



點擊 登錄注冊 即表示同意《億速云用戶服務條款》


發布時間:2020-07-16 22:53:30 來源:網絡 閱讀:689 作者:027ryan 欄目:開發技術


data = [




















data_dic = {

    'A': {

        'A1': {
























 #!/usr/bin/env python
    # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
        k,v_dic d_dic.items():
            k == parent: d_dic[k][son] = {}
                : ()
    data_dic = {}
    item data:
        parent,son = item
        parent : data_dic[son] = {}
        : tree_search(data_dic,parent,son)
    k,v data_dic.items():


>>> for item in data:
...      parent,son = item
...      print parent,"---",son
None --- A
A --- A1
A --- A1-1
A1 --- A2
A1-1 --- A2-3
A2-3 --- A3-4
A1 --- A2-2
A2 --- A3
A2-2 --- A3-3
A3 --- A4
None --- B
B --- B1
B1 --- B2
B1 --- B2-2
B2 --- B3
None --- C
C --- C1


('find parent of: ', 'A1')

('find parent of: ', 'A1-1')

going to further layer...

('find parent of: ', 'A2')

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

('find parent of: ', 'A2-3')

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

('find parent of: ', 'A3-4')

going to further layer...

('find parent of: ', 'A2-2')

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

('find parent of: ', 'A3')

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

('find parent of: ', 'A3-3')

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

('find parent of: ', 'A4')

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

('find parent of: ', 'B1')

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

('find parent of: ', 'B2')

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

('find parent of: ', 'B2-2')

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

('find parent of: ', 'B3')

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

going to further layer...

('find parent of: ', 'C1')

('A', {'A1': {'A2': {'A3': {'A4': {}}}, 'A2-2': {'A3-3': {}}}, 'A1-1': {'A2-3': {'A3-4': {}}}})

('C', {'C1': {}})

('B', {'B1': {'B2-2': {}, 'B2': {'B3': {}}}})




龙井市| 茶陵县| 建水县| 格尔木市| 义马市| 马尔康县| 阿克陶县| 西丰县| 庆元县| 石首市| 镇雄县| 乐至县| 白玉县| 嘉祥县| 清苑县| 射洪县| 稷山县| 达拉特旗| 阿图什市| 洱源县| 修武县| 浦东新区| 宣恩县| 平山县| 诏安县| 龙海市| 灵宝市| 昭平县| 盐池县| 安化县| 徐水县| 乡宁县| 赤城县| 澄城县| 化州市| 梁山县| 和林格尔县| 梅河口市| 游戏| 遂宁市| 木兰县|