如何用隨機森林算法實現scikit-learn、Spark MLlib、DolphinDB、xgboost的性能對比測試,相信很多沒有經驗的人對此束手無策,為此本文總結了問題出現的原因和解決方法,通過這篇文章希望你能解決這個問題。
隨機森林是常用的機器學習算法,既可以用于分類問題,也可用于回歸問題。本文對scikit-learn、Spark MLlib、DolphinDB、xgboost四個平臺的隨機森林算法實現進行對比測試。評價指標包括內存占用、運行速度和分類準確性。本次測試使用模擬生成的數據作為輸入進行二分類訓練,并用生成的模型對模擬數據進行預測。
scikit-learn:Python 3.7.1,scikit-learn 0.20.2
Spark MLlib:Spark 2.0.2,Hadoop 2.7.2
xgboost:Python package,0.81
CPU:Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v4 2.20GHz(共24核48線程)
操作系統:CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804
本次測試使用DolphinDB腳本產生模擬數據,并導出為CSV文件。訓練集平均分成兩類,每個類別的特征列分別服從兩個中心不同,標準差相同,且兩兩獨立的多元正態分布N(0, 1)和N(2/sqrt(20), 1)。訓練集中沒有空值。
劃分節點時的不純度(Impurity)指標:基尼指數(Gini index),該參數僅對Python scikit-learn、Spark MLlib和DolphinDB有效
采樣的桶數:32,該參數僅對Spark MLlib和DolphinDB有效
并發任務數:CPU線程數,Python scikit-learn、Spark MLlib和DolphinDB取48,xgboost取24。
從準確率上看,Python scikit-learn、Spark MLlib和DolphinDB的準確率比較相近,略高于xgboost的實現;從性能上看,從高到低依次為DolphinDB、Python scikit-learn、xgboost、Spark MLlib。
在本次測試中,Python scikit-learn的實現使用了所有CPU核。
Spark MLlib的實現沒有充分使用所有CPU核,內存占用最高,當數據量為10,000時,CPU峰值占用率約8%,當數據量為100,000時,CPU峰值占用率約為25%,當數據量為1,000,000時,它會因為內存不足而中斷執行。
DolphinDB database 的實現使用了所有CPU核,并且它是所有實現中速度最快的,但內存占用是scikit-learn的2-7倍,是xgboost的3-9倍。DolphinDB的隨機森林算法實現提供了numJobs參數,可以通過調整該參數來降低并行度,從而減少內存占用。詳情請參考DolphinDB用戶手冊。
xgboost常用于boosted trees的訓練,也能進行隨機森林算法。它是算法迭代次數為1時的特例。xgboost實際上在24線程左右時性能最高,其對CPU線程的利用率不如Python和DolphinDB,速度也不及兩者。其優勢在于內存占用最少。另外,xgboost的具體實現也和其他平臺的實現有所差異。例如,沒有bootstrap這一過程,對數據使用無放回抽樣而不是有放回抽樣。這可以解釋為何它的準確率略低于其它平臺。
Python scikit-learn的隨機森林算法實現在性能、內存開銷和準確率上的表現比較均衡,Spark MLlib的實現在性能和內存開銷上的表現遠遠不如其他平臺。DolphinDB的隨機森林算法實現性能最優,并且DolphinDB的隨機森林算法和數據庫是無縫集成的,用戶可以直接對數據庫中的數據進行訓練和預測,并且提供了numJobs參數,實現內存和速度之間的平衡。而xgboost的隨機森林只是迭代次數為1時的特例,具體實現和其他平臺差異較大,最佳的應用場景為boosted tree。
1. 模擬生成數據的DolphinDB腳本
def genNormVec(cls, a, stdev, n) { return norm(cls * a, stdev, n) } def genNormData(dataSize, colSize, clsNum, scale, stdev) { t = table(dataSize:0, `cls join ("col" + string(0..(colSize-1))), INT join take(DOUBLE,colSize)) classStat = groupby(count,1..dataSize, rand(clsNum, dataSize)) for(row in classStat){ cls = row.groupingKey classSize = row.count cols = [take(cls, classSize)] for (i in 0:colSize) cols.append!(genNormVec(cls, scale, stdev, classSize)) tmp = table(dataSize:0, `cls join ("col" + string(0..(colSize-1))), INT join take(DOUBLE,colSize)) insert into t values (cols) cols = NULL tmp = NULL } return t } colSize = 50 clsNum = 2 t1m = genNormData(10000, colSize, clsNum, 2 / sqrt(20), 1.0) saveText(t1m, "t10k.csv") t10m = genNormData(100000, colSize, clsNum, 2 / sqrt(20), 1.0) saveText(t10m, "t100k.csv") t100m = genNormData(1000000, colSize, clsNum, 2 / sqrt(20), 1.0) saveText(t100m, "t1m.csv") t1000 = genNormData(1000, colSize, clsNum, 2 / sqrt(20), 1.0) saveText(t1000, "t1000.csv")
2. Python scikit-learn的訓練和預測腳本
import pandas as pd import numpy as np from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier, RandomForestRegressor from time import * test_df = pd.read_csv("t1000.csv") def evaluate(path, model_name, num_trees=500, depth=30, num_jobs=1): df = pd.read_csv(path) y = df.values[:,0] x = df.values[:,1:] test_y = test_df.values[:,0] test_x = test_df.values[:,1:] rf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=num_trees, max_depth=depth, n_jobs=num_jobs) start = time() rf.fit(x, y) end = time() elapsed = end - start print("Time to train model %s: %.9f seconds" % (model_name, elapsed)) acc = np.mean(test_y == rf.predict(test_x)) print("Model %s accuracy: %.3f" % (model_name, acc)) evaluate("t10k.csv", "10k", 500, 10, 48) # choose your own parameter
3. Spark MLlib的訓練和預測代碼(Scala實現)
