import datetime import time from email.header import Header import requests import re import smtplib from email.mime.text import MIMEText from bs4 import BeautifulSoup def listener(): #在這里我通過模擬登陸的方式登陸 #一般來說這里填寫的是username跟password #但我們學校后臺將用戶名和密碼進行了加密 #通過觀察瀏覽器的請求數據跟頁面源碼猜出學校后臺的加密方式 data={ #出于學校安全考慮,這里就不給出加密方式了 'encoded':'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' } session = requests.Session() session.post('http://jwc.sgu.edu.cn/jsxsd/xk/LoginToXk',data=data) #請求2019-2020-1學期的所有成績 r_data = { 'kksj': '2019-2020-1', 'kcxz': '', 'kcmc': '', 'xsfs': 'all' } r = session.post('http://jwc.sgu.edu.cn/jsxsd/kscj/cjcx_list', data=r_data) #對爬回來數據進行封裝 soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser') #返回已有的成績列表 oldList = toList(soup) max = len(oldList) #這里用死循環定時爬取成績頁面分析是否分布新成績 while (True): #post跟get方式不能亂用,不然數據會出錯 r = session.post('http://jwc.sgu.edu.cn/jsxsd/kscj/cjcx_list',data=r_data) soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'lxml') #print(soup.prettify()) length = len(soup.find_all(string=re.compile('2019-2020-1')))-1 print("course_length: ",length) if (r.status_code == 200 and length != 0): if (length > max): #查詢新出的成績列表 newlist = toList(soup) #獲取兩個列表不同之處,不同的就是新成績 diflist = compareTwoList(oldList, newlist) oldList=newlist if diflist=='': send("unkowned Error","unkowned Error") else: #有新成績了,發送郵件通知我 send('you have new course sorce!!', diflist) max = length print('last running time was:',datetime.datetime.now()) #定時作用,500s查一次 time.sleep(500) else: # 發送郵件斷開連接了 print("had disconnected...") send("your server is disconnected!!!","your server is disconnected!!!") break def send(title,msg): mail_host = 'smtp.qq.com' # 你的qq郵箱名,沒有.com mail_user = '你的qq郵箱名,沒有.com' # 密碼(部分郵箱為授權碼) mail_pass = '授權碼' # 郵件發送方郵箱地址 sender = '發送方郵箱地址' # 郵件接受方郵箱地址,注意需要[]包裹,這意味著你可以寫多個郵件地址群發 receivers = ['yoletpig@qq.com'] # 設置email信息 # 郵件內容設置 message = MIMEText(msg, 'plain', 'utf-8') # 郵件主題 message['Subject'] = Header(title,'utf-8') # 發送方信息 message['From'] = sender # 接受方信息 message['To'] = receivers[0] # 登錄并發送郵件 try: # smtpObj = smtplib.SMTP() # # 連接到服務器 # smtpObj.connect(mail_host, 25) smtpObj = smtplib.SMTP_SSL(mail_host) # 登錄到服務器 smtpObj.login(mail_user, mail_pass) # 發送 smtpObj.sendmail( sender,receivers,message.as_string()) # 退出 smtpObj.quit() print('success') except smtplib.SMTPException as e: print('error', e) # 打印錯誤 def toList(soup): flag = True list = [] strs = '' #對tr標簽下的td進行遍歷并取值 for tr in soup.find_all('tr'): if flag: flag = False; continue i = 1 for td in tr.stripped_strings: if (i == 1 or i == 2): i += 1 continue strs += "_" + td i += 1 list.append(strs) strs = '' return list def compareTwoList(oldList,newList): diflist='' for sub in newList: #判斷是否唯一 if(oldList.count(sub)==0): diflist = sub break return diflist if __name__ == '__main__': listener()