一 . 初始化3D模型參數
//參數處理 this.option = new Object(); this.option.antialias = option.antialias || true; this.option.clearCoolr = option.clearCoolr || 0x1b7ace; this.option.showHelpGrid = option.showHelpGrid || false; //對象 this.id = id; this.width = width(); this.height = height(); this.renderer = null;//渲染器 this.scene = null;//場景 this.camera = null;//攝像機 this.selected=null; this.objects = []; this.mouseClick = new THREE.Vector2(); this.raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster(); this.controls = null;//鼠標控制器 this.trsnaformControls = null;//鼠標控制器 this.dragcontrols = null; this.objList = json.objects;//對象列表 this.eventList = json.events;//事件對象列表 this.dragList = []; this.objectStatusList = {}; this.clickList = []; var that = this;
二 . 開始搭建場景
搭建場景包含一些具體的初始化操作 一些初始化方法(之后才對具體方法加以說明):
var that = this; room3dObj = that; that.initThree(that.id); //初始化渲染器 that.initCamera(); //初始化攝像機 that.initScene();//創建場景 that.initHelpGrid();//創建網格 that.initLight();//燈光布置 //添加3D對象 $.each(that.objList, function (index,obj) { that.InitAddObject(obj);//添加對象到場景中 }); that.initMouseCtrl();//創建鼠標控制器 that.animation();//循環渲染界面
三 . 初始化渲染器
渲染器 WebGLRenderer 定義語法:
var that = this; that.renderer = new THREE.WebGLRenderer({ alpha: true, antialias: that.option.antialias }); that.renderer.setSize(that.width, that.height); $(“#” + that.id).append(that.renderer.domElement); that.renderer.setClearColor(that.option.clearCoolr, 1.0); that.renderer.shadowMap.enabled = true; that.renderer.shadowMapSoft = true; //事件 that.renderer.domElement.addEventListener(‘mousedown',that.onDocumentMouseDown, false); that.renderer.domElement.addEventListener(‘mousemove',that.onDocumentMouseMove, false);
四 . 初始化攝像機
采用PerspectiveCamera 相機:
var that = this; that.camera = new THREE.PerspectiveCamera(45, that.width / that.height, 1, 100000); that.camera.name = 'mainCamera'; that.camera.position.x =0; that.camera.position.y =2000; that.camera.position.z =1800; that.camera.up.x = 0; that.camera.up.y =1; that.camera.up.z =0; that.camera.lookAt({ x: 100, y: 0, z: 100 }); that.objects.push(that.camera); that.dragList.push(that.camera); that.clickList.push(that.camera);
五 . 創建場景
var that = this; that.scene = new THREE.Scene();
六 . 燈光布置
/* AmbientLight: 環境光,基礎光源,它的顏色會被加載到整個場景和所有對象的當前顏色上。 PointLight:點光源,朝著所有方向都發射光線 SpotLight :聚光燈光源:類型臺燈,天花板上的吊燈,手電筒等 DirectionalLight:方向光,又稱無限光,從這個發出的光源可以看做是平行光. */ var that = this; var light = new THREE.AmbientLight(0xcccccc); light.position.set(0, 0,0); that.scene.add(light); var light2 = new THREE.PointLight(0x555555); light2.shadow.camera.near =1; light2.shadow.camera.far = 5000; light2.position.set(0, 350, 0); light2.castShadow = true;//表示這個光是可以產生陰影的 that.scene.add(light2);
七 . 創建網格
var that = this; if (that.option.showHelpGrid) { var helpGrid = new THREE.GridHelper(1000, 50); that.scene.add(helpGrid); }
八 . 循環渲染界面
var that = room3dObj; if (TWEEN != null && typeof (TWEEN) != ‘undefined') { TWEEN.update(); } requestAnimationFrame(that.animation); that.renderer.render(that.scene, that.camera);
九 . 創建鼠標控制器
var that = this; that.controls = new THREE.OrbitControls(that.camera,that.renderer.domElement); that.controls.addEventListener(‘change', that.updateControls);
十 . 添加對象到場景中
var that = room3dObj; that.scene.add(obj); that.objects.push(obj);