增刪改功能 tree.vue組件代碼:
<template> <div> <div class="all-div" v-if="model.name"> <div class="itemRow" :> <span v-show="model.children.length" @click="expandOrCollapse"> <img v-if="model.isOpen" src="../../assets/img/login_logo.png"> <img v-else src="../../assets/img/login_logo2.png"> </span> <div class="hover-div" @mouseover="flag=true" @mouseout="flag=false"> <span @click="jump(model.url)">{{model.name}}</span> <span v-show="flag==true" @click="add" >+</span> <span v-show="flag==true" @click="remove(model)"><img src="../../assets/img/del.png"></span> <span v-show="flag==true" @click="edit" >修改</span> <!--<span class="asce" v-show="model.children.length" @click="orderAsce">↑</span> <span class="desc" v-show="model.children.length" @click="orderDesc">↓</span>--> </div> </div> </div> <navigation v-if="model.isOpen" v-for="row in model.children" :key="row.name" :model="row" :length="model.children.length"></navigation> </div> </template> <script> export default { name: 'navigation', // 使用`編輯樹`組件需要傳遞的數據 props: { // 編輯樹對象 model: { type: Object }, length: { type: Number } }, data () { return { flag:false } }, methods: { // 添加節點 add(){ let val = prompt("請輸入要添加的節點的名稱:"); if (val) { this.model.children.push({ name: val, level: this.model.level + 1, isOpen: true, children: [] }); } }, // 移除節點 remove(model){ var self = this; alert('確認刪除嗎?'); if (self.$parent.model) { self.$parent.model.children.forEach((item, index) => { if (item.name == model.name) { self.$parent.model.children.splice(index, 1); } }) } }, // 編輯節點名稱 edit(){ var self = this; let rename = prompt('請輸入修改后的節點名稱:'); // 使用正則進行重命名的差錯校驗 if (!rename.length) { alert('請輸入正確的節點名稱'); return; } self.model.name = rename; }, /** * 展開/收起功能 */ expandOrCollapse(){ this.model.isOpen = !this.model.isOpen; }, jump(url){ var self = this; self.$router.push({path:url}) } /*// 升序排列 orderAsce(){ function compare(property) { return function (a, b) { var value1 = a[property]; var value2 = b[property]; return value1 - value2; } } this.model.children.sort(compare('name')); }, // 降序排列 orderDesc(){ this.orderAsce(); this.model.children.reverse(); }*/ }, } </script> <!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only --> <style scoped> .all-div{ margin-left: 6%; } .itemRow { text-align: left; padding-top: 2%; padding-bottom: 2%; } .itemRow span,.itemRow img{ cursor: pointer; } .itemRow span{ font-size: 1.1vw; } .hover-div{ display:inline-block; } </style>
<template> <div id="all"> <tree :model="root" :length="length"></tree> </div> </template> <style scoped> #all{ width:100%; height: 100%; } </style> <script> import tree from './tree.vue' export default{ data(){ return{ root:{ name:"根節點", level:0, isOpen:true, children:[ { name:"節點1", level:1, url:"/homePage/middle/navLeftFirst", isOpen:false, children:[ { name:"節點1-1", level:2, isOpen:true, children:[] }, { name:"節點1-2", level:2, isOpen:true, children:[] } ] }, { name:"節點2", level:1, url:"/homePage/middle/navLeftSecond", isOpen:false, children:[ { name:"節點2-1", level:2, isOpen:true, children:[] }, { name:"節點2-2", level:2, isOpen:true, children:[] } ] } ] }, length:2 } }, components:{ tree } } </script>