#include <iostream> using namespace std; #define MAXN 10 int colors[MAXN];//record the counter of one color int colorsCounter; void find(int arr[],int len, int colorsNeed) { int bestStartIndex = 0; int bestLen = len; int lastStartIndex = 0; for ( int i=0; i<len; ++i) { if (!colors[arr[i]]) colorsCounter++; colors[arr[i]]++; if (colorsCounter==colorsNeed) { int j = lastStartIndex; while (colors[arr[j]]>1) { colors[arr[j]]--; ++j; } if (i-j+1<bestLen) { bestStartIndex = j; bestLen = i-j+1; if (bestLen==colorsNeed) break; } lastStartIndex = j; } }