typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD Py_ssize_t fill; /* Number active and dummy entries*/ Py_ssize_t used; /* Number active entries */ /* The table contains mask + 1 slots, and that's a power of 2. * We store the mask instead of the size because the mask is more * frequently needed. */ Py_ssize_t mask; /* The table points to a fixed-size smalltable for small tables * or to additional malloc'ed memory for bigger tables. * The table pointer is never NULL which saves us from repeated * runtime null-tests. */ setentry *table; Py_hash_t hash; /* Only used by frozenset objects */ Py_ssize_t finger; /* Search finger for pop() */ setentry smalltable[PySet_MINSIZE]; // #define PySet_MINSIZE 8 PyObject *weakreflist; /* List of weak references */ } PySetObject; typedef struct { PyObject *key; Py_hash_t hash; /* Cached hash code of the key */ } setentry; static PyObject _dummy_struct; #define dummy (&_dummy_struct)
dummy entries :如果在哈希表當中的數組原來有一個數據,如果我們刪除這個 entry 的時候,對應的位置就會被賦值成 dummy,與 dummy 有關的定義在上面的代碼當中已經給出,dummy 對象的哈希值等于 -1。
明白 dummy 的含義之后,fill 和 used 這兩個字段的含義就比較容易理解了,used 就是數組當中真實有效的對象的個數,fill 還需要加上 dummy 對象的個數。
mask,數組的長度等于 2n2^n2n,mask 的值等于 2n−12^n - 12n−1 。
table,實際保存 entry 對象的數組。
hash,這個值對 frozenset 有用,保存計算出來的哈希值。如果你的數組很大的話,計算哈希值其實也是一個比較大的開銷,因此可以將計算出來的哈希值保存下來,以便下一次求的時候可以將哈希值直接返回,這也印證了在 python 當中為什么只有 immutable 對象才能夠放入到集合和字典當中,因為哈希值計算一次保存下來了,如果再加入對象對象的哈希值也會變化,這樣做就會發生錯誤了。
smalltable,默認的小數組,cpython 設置的一半的集合對象不會超過這個大小(8),因此在申請一個集合對象的時候直接就申請了這個小數組的內存大小。
這個函數有兩個參數,使用第一個參數申請內存空間,然后后面一個參數如果不為 NULL 而且是一個可迭代對象的話,就將這里面的對象加入到集合當中。
static PyObject * make_new_set(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *iterable) { PySetObject *so = NULL; /* create PySetObject structure */ so = (PySetObject *)type->tp_alloc(type, 0); if (so == NULL) return NULL; // 集合當中目前沒有任何對象,因此 fill 和 used 都是 0 so->fill = 0; so->used = 0; // 初始化哈希表當中的數組長度為 PySet_MINSIZE 因此 mask = PySet_MINSIZE - 1 so->mask = PySet_MINSIZE - 1; // 讓 table 指向存儲 entry 的數組 so->table = so->smalltable; // 將哈希值設置成 -1 表示還沒有進行計算 so->hash = -1; so->finger = 0; so->weakreflist = NULL; // 如果 iterable 不等于 NULL 則需要將它指向的對象當中所有的元素加入到集合當中 if (iterable != NULL) { // 調用函數 set_update_internal 將對象 iterable 當中的元素加入到集合當中 if (set_update_internal(so, iterable)) { Py_DECREF(so); return NULL; } } return (PyObject *)so; }
如果不相等,則使用類似于線性探測的方式去尋找下一個要插入的位置(具體的實現可以查看相關代碼,具體的操作為線性探測法 + 開放地址法)。
static PyObject * set_add(PySetObject *so, PyObject *key) { if (set_add_key(so, key)) return NULL; Py_RETURN_NONE; } static int set_add_key(PySetObject *so, PyObject *key) { setentry entry; Py_hash_t hash; // 這里就查看一下是否是字符串,如果是字符串直接拿到哈希值 if (!PyUnicode_CheckExact(key) || (hash = ((PyASCIIObject *) key)->hash) == -1) { // 如果不是字符串則需要調用對象自己的哈希函數求得對應的哈希值 hash = PyObject_Hash(key); if (hash == -1) return -1; } // 創建一個 entry 對象將這個對象加入到哈希表當中 entry.key = key; entry.hash = hash; return set_add_entry(so, &entry); } static int set_add_entry(PySetObject *so, setentry *entry) { Py_ssize_t n_used; PyObject *key = entry->key; Py_hash_t hash = entry->hash; assert(so->fill <= so->mask); /* at least one empty slot */ n_used = so->used; Py_INCREF(key); // 調用函數 set_insert_key 將對象插入到數組當中 if (set_insert_key(so, key, hash)) { Py_DECREF(key); return -1; } // 這里就是哈希表的核心的擴容機制 if (!