本文是利用python 復制文件夾 剛開始寫了一個普通的遞歸復制文件夾 然后想了想 覺得對io頻繁的程序 threading 線程還比較友好 就寫了個多線程版本的 最惡心人的地方就是路徑 其他都還好吧
import os import threading import multiprocessing length_of_folder = 0 def copyfile(Path): if os.path.isdir(Path): print("-----------%s" % ("Testfortherading_" + '/' + Path[length_of_folder:])) os.makedirs("Testforthreading_" + '/' + Path[length_of_folder:]) filenames = os.listdir(Path) for filename in filenames: if os.path.isdir(Path + '/' + filename): #ps = "Testforthreading_" +"/" + Path[length_of_folder:] #print("%s" % (ps + '/' + filename)) #os.mkdir(ps + '/' + filename) temp = Path + '/' + filename t = threading.Thread(target=copyfile , args=(temp,)) t.start() else: f = open(Path + '/' + filename , 'rb') content = f.read() F = open('Testforthreading_' + '/' + Path[length_of_folder:]+ '/' + filename , 'wb') F.write(content) f.close() F.close() def main(): """""" foldername = input("Please input the folder you want to copy:") length_of_folder = len(foldername) if os.path.isdir("Testforthreading_"): os.removedirs("Testforthreading_") os.mkdir("Testforthreading_") copyfile(foldername) #p = multiprocessing.Pool(10) #que = multiprocessing.Manager().Queue() if __name__ == "__main__": main()
import multiprocessing import os import reimport time # 源文件夾地址、目標文件夾地址 SOUR_PATH = "" DEST_PATH = "" # 源文件列表 文件夾列表 SOUR_FILE_LIST = list() SOUR_DIR_LIST = list() def traverse(source_path): """遞歸遍歷源文件夾,獲取文件夾列表、文件列表 :param source_path: 用戶指定的源路徑 """ if os.path.isdir(source_path): SOUR_DIR_LIST.append(source_path) for temp in os.listdir(source_path): new_source_path = os.path.join(source_path, temp) traverse(new_source_path) else: SOUR_FILE_LIST.append(source_path) def copy_files(queue, sour_file, dest_file): """復制文件列表中的文件到指定文件夾 :param queue: 隊列,用于監測進度 :param sour_file: :param dest_file: """ # time.sleep(0.1) try: old_f = open(sour_file, "rb") new_f = open(dest_file, "wb") except Exception as ret: print(ret) else: content = old_f.read() new_f.write(content) old_f.close() new_f.close() queue.put(sour_file) def main(): source_path = input("請輸入需要復制的文件夾的路徑:\n") SOUR_PATH = source_path DEST_PATH = SOUR_PATH + "[副本]" # dest_path = input("請輸入目標文件夾路徑") # DEST_PATH = dest_path print(">>>源文件夾路徑:", SOUR_PATH) print(">目標文件夾路徑:", DEST_PATH) print("開始計算文件...") queue = multiprocessing.Manager().Queue() po = multiprocessing.Pool(5) traverse(source_path) print("創建目標文件夾...") for sour_dir in SOUR_DIR_LIST: dest_dir = sour_dir.replace(SOUR_PATH, DEST_PATH) try: os.mkdir(dest_dir) except Exception as ret: print(ret) else: print("\r目標文件夾 %s 創建成功" % DEST_PATH, end="") print() print("開始復制文件") for sour_file in SOUR_FILE_LIST: dest_file = sour_file.replace(SOUR_PATH, DEST_PATH) po.apply_async(copy_files, args=(queue, sour_file, dest_file)) count_file = len(SOUR_FILE_LIST) count = 0 while True: q_sour_file = queue.get() if q_sour_file in SOUR_FILE_LIST: count += 1 rate = count * 100 / count_file print("\r文件復制進度: %.2f%% %s" % (rate, q_sour_file), end="") if rate >= 100: break print() ret = re.match(r".*\\([^\\]+)", SOUR_PATH) name = ret.group(1) print("文件夾 %s 復制完成" % name) if __name__ == '__main__': main()