硬件需求:系統內存最少8g,swape空間至少8g,OCR磁盤組最少39g。 需要額外執行操作 su - oracle ulimit -s 10240 --對當前會話生效,但對同一時間的其他會話不生效,除新會話之外 ulimit -a 校驗(-s選項值) su - grid ulimit -s 10240 ulimit -a 校驗(-s選項值) 安裝前grid的環境變量中不需要設置ORACEL_HOME,安裝成功后,再次添加ORACLE_HOME變量。 節點一:將grid壓縮包解壓到ORACLE_HOME中, 節點二:無須解壓grid的zip文件,保證ORACLE_HOME下沒有文件或文件夾。 與11gRAC安裝不同的是,11g RAC中可以自己選擇grid用戶的ORACLE_HOME, 而12cRAC安裝時,強制指定ORACLE_HOME為軟件解壓位置,且無法修改。 虛擬機vmware,除增加磁盤共享配置(disk.locking="FALSE")外,還需要添加 disk.EnableUUID="TRUE" 如果不加,會導致rac環境安裝前的檢查報錯 ( Verification WARNING result on node: 12c-rac01 Details: - PRVG-0805 : Signature for storage path "/dev/oracleasm/disks/OCR" could not be determined on node "12c-rac01". - Cause: An error occurred while attempting to determine the storage signature of the indicated path. Accompanying messages provide further details. - Action: Resolve the issues described in any accompanying messages and retry. - PRVG-2078 : Execution of command "/usr/sbin/cvuqdisk -sign2" on node "12c-rac01" for disk "/dev/sdb1" showed there was no UUID in the disk label. - Cause: An attempt to retrieve the universally unique ID (UUID) for the indicated disk on the node shown using the indicated command in order to check for sharedness across nodes determined that the disk did not have a UUID. Sharedness could not be checked for this device. - Action: To check sharedness for the indicated device, assigned it a UUID using the commands specific to the platform and retry the sharedness check. Alternatively, select a different device with a UUID for shared access and verify sharedness for that disk. - PRVG-2078 : Execution of command "/usr/sbin/cvuqdisk -sign" on node "12c-rac01" for disk "/dev/sdb1" showed there was no UUID in the disk label. - Cause: An attempt to retrieve the universally unique ID (UUID) for the indicated disk on the node shown using the indicated command in order to check for sharedness across nodes determined that the disk did not have a UUID. Sharedness could not be checked for this device. - Action: To check sharedness for the indicated device, assigned it a UUID using the commands specific to the platform and retry the sharedness check. Alternatively, select a different device with a UUID for shared access and verify sharedness for that disk. - PRVG-2078 : Execution of command "/sbin/udevadm info -n /dev/sdb1 -q all" on node "12c-rac01" for disk "/dev/sdb1" showed there was no UUID in the disk label. - Cause: An attempt to retrieve the universally unique ID (UUID) for the indicated disk on the node shown using the indicated command in order to check for sharedness across nodes determined that the disk did not have a UUID. Sharedness could not be checked for this device. - Action: To check sharedness for the indicated device, assigned it a UUID using the commands specific to the platform and retry the sharedness check. Alternatively, select a different device with a UUID for shared access and verify sharedness for that disk. - PRVG-0805 : Signature for storage path "/dev/oracleasm/disks/OCR" could not be determined on node "12c-rac01". - Cause: An error occurred while attempting to determine the storage signature of the indicated path. Accompanying messages provide further details. - Action: Resolve the issues described in any accompanying messages and retry. - ) 報錯大致意思為,檢查磁盤時,運行如下命令< /usr/sbin/cvuqdisk -sign2 /dev/sdb1 /usr/sbin/cvuqdisk -sign /dev/sdb1 /sbin/udevadm info -n /dev/sdb1 -q all >都無法獲取添加磁盤的uuid,導致的報錯。
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