(so->used > n_used && so->fill*3 >= (so->mask+1)*2)) return 0; // 這是擴容大小的邏輯 return set_table_resize(so, so->used>50000 ? so->used*2 : so->used*4); } static int set_insert_key(PySetObject *so, PyObject *key, Py_hash_t hash) { setentry *entry; // set_lookkey 這個函數便是插入的核心的邏輯的實現對應的實現函數在下方 entry = set_lookkey(so, key, hash); if (entry == NULL) return -1; if (entry->key == NULL) { /* UNUSED */ entry->key = key; entry->hash = hash; so->fill++; so->used++; } else if (entry->key == dummy) { /* DUMMY */ entry->key = key; entry->hash = hash; so->used++; } else { /* ACTIVE */ Py_DECREF(key); } return 0; } // 下面的代碼就是在執行我們在前面所談到的邏輯,直到找到相同的 key 或者空位置才退出 while 循環 static setentry * set_lookkey(PySetObject *so, PyObject *key, Py_hash_t hash) { setentry *table = so->table; setentry *freeslot = NULL; setentry *entry; size_t perturb = hash; size_t mask = so->mask; size_t i = (size_t)hash & mask; /* Unsigned for defined overflow behavior */ size_t j; int cmp; entry = &table[i]; if (entry->key == NULL) return entry; while (1) { if (entry->hash == hash) { PyObject *startkey = entry->key; /* startkey cannot be a dummy because the dummy hash field is -1 */ assert(startkey != dummy); if (startkey == key) return entry; if (PyUnicode_CheckExact(startkey) && PyUnicode_CheckExact(key) && unicode_eq(startkey, key)) return entry; Py_INCREF(startkey); // returning -1 for error, 0 for false, 1 for true cmp = PyObject_RichCompareBool(startkey, key, Py_EQ); Py_DECREF(startkey); if (cmp < 0) /* unlikely */ return NULL; if (table != so->table || entry->key != startkey) /* unlikely */ return set_lookkey(so, key, hash); if (cmp > 0) /* likely */ return entry; mask = so->mask; /* help avoid a register spill */ } if (entry->hash == -1 && freeslot == NULL) freeslot = entry; if (i + LINEAR_PROBES <= mask) { for (j = 0 ; j < LINEAR_PROBES ; j++) { entry++; if (entry->key == NULL) goto found_null; if (entry->hash == hash) { PyObject *startkey = entry->key; assert(startkey != dummy); if (startkey == key) return entry; if (PyUnicode_CheckExact(startkey) && PyUnicode_CheckExact(key) && unicode_eq(startkey, key)) return entry; Py_INCREF(startkey); // returning -1 for error, 0 for false, 1 for true cmp = PyObject_RichCompareBool(startkey, key, Py_EQ); Py_DECREF(startkey); if (cmp < 0) return NULL; if (table != so->table || entry->key != startkey) return set_lookkey(so, key, hash); if (cmp > 0) return entry; mask = so->mask; } if (entry->hash == -1 && freeslot == NULL) freeslot = entry; } } perturb >>= PERTURB_SHIFT; // #define PERTURB_SHIFT 5 i = (i * 5 + 1 + perturb) & mask; entry = &table[i]; if (entry->key == NULL) goto found_null; } found_null: return freeslot == NULL ? entry : freeslot; }
在 cpython 當中對于給哈希表數組擴容的操作,很多情況下都是用下面這行代碼,從下面的代碼來看對應擴容后數組的大小并不簡單,當你的哈希表當中的元素個數大于 50000 時,新數組的大小是原數組的兩倍,而如果你哈希表當中的元素個數小于等于 50000,那么久擴大為原來長度的四倍,這個主要是怕后面如果繼續擴大四倍的話,可能會浪費很多內存空間。
set_table_resize(so, so->used>50000 ? so->used*2 : so->used*4);
這里需要注意的是因為數組的長度發生了變化,但是 key 的哈希值卻沒有發生變化,因此在新的數組當中數據對應的下標位置也會發生變化,因此需重新將所有的對象重新進行一次插入操作,下面的整個操作相對來說比較簡單,這里不再進行說明了。
