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關于SQL SERVER數據頁checksum校驗算法整理

發布時間:2020-07-28 16:04:56 來源:網絡 閱讀:495 作者:宋國建 欄目:關系型數據庫

SQL SERVER數據頁checksum校驗算法

在SQL SERVER2005以上版本中,數據頁默認開啟checksum,標識為m_flagBits & 0x200 == True,其值m_tornBits位于頁頭0x3C,4字節。

將BUF頭部 CHECKSUM的4字節值清0
uint32 checksum = 0 //初始checksumfor i in range(0,15):
         overall = 0;
        for ii in range(0,127):
                overall = overall ^ BUF[i][ii];
                checksum = checksum ^ rol(overall, 15- i); 
return checksum; //Gets checksum


//***CODE***//#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>
#define seed 15 //Initial seed(for first sector)#define CHAR_BIT 8 
//***PROTOTYPES***//unsigned int page_checksum(int page_id, unsigned int *ondisk);unsigned int rol(unsigned int value, unsigned int rotation);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    unsigned int computed_checksum; //Var to retrieve calculated checksum
    unsigned int ondisk_checksum; //Var to retrieve checksum on disk
        computed_checksum = page_checksum(152, &ondisk_checksum); //page_checksum call to retrieve stored and calculated checksum for page 152
        printf("Calculated checksum: 0x%08x\n", computed_checksum);
        printf("On disk checksum: 0x%08x\n", ondisk_checksum);
unsigned int page_checksum(int page_id, unsigned int *ondisk){
    FILE *fileptr; 
    unsigned int i; 
    unsigned int j;
    unsigned int checksum;
    unsigned int overall;
    unsigned int *pagebuf[16][128]; //A pointer to describe 2d array [sector][element]
    fileptr = fopen("C:\\Users\\andre\\Desktop\\teste.mdf", "r+b"); //Open dummy data file for binary read
    fseek(fileptr, page_id * 8192, SEEK_SET); //Calculate page address on data file and points to it
    fread(pagebuf, 4, 2048, fileptr); //Read page buffer
    checksum = 0;
    overall = 0;
    *ondisk = pagebuf[0][15]; //This means that torn bits is stored on first sector in 15th element, Internals researches understand this
    pagebuf[0][15] = 0x00000000; //Fill checksum field with zeroes (this field will be discarded in algorithm)

    for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) //Loop through sectors
        overall = 0; //Reset overall sum for sectors
        for (j = 0; j < 128; j++) //Loop through elements in sector i
            overall = overall ^ (unsigned int)pagebuf[i][j]; //XOR operation between sector i elements
        checksum = checksum ^ rol(overall, seed - i); //Current checksum is overall for sector i circular shifted by seed (15 - i)
    return checksum; //Gets checksum
unsigned int rol(unsigned int value, unsigned int rotation){
    return (value) << (rotation) | (value) >> (sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT - rotation) & ( (1 << rotation) -1);



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