近期,我自己寫了一個內核模式驅動器,跟我平時寫的很多代碼一樣,這個驅動器也存在Bug。 確切來說,這個驅動器可以防止其他驅動器正常加載,并導致系統崩潰。
這個驅動器是Bam.sys(Background Activity Moderator)- Windows 10 v1709(RS3)中新引入的一種驅動器。當它的DriverEntry中途出現問題時,調用棧會導致系統發生崩潰:
有趣的并不是系統發生崩潰,而是Bam.sys到底是如何注冊這個回調的。一般來說,進程創建回調是通過nt!PsSetCreateProcessNotifyRoutine(Ex)注冊的,它會向nt!PspCreateProcessNotifyRoutine數組中添加這個回調。接下來,當進程被創建/終止時,nt!PspCallProcessNotifyRoutines會迭代循環這個數組,并調用所有已注冊的回調。然而,如果我們在WinDbg中運行“!wdbgark.wa_systemcb /typeprocess“的話,我們將會看到這個數組中并不存在Bam.sys所使用的回調:
NTKERNELAPINTSTATUS ExRegisterExtension ( _Outptr_ PEX_EXTENSION *Extension, _In_ ULONG RegistrationVersion, _In_ PVOID RegistrationInfo); typedefstruct _EX_EXTENSION_REGISTRATION_1 { USHORT ExtensionId; USHORT ExtensionVersion; USHORT FunctionCount; VOID *FunctionTable; PVOID *HostInterface; PVOID DriverObject;}EX_EXTENSION_REGISTRATION_1, *PEX_EXTENSION_REGISTRATION_1;
struct_HOST_LIST_ENTRY{ _LIST_ENTRY List; DWORD RefCount; USHORT ExtensionId; USHORT ExtensionVersion; USHORT FunctionCount; // number ofcallbacks that the extension // contains POOL_TYPE PoolType; // where this host is allocated PVOID HostInterface; // table of unexportednt functions, // to be used by thedriver to which // this extensionbelongs PVOID FunctionAddress; // optional, rarelyused. // This callback iscalled before // and after anextension for this // host isregistered / unregistered PVOID ArgForFunction; // will be sent tothe function saved here _EX_RUNDOWN_REF RundownRef; _EX_PUSH_LOCK Lock; PVOID FunctionTable; // a table of thecallbacks that the // driver “registers” DWORD Flags; // Only uses one bit. // Not sure about itsmeaning.}HOST_LIST_ENTRY, *PHOST_LIST_ENTRY;
NTSTATUSExRegisterExtension(_Outptr_ PEX_EXTENSION *Extension, _In_ ULONGRegistrationVersion, _In_ PREGISTRATION_INFO RegistrationInfo){ // Validate that version is ok and thatFunctionTable is not sent without FunctionCount or vise-versa. if ( (RegistrationVersion &0xFFFF0000 != 0x10000) || (RegistrationInfo->FunctionTable == nullptr&& RegistrationInfo->FunctionCount != 0) ) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // Skipping over some lock-related stuff, // Find the host with the matchingversion and id. PHOST_LIST_ENTRY pHostListEntry; pHostListEntry =ExpFindHost(RegistrationInfo->ExtensionId,RegistrationInfo->ExtensionVersion); // More lock-related stuff. if (!pHostListEntry) { return STATUS_NOT_FOUND; } // Verify that the FunctionCount in thehost doesn't exceed the FunctionCount supplied by the caller. if (RegistrationInfo->FunctionCount< pHostListEntry->FunctionCount) { ExpDereferenceHost(pHostListEntry); return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // Check that the number of functions inFunctionTable matches the amount in FunctionCount. PVOID FunctionTable =RegistrationInfo->FunctionTable; for (int i = 0; i <RegistrationInfo->FunctionCount; i++) { if (RegistrationInfo->FunctionTable[i] == nullptr ) { ExpDereferenceHost(pHostListEntry); returnSTATUS_ACCESS_DENIED; } } // skipping over some more lock-relatedstuff // Check if there is already an extensionregistered for this host. if (pHostListEntry->FunctionTable !=nullptr || FlagOn(pHostListEntry->Flags, 1) ) { // There is something related tolocks here ExpDereferenceHost(pHostListEntry); returnSTATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION; } // If there is a callback function forthis host, call it before registering the extension, with 0 as the firstparameter. if (pHostListEntry->FunctionAddress) { pHostListEntry->FunctionAddress(0,pHostListEntry->ArgForFunction); } // Set the FunctionTable in the host tothe table supplied by the caller, or to MmBadPointer if a table wasn'tsupplied. if (RegistrationInfo->FunctionTable ==nullptr) { pHostListEntry->FunctionTable= nt!MmBadPointer; } else { pHostListEntry->FunctionTable= RegistrationInfo->FunctionTable; } pHostListEntry->RundownRef = 0; // If there is a callback function forthis host, call it after registering the extension, with 1 as the firstparameter. if (pHostListEntry->FunctionAddress) { pHostListEntry->FunctionAddress(1,pHostListEntry->ArgForFunction); } // Here there is some more lock-relatedstuff // Set the HostTable of the callingdriver to the table of functions listed in the host. if (RegistrationInfo->HostTable !