今天就跟大家聊聊有關 原生Javascript怎樣實現一個支持過期時間的DAO庫,可能很多人都不太了解,為了讓大家更加了解,小編給大家總結了以下內容,希望大家根據這篇文章可以有所收獲。
const BaseStorage = function(preId, timeSign){ // 初始化一些操作 } BaseStorage.prototype = { storage: localStorage || window.localStorage, set: function(key, value, cb, time){ }, get: function(key, cb){ }, // 刪除storage,如果刪除成功,返回刪除的內容 remove: function(key, cb){ } }
status: { SUCCESS: 0, // 成功 FAILURE: 1, // 失敗 OVERFLOW: 2, // 數據溢出 TIMEOUT: 3 // 超時 },
為了實現過期時間,我們有兩種思路,第一種是先將一個過期時間存到storage中,每次操作都檢查一遍是否過期,但是這種方案意味著對不同的鍵就要設置不同的過期時間的storage與之對應,這樣會占用額外的庫內存,維護起來也不方便。另一種方法就是將過期時間存放到鍵值中,將時間和值通過標識符分隔,每次取的時候從值中截取過期時間,再將真實的值取出來返回,這種方案不會添加額外的鍵值對存儲,維護起來也相對簡單,所以我們采用這種方案。 為了區分不同的庫對象,我們還可以添加鍵前綴,如下:
const BaseLocalStorage = function(preId, timeSign){ this.preId = preId; // 鍵前綴 this.timeSign = timeSign || '|-|'; // 過期時間和值的分隔符 }
getKey: function(key){ return this.preId + key },
set: function(key, value, cb, time){ var status = this.status.SUCCESS, key = this.getKey(key); // 設置失效時間,未設置時間默認為一個月 try{ time = new Date(time).getTime() || time.getTime(); }catch(e){ time = new Date().getTime() + 1000*60*60*24*31 } try{ this.storage.setItem(key, time + this.timeSign + value); }catch(e){ status = this.status.OVERFLOW; } // 操作完成后的回調 cb && cb.call(this, status, key, value) }
get: function(key, cb){ var status = this.status.SUCCESS, key = this.getKey(key), value = null, timeSignLen = this.timeSign.length, that = this, index, time, result; try{ value = that.storage.getItem(key); }catch(e){ result = { status: that.status.FAILURE, value: null } cb && cb.call(this, result.status, result.value); return result } if(value) { index = value.indexOf(that.timeSign); time = +value.slice(0, index); // 判斷是否過期,過期則清除 if(time > new Date().getTime() || time == 0){ value = value.slice(index+timeSignLen); }else{ value = null, status = that.status.TIMEOUT; that.remove(key); } }else{ status = that.status.FAILURE; } result = { status: status, value: value }; cb && cb.call(this, result.status, result.value); return result }
// 刪除storage,如果刪除成功,返回刪除的內容 remove: function(key, cb){ var status = this.status.FAILURE, key = this.getKey(key), value = null; try{ value = this.storage.getItem(key); }catch(e){ // dosomething } if(value){ try{ this.storage.removeItem(key); status = this.status.SUCCESS; }catch(e){ // dosomething } } cb && cb.call(this, status, status > 0 ? null : value.slice(value.indexOf(this.timeSign) + this.timeSign.length)) }
let a = new BaseStorage('_', '@'); a.set('name', '123') a.get('name') // {status: 0, value: "123"} // 設置失效時間 a.set('name', '123', null, new Date().getTime() + 1000*60*60*24*31) // 移除 a.remove('name')
/** * 數據管理器 */ (function(win){ const BaseStorage = function(preId, timeSign){ this.preId = preId; this.timeSign = timeSign || '|-|'; } BaseStorage.prototype = { status: { SUCCESS: 0, FAILURE: 1, OVERFLOW: 2, TIMEOUT: 3 }, storage: localStorage || window.localStorage, getKey: function(key){ return this.preId + key }, set: function(key, value, cb, time){ var status = this.status.SUCCESS, key = this.getKey(key); // 設置失效時間,未設置時間默認為一個月 try{ time = new Date(time).getTime() || time.getTime(); }catch(e){ time = new Date().getTime() + 1000*60*60*24*31 } try{ this.storage.setItem(key, time + this.timeSign + value); }catch(e){ status = this.status.OVERFLOW; } cb && cb.call(this, status, key, value) }, get: function(key, cb){ var status = this.status.SUCCESS, key = this.getKey(key), value = null, timeSignLen = this.timeSign.length, that = this, index, time, result; try{ value = that.storage.getItem(key); }catch(e){ result = { status: that.status.FAILURE, value: null } cb && cb.call(this, result.status, result.value); return result } if(value) { index = value.indexOf(that.timeSign); time = +value.slice(0, index); if(time > new Date().getTime() || time == 0){ value = value.slice(index+timeSignLen); }else{ value = null, status = that.status.TIMEOUT; that.remove(key); } }else{ status = that.status.FAILURE; } result = { status: status, value: value }; cb && cb.call(this, result.status, result.value); return result }, // 刪除storage,如果刪除成功,返回刪除的內容 remove: function(key, cb){ var status = this.status.FAILURE, key = this.getKey(key), value = null; try{ value = this.storage.getItem(key); }catch(e){ // dosomething } if(value){ try{ this.storage.removeItem(key); status = this.status.SUCCESS; }catch(e){ // dosomething } } cb && cb.call(this, status, status > 0 ? null : value.slice(value.indexOf(this.timeSign) + this.timeSign.length)) } } win.BS = BaseStorage; })(window)
看完上述內容,你們對 原生Javascript怎樣實現一個支持過期時間的DAO庫有進一步的了解嗎?如果還想了解更多知識或者相關內容,請關注億速云行業資訊頻道,感謝大家的支持。