1.1 目前飛槳支持的環境
Windows 7/8/10 專業版/企業版 (64bit)
GPU版本支持CUDA 10.1/10.2/11.0/11.2,且僅支持單卡
Python 版本 3.6+/3.7+/3.8+/3.9+ (64 bit)
pip 版本 20.2.2或更高版本 (64 bit)
pip install paddlepaddle -i https://mirror.baidu.com/pypi/simple
安裝完成后您可以使用 python
進入python解釋器,輸入import paddle
,再輸入 paddle.utils.run_check()
如果出現PaddlePaddle is installed successfully!
pip install "paddleocr>=2.0.1" # 推薦使用2.0.1+版本
from paddleocr import PaddleOCR, draw_ocr # Paddleocr目前支持中英文、英文、法語、德語、韓語、日語,可以通過修改lang參數進行切換 # 參數依次為`ch`, `en`, `french`, `german`, `korean`, `japan`。 ocr = PaddleOCR(use_angle_cls=True, lang="ch") # need to run only once to download and load model into memory # 選擇你要識別的圖片路徑 img_path = '11.jpg' result = ocr.ocr(img_path, cls=True) for line in result: print(line) # 顯示結果 from PIL import Image image = Image.open(img_path).convert('RGB') boxes = [line[0] for line in result] txts = [line[1][0] for line in result] scores = [line[1][1] for line in result] im_show = draw_ocr(image, boxes, txts, scores, font_path='/path/to/PaddleOCR/doc/fonts/simfang.ttf') im_show = Image.fromarray(im_show) im_show.save('result.jpg')
[[[24.0, 36.0], [304.0, 34.0], [304.0, 72.0], [24.0, 74.0]], ['純臻營養護發素', 0.964739]]
[[[24.0, 80.0], [172.0, 80.0], [172.0, 104.0], [24.0, 104.0]], ['產品信息/參數', 0.98069626]]
[[[24.0, 109.0], [333.0, 109.0], [333.0, 136.0], [24.0, 136.0]], ['(45元/每公斤,100公斤起訂)', 0.9676722]]
至此我們就掌握了 PaddleOCR 的基本使用,基于這個我們就能開發出一個OCR的搜題小工具了。
Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.41 Version 31.0.3-7562133
import os from PIL import Image # 截圖 def pull_screenshot(): os.system('adb shell screencap -p /sdcard/screenshot.png') os.system('adb pull /sdcard/screenshot.png .') img = Image.open("./screenshot.png") # 切割問題區域 # (起始點的橫坐標,起始點的縱坐標,寬度,高度) question = img.crop((10, 400, 1060, 1000)) # 保存問題區域 question.save("./question.png")
ocr = PaddleOCR(use_angle_cls=False, lang="ch", show_log=False ) # need to run only once to download and load model into memory img_path = 'question.png' result = ocr.ocr(img_path, cls=False) # 獲取題目文本 questionList = [line[1][0] for line in result] text = "" # 將數組轉換為字符串 for str in questionList : text += str print(text)
import webbrowser webbrowser.open('https://baidu.com/s?wd=' + urllib.parse.quote(question))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Author : Pu Zhiwei # @Time : 2021-09-02 20:29 from PIL import Image import os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from paddleocr import PaddleOCR, draw_ocr import pyperclip import pyautogui import time import webbrowser import urllib.parse # 鼠標位置 currentMouseX, currentMouseY = 60, 282 # 截圖獲取當前題目 def pull_screenshot(): os.system('adb shell screencap -p /sdcard/screenshot.png') os.system('adb pull /sdcard/screenshot.png .') # 移動鼠標到搜索框搜索 def MoveMouseToSearch(): # duration 參數,移動時間,即用時0.1秒移動到對應位置 pyautogui.moveTo(currentMouseX, currentMouseY, duration=0.1) # 左鍵點擊 pyautogui.click() pyautogui.click() # 模擬組合鍵,粘貼 pyautogui.hotkey('ctrl', 'v') # 擴充問題 def AddText(list, length, text): if length > 3: return text + list[3] else: return text # 打開瀏覽器 def open_webbrowser(question): webbrowser.open('https://baidu.com/s?wd=' + urllib.parse.quote(question)) # 顯示所識別的題目 def ShowAllQuestionText(list): text = "" for str in list: text += str print(text) if __name__ == "__main__": while True: print("\n\n請將鼠標放在Word的搜索框上,三秒后腳本將自動獲取Word搜索框位置!\n\n") # 延時三秒輸出鼠標位置 time.sleep(3) # 獲取當前鼠標位置 currentMouseX, currentMouseY = pyautogui.position() print('當前鼠標位置為: {0} , {1}'.format(currentMouseX, currentMouseY)) start = input("按y鍵程序開始運行,按其他鍵重新獲取搜索框位置:") if start == 'y': break while True: t = time.perf_counter() pull_screenshot() img = Image.open("./screenshot.png") # 切割問題區域 # (起始點的橫坐標,起始點的縱坐標,寬度,高度) question = img.crop((10, 400, 1060, 1000)) # 保存問題區域 question.save("./question.png") # 加載 PaddleOCR # Paddleocr目前支持中英文、英文、法語、德語、韓語、日語,可以通過修改lang參數進行切換 # 參數依次為`ch`, `en`, `french`, `german`, `korean`, `japan`。 # 自定義模型地址 # det_model_dir='./inference/ch_ppocr_server_v2.0_det_train', # rec_model_dir='./inference/ch_ppocr_server_v2.0_rec_pre', # cls_model_dir='./inference/ch_ppocr_mobile_v2.0_cls_train', ocr = PaddleOCR(use_angle_cls=False, lang="ch", show_log=False ) # need to run only once to download and load model into memory img_path = 'question.png' result = ocr.ocr(img_path, cls=False) questionList = [line[1][0] for line in result] length = len(questionList) text = "" if length < 1: text = questionList[0] elif length == 2: text = questionList[1] else: text = questionList[1] + questionList[2] print('\n\n') ShowAllQuestionText(questionList) # 將結果寫入剪切板 pyperclip.copy(text) # 點擊搜索 MoveMouseToSearch() # 計算時間 print('\n\n') end_time3 = time.perf_counter() print('用時: {0}'.format(end_time3 - t)) go = input('輸入回車繼續運行,輸入 e 打開瀏覽器搜索,輸入 a 增加題目長度,輸入 n 結束程序運行: ') if go == 'n': break if go == 'a': text = AddText(questionList, length, text) pyperclip.copy(text) # 點擊搜索 MoveMouseToSearch() stop = input("輸入回車繼續") elif go == 'e': # 打開瀏覽器 open_webbrowser(text) stop = input("輸入回車繼續") print('\n------------------------\n\n')