tokenizer和parser這兩個過程不是本文的重點,我統一放在了parser中,交由 @babel/parser 來處理。
首先,evaluate 接收兩個參數,node 當前遍歷的AST樹節點和 scope 當前環境。然后,evaluate去根據 node 的 type 屬性,判斷該節點是什么類型。判斷出類型后,執行 apply 去求值這個節點所代表的表達式。apply 中會再次遞歸的執行 evaluate 去計算當前節點的子節點。最終,執行完整顆AST樹。
const evaluate = (node: t.Node, scope) => { const evalFunc = evaluateMap[node.type]; if (!evalFunc) { throw `${node.loc} ${node.type} 還未實現`; } return evalFunc(node, scope); }
其中,evaluateMap 是目前實現的內容集合,我們來看下具體的代碼
const evaluateMap: EvaluateMap = { File(node: t.File, scope) { evaluate(node.program, scope); }, Program(node: t.Program, scope) { for (const n of node.body) { evaluate(n, scope); } }, Identifier(node: t.Identifier, scope) { const $var = scope.$find(node.name); if (!$var) { throw `[Error] ${node.loc}, '${node.name}' 未定義`; } return $var.$get(); }, StringLiteral(node: t.StringLiteral, scope) { return node.value; }, NumericLiteral(node: t.NumericLiteral, scope) { return node.value; }, BooleanLiteral(node: t.BooleanLiteral, scope) { return node.value; }, NullLiteral(node: t.NullLiteral, scope) { return null; }, BlockStatement(block: t.BlockStatement, scope) { const blockScope = scope.shared ? scope : new Scope('block', scope); for (const node of block.body) { const res = evaluate(node, blockScope); if (res === BREAK || res === CONTINUE || res === RETURN) { return res; } } }, DebuggerStatement(node: t.DebuggerStatement, scope) { debugger; }, ExpressionStatement(node: t.ExpressionStatement, scope) { evaluate(node.expression, scope); }, ReturnStatement(node: t.ReturnStatement, scope) { RETURN.result = (node.argument ? evaluate(node.argument, scope) : void 0); return RETURN; }, BreakStatement(node: t.BreakStatement, scope) { return BREAK; }, ContinueStatement(node: t.ContinueStatement, scope) { return CONTINUE; }, IfStatement(node: t.IfStatement, scope) { if (evaluate(node.test, scope)) { return evaluate(node.consequent, scope); } if (node.alternate) { const ifScope = new Scope('block', scope, true); return evaluate(node.alternate, ifScope) } }, SwitchStatement(node: t.SwitchStatement, scope) { const discriminant = evaluate(node.discriminant, scope); const switchScope = new Scope('switch', scope); for (const ca of node.cases){ if (ca.test === null || evaluate(ca.test, switchScope) === discriminant) { const res = evaluate(ca, switchScope); if (res === BREAK) { break; } else if (res === RETURN) { return res; } } } }, SwitchCase(node: t.SwitchCase, scope) { for (const item of node.consequent) { const res = evaluate(item, scope); if (res === BREAK || res === RETURN) { return res; } } }, ThrowStatement(node: t.ThrowStatement, scope) { throw evaluate(node.argument, scope); }, TryStatement(node: t.TryStatement, scope) { try { return evaluate(node.block, scope); } catch (error) { if (node.handler) { const catchScope = new Scope('block', scope, true); catchScope.$let((<t.Identifier>node.handler.param).name, error); return evaluate(node.handler, catchScope); } else { throw error; } } finally { if (node.finalizer) { return evaluate(node.finalizer, scope); } } }, CatchClause(node: t.CatchClause, scope) { return evaluate(node.body, scope); }, WhileStatement(node: t.WhileStatement, scope) { while (evaluate(node.test, scope)) { const whileScope = new Scope('loop', scope, true); const res = evaluate(node.body, whileScope); if (res === CONTINUE) continue; if (res === BREAK) break; if (res === RETURN) return res; } }, ForStatement(node: t.ForStatement, scope) { for ( const forScope = new Scope('loop', scope), initVal = evaluate(node.init, forScope); evaluate(node.test, forScope); evaluate(node.update, forScope) ) { const res = evaluate(node.body, forScope); if (res === CONTINUE) continue; if (res === BREAK) break; if (res === RETURN) return res; } }, ForInStatement(node: t.ForInStatement, scope) { const kind = (<t.VariableDeclaration>node.left).kind; const decl = (<t.VariableDeclaration>node.left).declarations[0]; const name = (<t.Identifier>decl.id).name; for (const value in evaluate(node.right, scope)) { const forScope = new Scope('loop', scope, true); scope.$define(kind, name, value); const res = evaluate(node.body, forScope); if (res === CONTINUE) continue; if (res === BREAK) break; if (res === RETURN) return res; } }, ForOfStatement(node: t.ForOfStatement, scope) { const kind = (<t.VariableDeclaration>node.left).kind; const decl = (<t.VariableDeclaration>node.left).declarations[0]; const name = (<t.Identifier>decl.id).name; for (const value of evaluate(node.right, scope)) { const forScope = new Scope('loop', scope, true); scope.