1) 標準控件先將Unicode字符串轉換成ANSI字符串;
2) 標準控件嘗試將ANSI字符串轉換成其Font.Charset屬性中指定的字符集格式的字符串;如果轉換失敗,則顯示為問號(?).
具體可參照:Display Unicode Strings in Visual Basic 6.0.
1) 將標準控件替換為能支持Unicode的控件;
2) 將資源文件中不同字符集的文本,轉換為ANSI格式,提供給標準控件使用;
第1)種方式可用 Forms 2.0 (fm20.dll);
a) Auto-Detect Language and Display Unicode in VB6 TextBox and Label Controls;
b) How To Convert from ANSI to Unicode & Unicode to ANSI for OLE
1) 將程序中用到的文本保存為Unicode格式的資源文件中;
2) 將顯示文本的標準控件的Font.Charset,設置為程序要顯示語言所對應的字符集,并設置一種支持這種字符集的字體到Font.Name屬性
If g_Str.NumJapanese > 0 Then charset = "Shift_JIS" Text1.Font.Name = "MS UI Gothic" Text1.Font.charset = 128 ElseIf g_Str.NumKorean > 0 Then charset = "ks_c_5601-1987" Text1.Font.Name = "GulimChe" Text1.Font.charset = 129 ElseIf g_Str.NumCentralEuro > 0 Then charset = "windows-1250" Text1.Font.Name = "Arial" Text1.Font.charset = 238 ElseIf g_Str.NumArabic > 0 Then charset = "windows-1256" Text1.Font.Name = "Traditional Arabic" Text1.Font.charset = 178 ElseIf g_Str.NumHebrew > 0 Then charset = "windows-1255" Text1.Font.Name = "David" Text1.Font.charset = 177 ElseIf g_Str.NumCyrillic > 0 Then charset = "windows-1251" Text1.Font.Name = "Arial" Text1.Font.charset = 204 ElseIf g_Str.NumGreek > 0 Then charset = "windows-1253" Text1.Font.Name = "Arial" Text1.Font.charset = 161 ElseIf g_Str.NumThai > 0 Then charset = "windows-874" Text1.Font.Name = "Angsana New" Text1.Font.charset = 222 ElseIf g_Str.NumChinese > 0 Then charset = "gb2312" Text1.Font.Name = "SimSun" Text1.Font.charset = 134 ' An alternative is to use Big5: ' Text1.Font.Name = "MingLiu" 'charset = "big5" 'fontCh = 136 Else charset = "windows-1252" Text1.Font.charset = 0 Text1.Font.Name = "Arial" End If
3) 根據要顯示的語言,利用ADODB.Stream將資源文件中Unicode格式保存的字符串轉換成操作系統的區域語言(Locale)支持字符集的字符串;
' 調用API來獲取操作系統默認的區域語言設置(LocaleID) Private Declare Function GetSystemDefaultLCID Lib "kernel32" () As Long ' 將Unicode字符串,轉換為指定字符集的字節數組; ' 用于轉換用資源文件中讀取的文本; Public Function ConvertStringToBytes(ByRef strText As String, charset As String) As Byte() Dim objStream As ADODB.Stream Dim data() As Byte ' init stream Set objStream = New ADODB.Stream objStream.charset = charset objStream.Mode = adModeReadWrite objStream.Type = adTypeText objStream.Open ' write bytes into stream objStream.WriteText strText objStream.Flush ' rewind stream and read text objStream.Position = 0 objStream.Type = adTypeBinary ' objStream.Read 3 ' skip first 3 bytes as this is the utf-8 marker data = objStream.Read() ' close up and return objStream.Close ConvertStringToUtf8Bytes = data End Function ' 轉換為指定字符集的字節數組,轉換為ANSI(即LocaleID)對應的字符集的字符串; ' 用于將ConvertStringToBytes()返回的字節數組轉換為GetCharset()字符集的字符串. Public Function ConvertBytesToString(ByRef data() As Byte, charset As String) As String Dim objStream As ADODB.Stream Dim strTmp As String ' init stream Set objStream = New ADODB.Stream objStream.charset = charset objStream.Mode = adModeReadWrite objStream.Type = adTypeBinary objStream.Open ' write bytes into stream objStream.Write data objStream.Flush ' rewind stream and read text objStream.Position = 0 objStream.Type = adTypeText strTmp = objStream.ReadText ' close up and return objStream.Close ConvertUtf8BytesToString = strTmp End Function '獲取操作系統默認區域語言對應的字符集 Public Function GetCharset() As String Dim localeId As Long Dim charset As String ' 獲取操作系統的LocaleId localeId = GetSystemDefaultLCID() Select Case localeId Case 1033 charset = "windows-1252" Case 2052 charset = "gb2312" Case 1041 charset = "Shift_JIS" Case Else charset = "windows-1252" End Select GetCharset = charset End Function '顯示資源文本中的文本 Private Sub DisplayText(filename As String) '保存資源文本中的文本的變量 Dim textBytes As Variant Dim f As New FileSystemObject Dim fs As TextStream '將Unicode文本讀取到變量中 Set fs = f.OpenTextFile(filename, ForReading, False, TristateTrue) Do While Not fs.AtEndOfStream textBytes = fs.ReadAll Loop fs.Close ' Convert to a Unicode string: Dim s As String s = textBytes Dim t As Long ' CkString是免費的第三方組件,可自動判定一個字符串所對應的字符集 ' 下載地址:http://www.chilkatsoft.com/download/CkString.zip Dim g_Str As New CkString g_Str.Str = s '獲取資源文本所代表的字符集名稱,設置對應的字體和字符集到textbox上 Dim charset As String If g_Str.NumJapanese > 0 Then '日文 charset = "Shift_JIS" Text1.Font.Name = "MS UI Gothic" Text1.Font.charset = 128 ElseIf g_Str.NumKorean > 0 Then '韓語 charset = "ks_c_5601-1987" Text1.Font.Name = "GulimChe" Text1.Font.charset = 129 ElseIf g_Str.NumCentralEuro > 0 Then '中歐語言 charset = "windows-1250" Text1.Font.Name = "Arial" Text1.Font.charset = 238 ElseIf g_Str.NumArabic > 0 Then '阿拉伯語 charset = "windows-1256" Text1.Font.Name = "Traditional Arabic" Text1.Font.charset = 178 ElseIf g_Str.NumGreek > 0 Then '希臘語 charset = "windows-1253" Text1.Font.Name = "Arial" Text1.Font.charset = 161 ElseIf g_Str.NumThai > 0 Then '泰語 charset = "windows-874" Text1.Font.Name = "Angsana New" Text1.Font.charset = 222 ElseIf g_Str.NumChinese > 0 Then '中文 charset = "gb2312" Text1.Font.Name = "SimSun" Text1.Font.charset = 134 ' 繁體則使用Big5: ' Text1.Font.Name = "MingLiu" 'charset = "big5" 'Text1.Font.charset = 136 Else '默認值 charset = "windows-1252" Text1.Font.charset = 0 Text1.Font.Name = "Arial" End If Dim bytes() As Byte Dim g_OSCharset As String '獲取操作系統默認語言對應的字符集 g_OSCharset = GetCharset() '先將Unicode資源文本轉換成對應的字節數組; bytes = ConvertStringToBytes(s, charset) '將字節數組轉換成ANSI(即默認字符集)對應的字符串 vbstr2 = ConvertBytesToString(bytes, g_OSCharset) ' 設置字符串到VB6的標準控件中 Me.Text1.Text = vbstr2 End Sub