static int set_table_resize(PySetObject *so, Py_ssize_t minused) { Py_ssize_t newsize; setentry *oldtable, *newtable, *entry; Py_ssize_t oldfill = so->fill; Py_ssize_t oldused = so->used; int is_oldtable_malloced; setentry small_copy[PySet_MINSIZE]; assert(minused >= 0); /* Find the smallest table size > minused. */ /* XXX speed-up with intrinsics */ for (newsize = PySet_MINSIZE; newsize <= minused && newsize > 0; newsize <<= 1) ; if (newsize <= 0) { PyErr_NoMemory(); return -1; } /* Get space for a new table. */ oldtable = so->table; assert(oldtable != NULL); is_oldtable_malloced = oldtable != so->smalltable; if (newsize == PySet_MINSIZE) { /* A large table is shrinking, or we can't get any smaller. */ newtable = so->smalltable; if (newtable == oldtable) { if (so->fill == so->used) { /* No dummies, so no point doing anything. */ return 0; } /* We're not going to resize it, but rebuild the table anyway to purge old dummy entries. Subtle: This is *necessary* if fill==size, as set_lookkey needs at least one virgin slot to terminate failing searches. If fill < size, it's merely desirable, as dummies slow searches. */ assert(so->fill > so->used); memcpy(small_copy, oldtable, sizeof(small_copy)); oldtable = small_copy; } } else { newtable = PyMem_NEW(setentry, newsize); if (newtable == NULL) { PyErr_NoMemory(); return -1; } } /* Make the set empty, using the new table. */ assert(newtable != oldtable); memset(newtable, 0, sizeof(setentry) * newsize); so->fill = 0; so->used = 0; so->mask = newsize - 1; so->table = newtable; /* Copy the data over; this is refcount-neutral for active entries; dummy entries aren't copied over, of course */ if (oldfill == oldused) { for (entry = oldtable; oldused > 0; entry++) { if (entry->key != NULL) { oldused--; set_insert_clean(so, entry->key, entry->hash); } } } else { for (entry = oldtable; oldused > 0; entry++) { if (entry->key != NULL && entry->key != dummy) { oldused--; set_insert_clean(so, entry->key, entry->hash); } } } if (is_oldtable_malloced) PyMem_DEL(oldtable); return 0; } static void set_insert_clean(PySetObject *so, PyObject *key, Py_hash_t hash) { setentry *table = so->table; setentry *entry; size_t perturb = hash; size_t mask = (size_t)so->mask; size_t i = (size_t)hash & mask; size_t j; // #define LINEAR_PROBES 9 while (1) { entry = &table[i]; if (entry->key == NULL) goto found_null; if (i + LINEAR_PROBES <= mask) { for (j = 0; j < LINEAR_PROBES; j++) { entry++; if (entry->key == NULL) goto found_null; } } perturb >>= PERTURB_SHIFT; i = (i * 5 + 1 + perturb) & mask; } found_null: entry->key = key; entry->hash = hash; so->fill++; so->used++; }
static PyObject * set_pop(PySetObject *so) { /* Make sure the search finger is in bounds */ Py_ssize_t i = so->finger & so->mask; setentry *entry; PyObject *key; assert (PyAnySet_Check(so)); if (so->used == 0) { PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, "pop from an empty set"); return NULL; } while ((entry = &so->table[i])->key == NULL || entry->key==dummy) { i++; if (i > so->mask) i = 0; } key = entry->key; entry->key = dummy; entry->hash = -1; so->used--; so->finger = i + 1; /* next place to start */ return key; }
上面的代碼相對來說也比較清晰,從 finger 開始尋找存在的元素,并且刪除他。我們在前面提到過,當一個元素被刪除之后他會被賦值成 dummy 而且哈希值為 -1 。