pip install pygame
import pygame, sys, time, random color_red = pygame.Color(255, 0, 0) color_white = pygame.Color(255, 255, 255) color_green = pygame.Color(0, 255, 0) pygame.init() screen = pygame.display.set_mode((600, 400)) screen.fill(color_white) pygame.display.set_caption("貪吃蛇小游戲") arr = [([0] * 41) for i in range(61)] # 創建一個二維數組 x = 10 # 蛇的初始x坐標 y = 10 # 蛇的初始y坐標 foodx = random.randint(1, 60) # 食物隨機生成的x坐標 foody = random.randint(1, 40) # 食物隨機生成的y坐標 arr[foodx][foody] = -1 snake_lon = 3 # 蛇的長度 way = 1 # 蛇的運動方向 while True: screen.fill(color_white) time.sleep(0.1) for event in pygame.event.get(): # 監聽器 if event.type == pygame.QUIT: sys.exit() elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if (event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT) and (way != 2): # 向右移動且避免反向移動 way = 1 if (event.key == pygame.K_LEFT) and (way != 1): # 向左移動且避免反向移動 way = 2 if (event.key == pygame.K_UP) and (way != 4): # 向上移動且避免反向移動 way = 3 if (event.key == pygame.K_DOWN) and (way != 3): # 向下移動且避免反向移動 way = 4 if way == 1: x += 1 if way == 2: x -= 1 if way == 3: y -= 1 if way == 4: y += 1 if (x > 60) or (y > 40) or (x < 1) or (y < 1) or (arr[x][y] > 0): # 判斷死亡(撞墻或自食) sys.exit() arr[x][y] = snake_lon for a, b in enumerate(arr, 1): for c, d in enumerate(b, 1): # 在二維數組中,食物為-1,空地為0,蛇的位置為正數 if (d > 0): # print(a,c) #輸出蛇的當前坐標 arr[a - 1][c - 1] = arr[a - 1][c - 1] - 1 pygame.draw.rect(screen, color_green, ((a - 1) * 10, (c - 1) * 10, 10, 10)) if (d < 0): pygame.draw.rect(screen, color_red, ((a - 1) * 10, (c - 1) * 10, 10, 10)) if (x == foodx) and (y == foody): #蛇吃到食物 snake_lon += 1 #長度+1 while (arr[foodx][foody] != 0): #刷新食物 foodx = random.randint(1, 60) foody = random.randint(1, 40) arr[foodx][foody] = -1 pygame.display.update()