//下面的代碼是一個實現C++連接MYSQL數據庫的很好的例子 //這里用了建表,插入,檢索,刪表等常用功能 //我用VC++6.0生成,已經成功連接了。 //在VC++6.0中要想把做一下兩步準備工作才可以。 //(1)Tools->Options->Directories->Include files中添加C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 6.0\include //(2)Tools->Options->Directories->Library files中添加C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 6.0\lib\opt //其實就是將頭文件和庫文件包含進來 //我覺得這個例子寫的很好,再結合自己的試驗,特地介紹給大家! #include <winsock.h> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <mysql.h> using namespace std; #pragma comment(lib, "ws2_32.lib") #pragma comment(lib, "libmysql.lib") //單步執行,不想單步執行就注釋掉 #define STEPBYSTEP int main() { cout << "****************************************" << endl; #ifdef STEPBYSTEP system("pause"); #endif //必備的一個數據結構 MYSQL mydata; //初始化數據庫 if (0 == mysql_library_init(0, NULL, NULL)) { cout << "mysql_library_init() succeed" << endl; } else { cout << "mysql_library_init() failed" << endl; return -1; } #ifdef STEPBYSTEP system("pause"); #endif //初始化數據結構 if (NULL != mysql_init(&mydata)) { cout << "mysql_init() succeed" << endl; } else { cout << "mysql_init() failed" << endl; return -1; } #ifdef STEPBYSTEP system("pause"); #endif //在連接數據庫之前,設置額外的連接選項 //可以設置的選項很多,這里設置字符集,否則無法處理中文 if (0 == mysql_options(&mydata, MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_NAME, "gbk")) { cout << "mysql_options() succeed" << endl; } else { cout << "mysql_options() failed" << endl; return -1; } #ifdef STEPBYSTEP system("pause"); #endif //連接數據庫 if (NULL != mysql_real_connect(&mydata, "localhost", "root", "test", "test", 3306, NULL, 0)) //這里的地址,用戶名,密碼,端口可以根據自己本地的情況更改 { cout << "mysql_real_connect() succeed" << endl; } else { cout << "mysql_real_connect() failed" << endl; return -1; } #ifdef STEPBYSTEP system("pause"); #endif //sql字符串 string sqlstr; //創建一個表 sqlstr = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS user_info"; sqlstr += "("; sqlstr += "user_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY COMMENT 'Unique User ID',"; sqlstr += "user_name VARCHAR(100) CHARACTER SET gb2312 COLLATE gb2312_chinese_ci NULL COMMENT 'Name Of User',"; sqlstr += "user_second_sum INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'The Summation Of Using Time'"; sqlstr += ");"; if (0 == mysql_query(&mydata, sqlstr.c_str())) { cout << "mysql_query() create table succeed" << endl; } else { cout << "mysql_query() create table failed" << endl; mysql_close(&mydata); return -1; } #ifdef STEPBYSTEP system("pause"); #endif //向表中插入數據 sqlstr = "INSERT INTO user_info(user_name) VALUES('公司名稱'),('一級部門'),('二級部門'),('開發小組'),('姓名');"; if (0 == mysql_query(&mydata, sqlstr.c_str())) { cout << "mysql_query() insert data succeed" << endl; } else { cout << "mysql_query() insert data failed" << endl; mysql_close(&mydata); return -1; } #ifdef STEPBYSTEP system("pause"); #endif //顯示剛才插入的數據 sqlstr = "SELECT user_id,user_name,user_second_sum FROM user_info"; MYSQL_RES *result = NULL; if (0 == mysql_query(&mydata, sqlstr.c_str())) { cout << "mysql_query() select data succeed" << endl; //一次性取得數據集 result = mysql_store_result(&mydata); //取得并打印行數 int rowcount = mysql_num_rows(result); cout << "row count: " << rowcount << endl; //取得并打印各字段的名稱 unsigned int fieldcount = mysql_num_fields(result); MYSQL_FIELD *field = NULL; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < fieldcount; i++) { field = mysql_fetch_field_direct(result, i); cout << field->name << "\t\t"; } cout << endl; //打印各行 MYSQL_ROW row = NULL; row = mysql_fetch_row(result); while (NULL != row) { for (int i = 0; i < fieldcount; i++) { cout << row[i] << "\t\t"; } cout << endl; row = mysql_fetch_row(result); } } else { cout << "mysql_query() select data failed" << endl; mysql_close(&mydata); return -1; } #ifdef STEPBYSTEP system("pause"); #endif //刪除剛才建的表 sqlstr = "DROP TABLE user_info"; if (0 == mysql_query(&mydata, sqlstr.c_str())) { cout << "mysql_query() drop table succeed" << endl; } else { cout << "mysql_query() drop table failed" << endl; mysql_close(&mydata); return -1; } mysql_free_result(result); mysql_close(&mydata); mysql_server_end(); system("pause"); return 0; }
一 vc的設置
(1)打開VC6.0 工具欄Tools菜單下的Options選項,在Directories的標簽頁中右邊的“Show directories for:”下拉列表中選中“Includefiles”,然后在中間列表框中添加你本地安裝MySQL的include目錄路徑。(我的是D:Program FilesMySQLMySQL Server 5.0include)。
(2)在上面說到的“Show directories for:”下拉列表中選中“Library files”,然后添加你本地安裝MySQL的Lib目錄路徑。Lib目錄下還有debug和opt兩個目錄,建議選debug。(我的是D:Program FilesMySQLMySQL Server 5.0libdebug)。
(3)在“Project settings->Link:Object/library modules”里面添加“libmysql.lib”。
#include "mysql.h" #include "winsock.h" // 如果編譯出錯,則把該行放到#include "mysql.h"之前#pragma comment(lib,"libmySQL.lib") // 如果在附加依賴項里已增加,則就不要添加了
二 數據庫的相關操作
打開“開始->所有程序->MySQL->MySQL Server 5.0->MySQL Command Line Client.exe”,如果沒有設置密碼就直接按回車,會提示服務器啟動成功。
mysql> SHOW DATABASES;//顯示所有的數據庫,注意一定要 敲“;”后再按回車 mysql> CREATE DATABASE mydb;//創建數據庫mydb mysql> USE mydb;//選擇你所創建的數據庫mydb mysql> SHOW TABLES; //顯示數據庫中的表 mysql> CREATE TABLE mytable (username VARCHAR(100), visitelist VARCHAR(200),
remark VARCHAR(200));//創建一個表mytable: 用戶名;訪問列表
mysql> DESCRIBE mytable;//顯示表的結構
三 VC編程
MYSQL mysql; //數據庫連接句柄 mysql_init (&mysql); if(!mysql_real_connect(&mysql,"localhost","root",NULL,"mydb",3306,NULL,0)) {//mydb為你所創建的數據庫,3306為端口號,可自行設定 AfxMessageBox("數據庫連接失敗"); return FALSE; }
(1)實現添加 功能
CString strUsername,strList,strRemark,strSQL; strSQL.Format("insert into mytable(username,visitelist,remark) values('%s','%s','%s')", strUsername,strList,strRemark);//注意一定要寫在一行,而且必須要有'' if(mysql_real_query(&mysql,(char*)(LPCTSTR)strSQL,(UINT)strSQL.GetLength())!=0){ AfxMessageBox("增添失敗"); }
CString strUsername,strList,strRemark,strSQL,str_PreName;//str_PreName用于記錄想要修改的行,詳情請看源代碼 strSQL.Format("update mytable set username='%s',visitelist='%s', remark='%s' where username='%s'",strUsername,strList,strRemark,str_PreName); if(mysql_real_query(&mysql,(char*)(LPCTSTR)strSQL,(UINT)strSQL.GetLength())!=0){ AfxMessageBox("修改失敗"); }
CString strSQL; strSQL.Format("delete from mytable where username='%s'",str_PreName);//必須要有'' if(mysql_real_query(&mysql,(char*)(LPCTSTR)strSQL,(UINT)strSQL.GetLength())!=0){ AfxMessageBox("刪除失敗"); }
m_list.DeleteAllItems(); char *ch_query; ch_query="select * from mytable"; if(mysql_real_query(&mysql,ch_query,(UINT)strlen(ch_query))!=0){ AfxMessageBox("數據庫中表格出錯"); } CString str; MYSQL_RES *result; MYSQL_ROW row; if(!(result=mysql_use_result(&mysql))){ AfxMessageBox("讀取數據集失敗"); } int i=0; while(row=mysql_fetch_row(result)){ str.Format("%s",row[0]); m_list.InsertItem(i,str); str.Format("%s",row[1]); m_list.SetItemText(i,1,str); str.Format("%s",row[2]); m_list.SetItemText(i,2,str); i++; } mysql_free_result(result);
while (row=mysql_fetch_row(result))
for (int j=0;j<num;j++)
mysql_fetch_row依次獲取受影響的行,當結束時返回NULL,mysql_num_fields獲取該行的列數。注意,這里的row是char** 類型,即row[i]是char*類型。