本篇文章給大家分享的是有關ORACLE 12.1怎樣克隆到ORACLE 12.2,小編覺得挺實用的,因此分享給大家學習,希望大家閱讀完這篇文章后可以有所收獲,話不多說,跟著小編一起來看看吧。
1、解決版本沖突:ora-17630 ora-17628
Make sure to change into the local$ORACLE_HOME/apexdirectoryfirstbefore starting SQL*Plus as otherwise the removal process won’t work and error out – I’d assume that path variables are not carried on correctly.
cd $ORACLE_HOME/apex
Connect to your CDB$ROOT:
sqlplus / as sysdba
Run the “Remove APEX from the CDB$ROOT” script:
Check afterwards if APEX has been removed – also check for invalid objects. If necessary recompile.
In my tests two objects wereINVALIDafter the removalbut could be easily fixed
(this part is not mentioned in the documentation):
SQL> select COMP_ID, STATUS from DBA_REGISTRY where COMP_ID='APEX'; no rows selectedSQL> select object_name, status from dba_objects where status='INVALID';OBJECT_NAME STATUS -------------------------------- ------------- APEX_PKG_APP_INSTALL_LOG INVALID APEX_SPATIAL INVALID SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql SQL> select object_name, status from dba_objects where status='INVALID'; no rows selected
3、在目標端創建DB LINK
create public database link test_link connect to leotest identified by leotest using 'node1:1521/orcl';
create pluggable database clone_orcl from orcl@test_link;
@ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbupgrade -c clone_orcl
以上就是ORACLE 12.1怎樣克隆到ORACLE 12.2,小編相信有部分知識點可能是我們日常工作會見到或用到的。希望你能通過這篇文章學到更多知識。更多詳情敬請關注億速云行業資訊頻道。