import org.apache.spark.mllib.tree.configuration.FeatureType.Continuous import org.apache.spark.mllib.tree.model.{DecisionTreeModel, Node} object Rf { def main(args: Array[String]) = { evaluate("/t100k.csv", 500, 10) // choose your own parameter } def processCsv(row: Row) = { val label = row.getString(0).toDouble val featureArray = (for (i <- 1 to (row.size-1)) yield row.getString(i).toDouble).toArray val features = Vectors.dense(featureArray) LabeledPoint(label, features) } def evaluate(path: String, numTrees: Int, maxDepth: Int) = { val spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("Rf").getOrCreate() import spark.implicits._ val numClasses = 2 val categoricalFeaturesInfo = Map[Int, Int]() val featureSubsetStrategy = "sqrt" val impurity = "gini" val maxBins = 32 val d_test = spark.read.format("CSV").option("header","true").load("/t1000.csv").map(processCsv).rdd d_test.cache() println("Loading table (1M * 50)") val d_train = spark.read.format("CSV").option("header","true").load(path).map(processCsv).rdd d_train.cache() println("Training table (1M * 50)") val now = System.nanoTime val model = RandomForest.trainClassifier(d_train, numClasses, categoricalFeaturesInfo, numTrees, featureSubsetStrategy, impurity, maxDepth, maxBins) println(( System.nanoTime - now )/1e9) val scoreAndLabels = d_test.map { point => val score = model.trees.map(tree => softPredict2(tree, point.features)).sum if (score * 2 > model.numTrees) (1.0, point.label) else (0.0, point.label) } val metrics = new MulticlassMetrics(scoreAndLabels) println(metrics.accuracy) } def softPredict(node: Node, features: Vector): Double = { if (node.isLeaf) { //if (node.predict.predict == 1.0) node.predict.prob else 1.0 - node.predict.prob node.predict.predict } else { if (node.split.get.featureType == Continuous) { if (features(node.split.get.feature) <= node.split.get.threshold) { softPredict(node.leftNode.get, features) } else { softPredict(node.rightNode.get, features) } } else { if (node.split.get.categories.contains(features(node.split.get.feature))) { softPredict(node.leftNode.get, features) } else { softPredict(node.rightNode.get, features) } } } } def softPredict2(dt: DecisionTreeModel, features: Vector): Double = { softPredict(dt.topNode, features) } }
4. DolphinDB的訓練和預測腳本
def createInMemorySEQTable(t, seqSize) { db = database("", SEQ, seqSize) dataSize = t.size() ts = () for (i in 0:seqSize) { ts.append!(t[(i * (dataSize/seqSize)):((i+1)*(dataSize/seqSize))]) } return db.createPartitionedTable(ts, `tb) } def accuracy(v1, v2) { return (v1 == v2).sum() \ v2.size() } def evaluateUnparitioned(filePath, numTrees, maxDepth, numJobs) { test = loadText("t1000.csv") t = loadText(filePath); clsNum = 2; colSize = 50 timer res = randomForestClassifier(sqlDS(<select * from t>), `cls, `col + string(0..(colSize-1)), clsNum, sqrt(colSize).int(), numTrees, 32, maxDepth, 0.0, numJobs) print("Unpartitioned table accuracy = " + accuracy(res.predict(test), test.cls).string()) } evaluateUnpartitioned("t10k.csv", 500, 10, 48) // choose your own parameter
5. xgboost的訓練和預測腳本
import pandas as pd import numpy as np import xgboost as xgb from time import * def load_csv(path): df = pd.read_csv(path) target = df['cls'] df = df.drop(['cls'], axis=1) return xgb.DMatrix(df.values, label=target.values) dtest = load_csv('/hdd/hdd1/twonormData/t1000.csv') def evaluate(path, num_trees, max_depth, num_jobs): dtrain = load_csv(path) param = {'num_parallel_tree':num_trees, 'max_depth':max_depth, 'objective':'binary:logistic', 'nthread':num_jobs, 'colsample_bylevel':1/np.sqrt(50)} start = time() model = xgb.train(param, dtrain, 1) end = time() elapsed = end - start print("Time to train model: %.9f seconds" % elapsed) prediction = model.predict(dtest) > 0.5 print("Accuracy = %.3f" % np.mean(prediction == dtest.get_label())) evaluate('t10k.csv', 500, 10, 24) // choose your own parameter
看完上述內容,你們掌握如何用隨機森林算法實現scikit-learn、Spark MLlib、DolphinDB、xgboost的性能對比測試的方法了嗎?如果還想學到更多技能或想了解更多相關內容,歡迎關注億速云行業資訊頻道,感謝各位的閱讀!