text> <input placeholder-class="placeholder" placeholder="輸入驗證碼" type="number" maxlength="6" bindinput="smsCaptchaInput"/> </view> <view class="smsBtn" bindtap="getSMS">{{captchaText}}</view> </view> <view class="agree" style="margin-top:40rpx"> <checkbox-group bindchange="checkboxChange"> <checkbox class="check" value="1" checked="true" bindchange="checkboxChange"></checkbox> </checkbox-group> <span>已閱讀并同意</span> <text style="color:#98c7ff" bindtap="xieyi">《用戶使用協議》</text> </view> <view class="regist {{phoneAll&&checkAgree?'active':''}}" bindtap="regist">立即登錄</view> </view> <!--mask--> <view class="toast_mask" wx:if="{{isShowToast}}"></view> <!--以下為toast顯示的內容--> <view class="toast_content_box" wx:if="{{isShowToast}}"> <view class="toast_content"> <view class="toast_content_text"> {{toastText}} </view> </view> </view>
// 獲取全局應用程序實例對象 const app = getApp() Page({ data: { //toast默認不顯示 isShowToast: false, mobile: '', imgCode: '', code: '', // inviteCode: '', errorContent: '請輸入手機號', timer: 60, captchaText: '獲取驗證碼', captchaSended: false, isReadOnly: false, capKey: '', sendRegist: false, imgCodeSrc: '', phoneAll: false, checkAgree:true, checkboxValue:[1], }, // 顯示彈窗 showToast(txt, duration = 1500) { //設置toast時間,toast內容 this.setData({ count: duration, toastText: txt }); var _this = this; // toast時間 _this.data.count = parseInt(_this.data.count) ? parseInt(_this.data.count) : 3000; // 顯示toast _this.setData({ isShowToast: true, }); // 定時器關閉 setTimeout(function () { _this.setData({ isShowToast: false }); }, _this.data.count); }, // 雙向綁定mobile mobileInput(e) { this.setData({ mobile: e.detail.value }); if(this.data.mobile.length===11){ this.setData({ phoneAll: true }); }else if(this.data.mobile.length<11){ this.setData({ phoneAll: false }); } }, // 雙向綁定img驗證碼 imgCaptchaInput(e) { this.setData({ imgCode: e.detail.value }); }, // 雙向綁定sms驗證碼 smsCaptchaInput(e) { this.setData({ code: e.detail.value }); }, // 同意協議 checkboxChange(e) { this.data.checkboxValue = e.detail.value; if(this.data.checkboxValue[0]==1){ this.setData({ checkAgree: true }); }else { this.setData({ checkAgree: false }); } }, // 獲取短信驗證碼 getSMS() { var that = this.data; if (!that.mobile) { this.showToast('請輸入手機號'); } else if (that.mobile.length != 11 || isNaN(that.mobile)) { this.showToast('請輸入正確手機號'); } else if (that.imgCode.length != 4) { this.showToast('請輸入正確圖片驗證碼'); } else { if (that.captchaSended) return; this.setData({ captchaSended: true }) app.api.getSMSByMobileAndCaptcha({ mobile: that.mobile, capKey: that.capKey, code: that.imgCode, type:1 }).then((result) => { this.showToast(result.message); if (result.code != 1) { this.getImgCode(); this.setData({ captchaSended: false, }); } else { var counter = setInterval(() => { that.timer--; this.setData({ timer: that.timer, captchaText: `${that.timer}秒`, isReadOnly: true }); if (that.timer === 0) { clearInterval(counter); that.captchaSended = false; that.captchaText = '獲取驗證碼'; this.setData({ timer: 60, captchaText: '獲取驗證碼', captchaSended: false }) } }, 1000); } }); } }, // 獲取圖形碼 getImgCode() { var capKey = "zdx-weixin" + Math.random(); this.setData({ imgCodeSrc: "http://prezdx.geinihua.com/invite/WeChat/verify?capKey=" + capKey, capKey: capKey }); }, //用戶使用協議 xieyi() { wx.navigateTo({ url: '../userXieyi/userXieyi' }) }, // 注冊 regist() { var that = this.data; if(!that.checkAgree||!that.phoneAll){ return } // sessionCheck為1,目的是防止微信code碼先于session過期 var code = wx.getStorageSync('wxCode'); var sessionCheck = wx.getStorageSync('sessionCheck'); wx.setStorageSync('mobile',that.mobile); if (!that.mobile) { this.showToast('請輸入手機號'); } else if (that.mobile.length != 11 || isNaN(that.mobile)) { this.showToast('請輸入正確手機號'); } else if (that.code.length != 6) { this.showToast('請輸入正確驗證碼'); } else { wx.showLoading({ title: '加載中...', }); app.api.loginByCaptcha({ mobile: that.mobile, smsCode: that.code, code: code, sessionCheck:sessionCheck, }).then((res) => { wx.hideLoading(); if (res.code == 2||res.code==1) { //注冊成功 wx.setStorageSync('token', res.businessObj.token); wx.setStorageSync('userId',res.businessObj.userId); this.sucessCb(res); app.globalData.isLogin = true; //設置為登錄成功 } else { this.showToast(res.message); } }); } }, // 成功回調 sucessCb(res) { wx.redirectTo({ url: '/pages/index/index' }) }, onLoad: function () { this.getImgCode(); var that=this; if(wx.getStorageSync('mobile')){ that.setData({ mobile: wx.getStorageSync('mobile'), }) } if(this.data.mobile.length===11){ this.setData({ phoneAll: true }); } }, })