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發布時間:2020-06-28 17:40:05 來源:網絡 閱讀:972 作者:大Q小Q 欄目:關系型數據庫


1. 比black工資高的雇員有哪些?

select ename 

from emp

where sal>(select sal from emp where ename='BLAKE');

2. 高于30部門最高工資的雇員有哪些?

select ename,sal 

from emp

where sal>(select max(sal) from emp where deptno=30);

select ename,sal 

from emp

where sal > all (select sal from emp where deptno=10);   --任何

3. 當all后面接子查詢的時候

"x = ALL (...)": The value must match all the values in the list to evaluate to TRUE.所有值都要匹配

"x != ALL (...)": The value must not match any values in the list to evaluate to TRUE.至少有一個值不匹配

"x > ALL (...)": The value must be greater than the biggest value in the list to evaluate to TRUE.大于最大的值

"x < ALL (...)": The value must be smaller than the smallest value in the list to evaluate to TRUE.小于最小的值

"x >= ALL (...)": The value must be greater than or equal to the biggest value in the list to evaluate to TRUE.大于等于最大的值

"x <= ALL (...)": The value must be smaller than or equal to the smallest value in the list to evaluate to TRUE.小于等于最小的值

4. 大于10部門最小工資的雇員有哪些?

select ename,sal 

from emp

where sal> (select min(sal) from emp where deptno=10);

select ename,sal 

from emp

where sal > any (select sal from emp where deptno=10);   --any 大于任何一個,那不就是最小的么??,任意一個

5. 當any后面接子查詢的時候

"x = ANY (...)": The value must match one or more values in the list to evaluate to TRUE.至少匹配一個值

"x != ANY (...)": The value must not match one or more values in the list to evaluate to TRUE.一個值都不匹配

"x > ANY (...)": The value must be greater than the smallest value in the list to evaluate to TRUE.大于最小值

"x < ANY (...)": The value must be smaller than the biggest value in the list to evaluate to TRUE.小于最大值

"x >= ANY (...)": The value must be greater than or equal to the smallest value in the list to evaluate to TRUE.大于等于最小值

"x <= ANY (...)": The value must be smaller than or equal to the biggest value in the list to evaluate to TRUE.小于等于最大值

6. 工資最高的人是誰?

select ename from emp

where sal=(select max(sal) from emp);

7. 和ALLEN同部門,工資高于MARTIN的雇員有哪些?

select ename from emp

where deptno=(select deptno from emp where ename='ALLEN')

and sal>(select sal from emp where ename='MARTIN');

8. 工作和部門與SMITH相同,工資高于JAMES的雇員有哪些?

select ename from emp

where (job,deptno)=(select job,deptno from emp where ename='SMITH')

and sal>(select sal from emp where ename='JAMES');


1. 工資高于本部門平均工資的人(拿上游工資的人)有哪些?



select ename,sal,avgsal,e.deptno

from emp e,

(select avg(sal) avgsal,deptno 

from emp

group by deptno) b

where e.deptno=b.deptno

and e.sal>b.avgsal;



1. 工資前五名的人?(TOP-N 分析)


    ②在使用rownum限結果集(為什么不在第一步就使用rownum限定結果集?執行順序的問題,where要比order by先執行,獲取rownum<6的時候還沒來得及排序在從emp里面拿出來

select ename,sal

from emp

where sal in

(select sal 

from (select distinct sal from emp order by sal desc)

where rownum<6)

order by sal desc;

3. 工資6~10的人?


    ②把工資排名在6~10的拿出來,由于不能使用rownum>6 and xxx<10這樣,所以要加一步,把rownum變成id列,這樣就又構造成一個結果集



select ename,sal from emp 

where sal in 

(select sal from 

(select rownum rn,sal 

from (select distinct sal 

      from emp order by sal desc))

where rn between 6 and 10)

order by sal desc;




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