=nullptr) { *(PVOID)RegistrationInfo->HostTable= pHostListEntry->hostInterface; } // Return the initialized host to thecaller in the output Extension parameter. *Extension = pHostListEntry; return STATUS_SUCCESS;}
NTSTATUSExRegisterHost(_Out_ PHOST_LIST_ENTRY ExtensionHost, _In_ ULONG Unused, _In_PHOST_INFORMATION HostInformation){ NTSTATUS Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; // Allocate memory for a newHOST_LIST_ENTRY PHOST_LIST_ENTRY p =ExAllocatePoolWithTag(HostInformation->PoolType, 0x60, 'HExE'); if (p == nullptr) { returnSTATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } // // Initialize a new HOST_LIST_ENTRY // p->Flags &= 0xFE; p->RefCount = 1; p->FunctionTable = 0; p->ExtensionId =HostInformation->ExtensionId; p->ExtensionVersion =HostInformation->ExtensionVersion; p->hostInterface =HostInformation->hostInterface; p->FunctionAddress =HostInformation->FunctionAddress; p->ArgForFunction =HostInformation->ArgForFunction; p->Lock = 0; p->RundownRef = 0; // Search for an existing listEntry withthe same version and id. PHOST_LIST_ENTRY listEntry = ExpFindHost(HostInformation->ExtensionId,HostInformation->ExtensionVersion); if (listEntry) { Status =STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_COLLISION; ExpDereferenceHost(p); ExpDereferenceHost(listEntry); } else { // Insert the new HOST_LIST_ENTRYto the end of ExpHostList. if ( *lastHostListEntry !=&firstHostListEntry ) { __fastfail(); } firstHostListEntry->Prev =&p; p->Next = firstHostListEntry; lastHostListEntry = p; ExtensionHost = p; } return Status;}
PHOST_LIST_ENTRYExpFindHost(USHORT ExtensionId, USHORT ExtensionVersion){ PHOST_LIST_ENTRY entry; for (entry == ExpHostList; ; entry =entry->Next) { if (entry == &ExpHostList) { return 0; } if ( *(entry->ExtensionId) ==ExtensionId && *(entry->ExtensionVersion) == ExtensionVersion ) { break; } }InterlockedIncrement(entry->RefCount); return entry;}
voidExpDereferenceHost(PHOST_LIST_ENTRY Host){ if (InterlockedExchangeAdd(Host.RefCount, 0xFFFFFFFF) == 1 ) { ExFreePoolWithTag(Host, 0); }}
struct_HOST_INFORMATION{ USHORT ExtensionId; USHORT ExtensionVersion; DWORD FunctionCount; POOL_TYPE PoolType; PVOID HostInterface; PVOID FunctionAddress; PVOID ArgForFunction; PVOID unk;}HOST_INFORMATION, *PHOST_INFORMATION; struct_HOST_LIST_ENTRY{ _LIST_ENTRY List; DWORD RefCount; USHORT ExtensionId; USHORT ExtensionVersion; USHORT FunctionCount; // number ofcallbacks that the // extension contains POOL_TYPE PoolType; // where this host is allocated PVOID HostInterface; // table of unexported nt functions, // to be used by thedriver to which // this extensionbelongs PVOID FunctionAddress; // optional, rarelyused. // This callback iscalled before and // after anextension for this host // is registered /unregistered PVOID ArgForFunction; // will be sent tothe function saved here _EX_RUNDOWN_REF RundownRef; _EX_PUSH_LOCK Lock; PVOID FunctionTable; // a table of the callbacks that // the driver“registers”DWORDFlags; // Only uses oneflag. // Not sure about its meaning.}HOST_LIST_ENTRY, *PHOST_LIST_ENTRY;; struct_EX_EXTENSION_REGISTRATION_1{ USHORT ExtensionId; USHORT ExtensionVersion; USHORT FunctionCount; PVOID FunctionTable; PVOID *HostTable; PVOID DriverObject;}EX_EXTENSION_REGISTRATION_1,*PEX_EXTENSION_REGISTRATION_1;