今天就跟大家聊聊有關常用的Oracle 11g內存視圖腳本有哪些,可能很多人都不太了解,為了讓大家更加了解,小編給大家總結了以下內容,希望大家根據這篇文章可以有所收獲。
V$MEMORY_DYNAMIC_COMPONENTS displays information about the dynamic SGA components. This view summarizes information based on all completed SGA resize operations since instance startup. All sizes are expressed in bytes.
腳本: Provides information about dynamic memory components.
COLUMN component FORMAT A30 SELECT component, ROUND(current_size/1024/1024) AS current_size_mb, ROUND(min_size/1024/1024) AS min_size_mb, ROUND(max_size/1024/1024) AS max_size_mb FROM v$memory_dynamic_components WHERE current_size != 0 ORDER BY component;
V$MEMORY_RESIZE_OPS displays information about the last 800 completed memory resize operations (both automatic and manual). This does not include in-progress operations. All sizes are expressed in bytes.
腳本:Provides information about memory resize operations.
SET LINESIZE 200 COLUMN parameter FORMAT A25 SELECT start_time, end_time, component, oper_type, oper_mode, parameter, ROUND(initial_size/1024/1024) AS initial_size_mb, ROUND(target_size/1024/1024) AS target_size_mb, ROUND(final_size/1024/1024) AS final_size_mb, status FROM v$memory_resize_ops ORDER BY start_time;
V$MEMORY_TARGET_ADVICE provides information about how the MEMORY_TARGET parameter should be sized based on current sizing and satisfaction metrics.
腳本3: Provides information to help tune the MEMORY_TARGET parameter.
SELECT * FROM v$memory_target_advice ORDER BY memory_size;
看完上述內容,你們對常用的Oracle 11g內存視圖腳本有哪些有進一步的了解嗎?如果還想了解更多知識或者相關內容,請關注億速云行業資訊頻道,感謝大家的支持。