$define(kind, name, value); const res = evaluate(node.body, forScope); if (res === CONTINUE) continue; if (res === BREAK) break; if (res === RETURN) return res; } }, FunctionDeclaration(node: t.FunctionDeclaration, scope) { const func = evaluateMap.FunctionExpression(node, scope); scope.$var(node.id.name, func); }, VariableDeclaration(node: t.VariableDeclaration, scope) { const { kind, declarations } = node; for (const decl of declarations) { const varName = (<t.Identifier>decl.id).name; const value = decl.init ? evaluate(decl.init, scope) : void 0; if (!scope.$define(kind, varName, value)) { throw `[Error] ${name} 重復定義` } } }, ThisExpression(node: t.ThisExpression, scope) { const _this = scope.$find('this'); return _this ? _this.$get() : null; }, ArrayExpression(node: t.ArrayExpression, scope) { return node.elements.map(item => evaluate(item, scope)); }, ObjectExpression(node: t.ObjectExpression, scope) { let res = Object.create(null); node.properties.forEach((prop) => { let key; let value; if(prop.type === 'ObjectProperty'){ key = prop.key.name; value = evaluate(prop.value, scope); res[key] = value; }else if (prop.type === 'ObjectMethod'){ const kind = prop.kind; key = prop.key.name; value = evaluate(prop.body, scope); if(kind === 'method') { res[key] = value; }else if(kind === 'get') { Object.defineProperty(res, key, { get: value }); }else if(kind === 'set') { Object.defineProperty(res, key, { set: value }); } }else if(prop.type === 'SpreadElement'){ const arg = evaluate(prop.argument, scope); res = Object.assign(res, arg); } }); return res; }, FunctionExpression(node: t.FunctionExpression, scope) { return function (...args: any) { const funcScope = new Scope('function', scope, true); node.params.forEach((param: t.Identifier, idx) => { const { name: paramName } = param; funcScope.$let(paramName, args[idx]); }); funcScope.$const('this', this); funcScope.$const('arguments', arguments); const res = evaluate(node.body, funcScope); if (res === RETURN) { return res.result; } } }, ArrowFunctionExpression(node: t.ArrowFunctionExpression, scope) { return (...args) => { const funcScope = new Scope('function', scope, true); node.params.forEach((param: t.Identifier, idx) => { const { name: paramName } = param; funcScope.$let(paramName, args[idx]); }); const _this = funcScope.$find('this'); funcScope.$const('this', _this ? _this.$get() : null); funcScope.$const('arguments', args); const res = evaluate(node.body, funcScope); if (res === RETURN) { return res.result; } } }, UnaryExpression(node: t.UnaryExpression, scope) { const expressionMap = { '~': () => ~evaluate(node.argument, scope), '+': () => +evaluate(node.argument, scope), '-': () => -evaluate(node.argument, scope), '!': () => !evaluate(node.argument, scope), 'void': () => void evaluate(node.argument, scope), 'typeof': () => { if (node.argument.type === 'Identifier') { const $var = scope.$find(node.argument.name); const value = $var ? $var.$get() : void 0; return typeof value; } return typeof evaluate(node.argument, scope); }, 'delete': () => { if (node.argument.type === 'MemberExpression') { const { object, property, computed } = node.argument; const obj = evaluate(object, scope); let prop; if (computed) { prop = evaluate(property, scope); } else { prop = property.name; } return delete obj[prop]; } else { throw '[Error] 出現錯誤' } }, } return expressionMap[node.operator](); }, UpdateExpression(node: t.UpdateExpression, scope) { const { prefix, argument, operator } = node; let $var: IVariable; if (argument.type === 'Identifier') { $var = scope.$find(argument.name); if (!$var) throw `${argument.name} 未定義`; } else if (argument.type === 'MemberExpression') { const obj = evaluate(argument.object, scope); let prop; if (argument.computed) { prop = evaluate(argument.property, scope); } else { prop = argument.property.name; } $var = { $set(value: any) { obj[prop] = value; return true; }, $get() { return obj[prop]; } } } else { throw '[Error] 出現錯誤' } const expressionMap = { '++': v => { $var.$set(v + 1); return prefix ? ++v : v++ }, '--': v => { $var.$set(v - 1); return prefix ? --v : v-- }, } return expressionMap[operator]($var.$get()); }, BinaryExpression(node: t.BinaryExpression, scope) { const { left, operator, right } = node; const expressionMap = { '==': (a, b) => a == b, '===': (a, b) => a === b, '>': (a, b) => a > b, '<': (a, b) => a < b, '!=': (a, b) => a != b, '!==': (a, b) => a !