# 1、引入pygame 和 pygame.locals import pygame from pygame.locals import * import time import sys initChessList = [] initRole = 2 # 代表白子下 2:代表當前是黑子下 resultFlag = 0 userFlag = True class StornPoint(): def __init__(self, x, y, value = 0): ''' :param x: 代表x軸坐標 :param y: 代表y軸坐標 :param value: 當前坐標點的棋子:0:沒有棋子 1:白子 2:黑子 ''' self.x = x self.y = y self.value = value pass def initChessSquare(x, y): ''' 初始化棋盤的坐標 :param x: :param y: :return: ''' # 使用二維列表保存了棋盤是的坐標系,和每個落子點的數值 for i in range(15): # 每一行的交叉點坐標 rowList = [] for j in range(15): # 每一列的交叉點坐標 pointX = x + j*40 pointY = y + i*40 # value = 0 sp = StornPoint(pointX, pointY, 0) rowList.append(sp) pass initChessList.append(rowList) pass # 處理事件 def eventHandler(): global userFlag ''' 監聽各種事件 :return: ''' for event in pygame.event.get(): global initRole # 監聽點積退出按鈕事件 if event.type == QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() pass # 監聽鼠標點積事件 if event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: x, y = pygame.mouse.get_pos() # print((x, y)) i = j = 0 for temp in initChessList: for point in temp: if x >= point.x - 15 and x <= point.x + 15 \ and y >= point.y - 15 and y <= point.y + 15: # 當前區域沒有棋子,并且是白子下 if point.value == 0 and initRole == 1 and userFlag: point.value = 1 judgeResult(i, j, 1) initRole = 2 # 切換棋子顏色 pass elif point.value == 0 and initRole == 2 and userFlag: point.value = 2 judgeResult(i, j, 2) initRole = 1 # 切換棋子顏色 pass break pass j += 1 pass i += 1 j = 0 pass pass pass # 判斷輸贏函數 def judgeResult(i, j, value): global resultFlag flag = False # 用于判斷是否已經判決出輸贏 for x in range(j - 4, j + 5): # 水平方向有沒有出現5連 if x >= 0 and x + 4 < 15 : if initChessList[i][x].value == value and \ initChessList[i][x + 1].value == value and \ initChessList[i][x + 2].value == value and \ initChessList[i][x + 3].value == value and \ initChessList[i][x + 4].value == value : flag = True break pass for x in range(i - 4, i + 5): # 垂直方向有沒有出現5連 if x >= 0 and x + 4 < 15: if initChessList[x][j].value == value and \ initChessList[x + 1][j].value == value and \ initChessList[x + 2][j].value == value and \ initChessList[x + 3][j].value == value and \ initChessList[x + 4][j].value == value: flag = True break pass # 判斷東北方向的對角線是否出現了5連 for x, y in zip(range(j + 4, j - 5, -1), range(i - 4, i + 5)): if x >= 0 and x+4 < 15 and y + 4 >= 0 and y < 15: if initChessList[y][x].value == value and \ initChessList[y - 1][x + 1].value == value and \ initChessList[y - 2][x + 2].value == value and \ initChessList[y - 3][x + 3].value == value and \ initChessList[y - 4][x + 4].value == value: flag = True break pass pass pass # 判斷西北方向的對角是否出現了五連 for x, y in zip(range(j - 4, j + 5), range(i - 4, i + 5)): if x >= 0 and x + 4 < 15 and y >= 0 and y + 4 < 15: if initChessList[y][x].value == value and \ initChessList[y + 1][x + 1].value == value and \ initChessList[y + 2][x + 2].value == value and \ initChessList[y + 3][x + 3].value == value and \ initChessList[y + 4][x + 4].value == value: flag = True break pass pass pass if flag: resultFlag = value pass pass # 加載素材 def main(): initRole = 2 # 代表白子下 2:代表當前是黑子下 global resultFlag, initChessList initChessSquare(27, 27) # 初始化棋牌 pygame.init() # 初始化游戲環境 # 創建游戲窗口 screen = pygame.display.set_mode((620,620), 0, 0) # 第一個參數是元組:窗口的長和寬 # 添加游戲標題 pygame.display.set_caption("五子棋小游戲") # 圖片的加載 background = pygame.image.load('images/bg.png') blackStorn = pygame.image.load('images/storn_black.png') whiteStorn = pygame.image.load('images/storn_white.png') winStornW = pygame.image.load('images/white.png') winStornB = pygame.image.load('images/black.png') rect = blackStorn.get_rect() while True: screen.blit(background, (0, 0)) # 更新棋盤棋子 for temp in initChessList: for point in temp: if point.value == 1: screen.blit(whiteStorn, (point.x - 18, point.y - 18)) pass elif point.value == 2: screen.blit(blackStorn, (point.x - 18, point.y - 18)) pass pass pass # 如果已經判決出輸贏 if resultFlag > 0: initChessList = [] # 清空棋盤 initChessSquare(27, 27) # 重新初始化棋盤 if resultFlag == 1: screen.blit(winStornW, (50,100)) else: screen.blit(winStornB, (50,100)) pass pygame.display.update() if resultFlag >0: time.sleep(3) resultFlag = 0 pass eventHandler() pass pass if __name__ == "__main__": main() pass