1 解決方案
'''載入模型結構:最關鍵的一步''' saver = tf.train.Saver() '''建立會話''' with tf.Session() as sess: for i in range(STEPS): '''開始訓練''' _, loss_1, acc, summary = sess.run([train_op_1, train_loss, train_acc, summary_op], feed_dict=feed_dict) '''保存模型''' saver.save(sess, save_path="./model/path", i)
'''預測值''' train_logits= network_model.inference(inputs, keep_prob) '''損失值''' train_loss = network_model.losses(train_logits) '''優化''' train_op = network_model.train(train_loss, learning_rate) '''準確率''' train_acc = network_model.evaluation(train_logits, labels) '''模型輸入''' feed_dict = {inputs: x_batch, labels: y_batch, keep_prob: 0.5} '''載入模型結構''' saver = tf.train.Saver() '''建立會話''' with tf.Session() as sess: for i in range(STEPS): '''開始訓練''' _, loss_1, acc, summary = sess.run([train_op_1, train_loss, train_acc, summary_op], feed_dict=feed_dict) '''保存模型''' saver.save(sess, save_path="./model/path", i)
2 時間測試
2019-05-15 10:55:29.009205: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:141] Your CPU supports instructions that this TensorFlow binary was not compiled to use: AVX2 FMA step: 0, time cost: 1.8800880908966064 step: 1, time cost: 1.592250108718872 step: 2, time cost: 1.553826093673706 step: 3, time cost: 1.5687050819396973 step: 4, time cost: 1.5777575969696045 step: 5, time cost: 1.5908267498016357 step: 6, time cost: 1.5989274978637695 step: 7, time cost: 1.6078357696533203 step: 8, time cost: 1.6087186336517334 step: 9, time cost: 1.6123006343841553 step: 10, time cost: 1.6320762634277344 step: 11, time cost: 1.6317598819732666 step: 12, time cost: 1.6570467948913574 step: 13, time cost: 1.6584930419921875 step: 14, time cost: 1.6765813827514648 step: 15, time cost: 1.6751370429992676 step: 16, time cost: 1.7304580211639404 step: 17, time cost: 1.7583982944488525
2019-05-15 13:03:49.394354: I tensorflow/core/common_runtime/gpu/gpu_device.cc:1115] Created TensorFlow device (/job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:1 with 7048 MB memory) -> physical GPU (device: 1, name: Tesla P4, pci bus id: 0000:00:0d.0, compute capability: 6.1) step: 0, time cost: 1.9781079292297363 loss1:6.78, loss2:5.47, loss3:5.27, loss4:7.31, loss5:5.44, loss6:6.87, loss7: 6.84 Total loss: 43.98, accuracy: 0.04, steps: 0, time cost: 1.9781079292297363 step: 1, time cost: 0.09688425064086914 step: 2, time cost: 0.09693264961242676 step: 3, time cost: 0.09671926498413086 step: 4, time cost: 0.09688210487365723 step: 5, time cost: 0.09646058082580566 step: 6, time cost: 0.09669041633605957 step: 7, time cost: 0.09666872024536133 step: 8, time cost: 0.09651994705200195 step: 9, time cost: 0.09705543518066406 step: 10, time cost: 0.09690332412719727
3 原因分析
(1) Tensorflow使用圖結構構建系統,圖結構中有節點(node)和邊(operation),每次進行計算時會向圖中添加邊和節點進行計算或者讀取已存在的圖結構;
(2) 使用圖結構也是一把雙刃之劍,可以加快計算和提高設計效率,但是,程序設計不合理會導向負面,使訓練越來約慢;
(3) 訓練越來越慢是因為運行一次sess.run,向圖中添加一次節點或者重新載入一次圖結構,導致圖中節點和邊越來越多,計算參數也成倍增長;
(4) tf.train.Saver()就是載入圖結構的類,因此設計訓練程序時,若每執行一次跟新就使用該類載入圖結構,自然會增加參數數量,必然導致訓練變慢;
(5) 因此,將載入圖結構的類放在全局,即只載入一次圖結構,其他時間只訓練圖結構中的參數,可保持原有的訓練速度;
4 總結
(1) 設計訓練網絡,只載入一次圖結構即可;
(2) tf.train.Saver()就是載入圖結構的類,將該類的實例化放在全局,即會話外部,解決訓練越來越慢。