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Fuzhou Microsoft incubator Azure training

發布時間:2020-06-10 21:24:42 來源:網絡 閱讀:467 作者:huangbowen2005 欄目:云計算

Training Review | Microsoft Cloud Services Training

Received in Fuzhou Microsoft Incubator Yunze Rapid creation of the re-request, I gave the incubation enterprise and did another Azure training on Jan 25, 2019 .
In this training, they were introduced to the services provided by Azure, the benefits of Azure and the value it brings to the enterprise, and so on.

Fuzhou Microsoft incubator Azure training

Fuzhou Microsoft incubator Azure training

Fuzhou Microsoft incubator Azure training

Fuzhou Microsoft incubator Azure training

Fuzhou Microsoft incubator Azure training

Fuzhou Microsoft incubator Azure training

Fuzhou Microsoft incubator Azure training

Fuzhou Microsoft incubator Azure training

Fuzhou Microsoft incubator Azure training

Fuzhou Microsoft incubator Azure training

Here are the photos of the small partners who are taking a hard look at the live events, and the guys are awesome.

Fuzhou Microsoft incubator Azure training

Fuzhou Microsoft incubator Azure training




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