oracle reference partition引用分區(一)
SQL> create table t_hash_partition_parent(a int primary key,b int)
2 partition by hash(a)
3 partitions 2
SQL> /
Table created.
---報錯原因:a int后應有,號
SQL> create table t_reference_partition(id int primary key,a int constraint fk_a
foreign key(a), references t_hash_partition_parent(a))
2 partition by reference(fk_a)
3 /
create table t_reference_partition(id int primary key,a int constraint fk_a fore
ign key(a), references t_hash_partition_parent(a))
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02253: constraint specification not allowed here
---掃錯原因:外鍵列必須是not null
SQL> ed
Wrote file afiedt.buf
1 create table t_reference_partition(id int primary key,a int constraint fk_a
foreign key(a), references t_hash_partition_parent(a))
2* partition by reference(fk_a)
SQL> create table t_reference_partition(id int primary key,a int,constraint fk_a
foreign key(a) references t_hash_partition_parent(a))
2 partition by reference(fk_a)
3 /
partition by reference(fk_a)
ERROR at line 2:
ORA-14652: reference partitioning foreign key is not supported
SQL> ed
SQL> create table t_reference_partition(id int primary key,a int not null,constr
aint fk_a foreign key(a) references t_hash_partition_parent(a))
2 partition by reference(fk_a)
3 /
Table created.
SQL> select partition_name from user_tab_partitions where table_name='T_HASH_PAR
SQL> select partition_name from user_tab_partitions where table_name='T_REFERENC
---引用分區必須要引用外鍵約束,且主分區表的父鍵必須構建pk或unique constraint,同時要滿足enable validate not deferenable
You must specify a referential integrity constraint defined on the table being created, which must refer to a primary key or unique constraint on the parent table.
The constraint must be in ENABLE VALIDATE NOT DEFERRABLE state, which is the default when you specify a referential integrity constraint during table creation.
---所有引用的外鍵必須定義為not null
All foreign key columns referenced in constraint must be NOT NULL.
---如指定約束,不能再指定on delete set null;即在操作父表時,不能同時設置匹配子表的記錄為空
When you specify the constraint, you cannot specify the ON DELETE SET NULL clause of the references_clause.
---所引用的父表必須是分區表;且父表分表方法不能是interval mode
The parent table referenced in the constraint must be an existing partitioned table. It can be partitioned by any method except interval partitioning.
---引用分區和父分區表所引用的外鍵及父鍵絕不能包含基于pl sql function or lob列的虛擬列
The foreign and parent keys cannot contain any virtual columns that reference PL/SQL functions or LOB columns.
Restrictions for reference partitioning are derived from the partitioning strategy of the parent table.
You cannot specify this clause for an index-organized table, an external table, or a domain index storage table.
The parent table can be partitioned by reference, but constraint cannot be self-referential. The table being created cannot be partitioned based on a reference to itself.
If ROW MOVEMENT is enabled for the parent table, it must also be enabled for the child table.