<!-- websocket 接口 --><script type="text/javascript">var websocket_url = 'ws://' + "{$Think.config.prompt_service.ws_port}";var admin_userid = "{$Think.const.UID}";var socket_type = JSON.parse('{$mginfo.socket_type|default=[]|json_encode}');</script><script src="__JS__/socket_notify.js?v=20191018"></script>
var ws_text = document.location.protocol == 'https:' ? 'wss' : 'ws'; websocket_url = ws_text + '://' + window.location.host + '/socket.io/'; var socket = new WebSocket(websocket_url); //連接成功時觸發 socket.onopen = function() { console.log('connected to server!'); // 登錄 socket.send(JSON.stringify({ type: 'login', uid: admin_userid, })); setInterval(function() { console.log('Hello!'); socket.send('Hello!'); }, 30000) }; var socket_func = {}; //監聽收到的消息 socket.onmessage = function(res) { let Sound = false; let alerttitle = false; let alerttext = false; let alertlocal = false; let content = ''; let func = ''; var data = JSON.parse(res.data); console.log(data); var type = data.type; try { content = JSON.parse(data.data); } catch (err) { content = data.data; } const alert_check = data.alert; switch (type) { case 'newCpOrder': func = type; Sound = 1; alerttitle = '新公司入款訂單'; alerttext = '訂單ID:' + content.id; alertlocal = '/cp_recharge/index.html'; break; case 'newAgentOrder': func = 'newTxOrder'; Sound = 2; alerttitle = '新代理出款訂單'; alerttext = '訂單ID:' + content.id; alertlocal = '/exchange/index.html'; break; } if (alert_check) { if ((!socket_type[type] || socket_type[type]['sound'] === 1) && Sound !== false) { playSound(Sound); } if ((!socket_type[type] || socket_type[type]['text'] === 1) && alerttitle !== false) { notify(alerttitle, alerttext, alertlocal); } } // 執行方法 if (func) { try { socket_func[func](content); } catch (err) { console.log('沒有當前方法' + func); } } }; // 斷開 socket.onclose = function(e) { console.log('websocket 斷開: ' + e.code + ' ' + e.reason + ' ' + e.wasClean) console.log(e); } var Notification = window.Notification || window.webkitNotification || window.mozNotification; var stopSound = function() {}; // 播放聲音 var playSound = function(type) { var audio_id = 'recharge_audio'; switch (type) { case 1: audio_id = 'recharge_audio'; break; case 2: audio_id = 'withdraw_audio'; break; case 3: audio_id = 'withdraw_audio'; break; case 4: audio_id = 'untreated_recharge'; break; case 5: audio_id = 'untreated_withdraw'; break; case 6: audio_id = 'large_recharge'; break; default: } var audio = document.getElementById(audio_id); audio.currentTime = 0; audio.play(); }; var notify = function() {}; // web 頁面通知 if (Notification) { Notification.requestPermission().then(function(permission) { if (permission === 'granted') { notify = function(title, content, url) { var options = { body: content, }; var instance = new Notification(title, options); instance.onshow = function() { setTimeout(function() { instance.close(); }, 18000); }; instance.onclick = function() { window.open(url); }; }; window.notify = notify; } }); }
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