在編程中經常會遇到圖片等數據集將圖片等數據以URL形式存儲在txt文檔中,為便于后續的分析,需要將其下載下來,并按照文件夾分類存儲。本文以Github中Alexander Kim提供的圖片分類數據集為例,下載其提供的圖片樣本并分類保存
Python 3.6.5,Anaconda, VSCode
1. 下載數據集文件
2. 獲取樣本文件位置
import os def get_file(root_path, all_files={}): ''' 遞歸函數,遍歷該文檔目錄和子目錄下的所有文件,獲取其path ''' files = os.listdir(root_path) for file in files: if not os.path.isdir(root_path + '/' + file): # not a dir all_files[file] = root_path + '/' + file else: # is a dir get_file((root_path+'/'+file), all_files) return all_files if __name__ == '__main__': path = './raw_data' print(get_file(path))
3. 下載文件
3.1 讀取url列表并
for filename, path in paths.items(): print('reading file: {}'.format(filename)) with open(path, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() url_list = [] for line in lines: url_list.append(line.strip('\n')) print(url_list)
3.2 創建文件夾
foldername = "./picture_get_by_url/pic_download/{}".format(filename.split('.')[0]) if not os.path.exists(folder_path): print("Selected folder not exist, try to create it.") os.makedirs(folder_path)
3.3 下載圖片
def get_pic_by_url(folder_path, lists): if not os.path.exists(folder_path): print("Selected folder not exist, try to create it.") os.makedirs(folder_path) for url in lists: print("Try downloading file: {}".format(url)) filename = url.split('/')[-1] filepath = folder_path + '/' + filename if os.path.exists(filepath): print("File have already exist. skip") else: try: urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, filename=filepath) except Exception as e: print("Error occurred when downloading file, error message:") print(e)
4. 完整源碼
4.1 get_doc_path.py
import os def get_file(root_path, all_files={}): ''' 遞歸函數,遍歷該文檔目錄和子目錄下的所有文件,獲取其path ''' files = os.listdir(root_path) for file in files: if not os.path.isdir(root_path + '/' + file): # not a dir all_files[file] = root_path + '/' + file else: # is a dir get_file((root_path+'/'+file), all_files) return all_files if __name__ == '__main__': path = './raw_data' print(get_file(path))
4.2 get_pic.py
import get_doc_path import os import urllib.request def get_pic_by_url(folder_path, lists): if not os.path.exists(folder_path): print("Selected folder not exist, try to create it.") os.makedirs(folder_path) for url in lists: print("Try downloading file: {}".format(url)) filename = url.split('/')[-1] filepath = folder_path + '/' + filename if os.path.exists(filepath): print("File have already exist. skip") else: try: urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, filename=filepath) except Exception as e: print("Error occurred when downloading file, error message:") print(e) if __name__ == "__main__": root_path = './picture_get_by_url/raw_data' paths = get_doc_path.get_file(root_path) print(paths) for filename, path in paths.items(): print('reading file: {}'.format(filename)) with open(path, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() url_list = [] for line in lines: url_list.append(line.strip('\n')) foldername = "./picture_get_by_url/pic_download/{}".format(filename.split('.')[0]) get_pic_by_url(foldername, url_list)
4.3 運行結果
{‘urls_drawings.txt': ‘./picture_get_by_url/raw_data/drawings/urls_drawings.txt', ‘urls_hentai.txt': ‘./picture_get_by_url/raw_data/hentai/urls_hentai.txt', ‘urls_neutral.txt': ‘./picture_get_by_url/raw_data/neutral/urls_neutral.txt', ‘urls_porn.txt': ‘./picture_get_by_url/raw_data/porn/urls_porn.txt', ‘urls_sexy.txt': ‘./picture_get_by_url/raw_data/sexy/urls_sexy.txt'}
reading file: urls_drawings.txt
Try downloading file: http://41.media.tumblr.com/xxxxxx.jpg
Try downloading file: http://41.media.tumblr.com/xxxxxx.jpg
Try downloading file: http://ak1.polyvoreimg.com/cgi/img-thing/size/l/tid/xxxxxx.jpg
Error occurred when downloading file, error message:
HTTP Error 502: No data received from server or forwarder
Try downloading file: http://akicocotte.weblike.jp/gaugau/xxxxxx.jpg
Try downloading file: http://animewriter.files.wordpress.com/2009/01/nagisa-xxxxxx-xxxxxx.jpg
Try downloading file: http://cdn.awwni.me/xxxxxx.jpg
Try downloading file: http://cdn.awwni.me/xxxxxx.jpg
Try downloading file: http://cdn.awwni.me/xxxxxx.jpg
Try downloading file: http://cdn.awwni.me/xxxxxx.jpg
Try downloading file: http://cdn.awwni.me/xxxxxx.jpg
Try downloading file: http://cdn.awwni.me/xxxxxx.jpg
Try downloading file: http://cdn.awwni.me/xxxxxx.jpg
Try downloading file: http://cdn.awwni.me/xxxxxx.jpg
Try downloading file: http://cdn.awwni.me/xxxxxx.jpg
Try downloading file: http://cdn.awwni.me/xxxxxx.jpg
Try downloading file: http://cdn.awwni.me/xxxxxx.jpg
Try downloading file: http://cdn.awwni.me/xxxxxx.jpg
Try downloading file: http://cdn.awwni.me/xxxxxx.jpg
Try downloading file: http://cdn.awwni.me/xxxxxx.jpg
Try downloading file: http://cdn.awwni.me/xxxxxx.jpg
Try downloading file: http://cdn.awwni.me/xxxxxx.jpg
Try downloading file: http://cdn.awwni.me/xxxxxx.jpg