== b, '>=': (a, b) => a >= b, '<=': (a, b) => a <= b, '<<': (a, b) => a << b, '>>': (a, b) => a >> b, '>>>': (a, b) => a >>> b, '+': (a, b) => a + b, '-': (a, b) => a - b, '*': (a, b) => a * b, '/': (a, b) => a / b, '&': (a, b) => a & b, '%': (a, b) => a % b, '|': (a, b) => a | b, '^': (a, b) => a ^ b, 'in': (a, b) => a in b, 'instanceof': (a, b) => a instanceof b, } return expressionMap[operator](evaluate(left, scope), evaluate(right, scope)); }, AssignmentExpression(node: t.AssignmentExpression, scope) { const { left, right, operator } = node; let $var: IVariable; if (left.type === 'Identifier') { $var = scope.$find(left.name); if(!$var) throw `${left.name} 未定義`; } else if (left.type === 'MemberExpression') { const obj = evaluate(left.object, scope); let prop; if (left.computed) { prop = evaluate(left.property, scope); } else { prop = left.property.name; } $var = { $set(value: any) { obj[prop] = value; return true; }, $get() { return obj[prop]; } } } else { throw '[Error] 出現錯誤' } const expressionMap = { '=': v => { $var.$set(v); return $var.$get() }, '+=': v => { $var.$set($var.$get() + v); return $var.$get() }, '-=': v => { $var.$set($var.$get() - v); return $var.$get() }, '*=': v => { $var.$set($var.$get() * v); return $var.$get() }, '/=': v => { $var.$set($var.$get() / v); return $var.$get() }, '%=': v => { $var.$set($var.$get() % v); return $var.$get() }, '<<=': v => { $var.$set($var.$get() << v); return $var.$get() }, '>>=': v => { $var.$set($var.$get() >> v); return $var.$get() }, '>>>=': v => { $var.$set($var.$get() >>> v); return $var.$get() }, '|=': v => { $var.$set($var.$get() | v); return $var.$get() }, '&=': v => { $var.$set($var.$get() & v); return $var.$get() }, '^=': v => { $var.$set($var.$get() ^ v); return $var.$get() }, } return expressionMap[operator](evaluate(right, scope)); }, LogicalExpression(node: t.LogicalExpression, scope) { const { left, right, operator } = node; const expressionMap = { '&&': () => evaluate(left, scope) && evaluate(right, scope), '||': () => evaluate(left, scope) || evaluate(right, scope), } return expressionMap[operator](); }, MemberExpression(node: t.MemberExpression, scope) { const { object, property, computed } = node; const obj = evaluate(object, scope); let prop; if (computed) { prop = evaluate(property, scope); } else { prop = property.name; } return obj[prop]; }, ConditionalExpression(node: t.ConditionalExpression, scope) { const { test, consequent, alternate } = node; return evaluate(test, scope) ? evaluate(consequent, scope) : evaluate(alternate, scope); }, CallExpression(node: t.CallExpression, scope) { const func = evaluate(node.callee, scope); const args = node.arguments.map(arg => evaluate(arg, scope)); let _this; if (node.callee.type === 'MemberExpression') { _this = evaluate(node.callee.object, scope); } else { const $var = scope.$find('this'); _this = $var ? $var.$get() : null; } return func.apply(_this, args); }, NewExpression(node: t.NewExpression, scope) { const func = evaluate(node.callee, scope); const args = node.arguments.map(arg => evaluate(arg, scope)); return new (func.bind(func, ...args)); }, SequenceExpression(node: t.SequenceExpression, scope) { let last; node.expressions.forEach(expr => { last = evaluate(expr, scope); }) return last; }, }
以上,evaluate-apply 這個過程就完了。
我們再來看下 scope 該如何實現。
class Scope implements IScope { public readonly variables: EmptyObj = Object.create(null); constructor( private readonly scopeType: ScopeType, private parent: Scope = null, public readonly shared = false, ) { } }
我們構造一個類來模擬 scope。可以看到,Scope 類包含了以下4個屬性:
class Variable implements IVariable { constructor( private kind: Kind, private value: any ){ } $get() { return this.value } $set(value: any) { if (this.kind === 'const') { return false } this.value = value; return true; } }
有了 Variable 類之后,我們就可以編寫 Scope 類中的聲明變量的方法了。
let 和 const 的聲明方式基本一樣
$const(varName: string, value: any) { const variable = this.variables[varName]; if (!variable) { this.variables[varName] = new Variable('const', value); return true; } return false; } $let(varName: string, value: any) { const variable = this.variables[varName]; if (!variable) { this.variables[varName] = new Variable('let', value); return true; } return false; }
var 的聲明方式稍微有一點差異,因為js中,除了在 function 中,用var 聲明的變量是會被聲明到父級作用域的(js的歷史遺留坑)。我們看下代碼
$var(varName: string, value: any) { let scope: Scope = this; while (!!scope.parent && scope.scopeType !== 'function') { scope = scope.parent; } const variable = scope.variables[varName]; if (!variable) { scope.variables[varName] = new Variable('var', value); } else { scope.variables[varName] = variable.$set(value); } return true }
$find(varName: string): null | IVariable { if (Reflect.has(this.variables, varName)) { return Reflect.get(this.variables, varName); } if (this.parent) { return this.parent.$find(varName); } return null; }