pip install html2text
html2text命令使用方式為:html2text [(filename|url) [encoding]]。通過html2text -h,我們可以查看該命令支持的選項:
選項 | 描述 |
--version | 顯示程序版本號并退出 |
-h, --help | 顯示幫助信息并退出 |
--no-wrap-links | 轉換期間包裝鏈接 |
--ignore-emphasis | 對于強調,不包含任何格式 |
--reference-links | 使用參考樣式的鏈接,而不是內聯鏈接 |
--ignore-links | 對于鏈接,不包含任何格式 |
--protect-links | 保護鏈接不換行,并用尖角括號將其圍起來 |
--ignore-images | 對于圖像,不包含任何格式 |
--images-to-alt | 丟棄圖像數據,只保留替換文本 |
--images-with-size | 將圖像標簽作為原生html,并帶height和width屬性,以保留維度 |
-g, --google-doc | 轉換一個被導出為html的谷歌文檔 |
-d, --dash-unordered-list | 對于無序列表,使用破折號而不是星號 |
-e, --asterisk-emphasis | 對于被強調文本,使用星號而不是下劃線 |
-b BODY_WIDTH, --body-width=BODY_WIDTH | 每個輸出行的字符數,0表示不自動換行 |
-i LIST_INDENT, --google-list-indent=LIST_INDENT | Google縮進嵌套列表的像素數 |
-s, --hide-strikethrough | 隱藏帶刪除線文本。只有當也指定-g的時候才有用 |
--escape-all | 轉義所有特殊字符。輸出較為不可讀,但是會避免極端情況下的格式化問題。 |
--bypass-tables | 以HTML格式格式化表單,而不是Markdown語法。 |
--single-line-break | 在一個塊元素后使用單個換行符,而不是兩個換行符。注意:要求–body-width=0 |
--unicode-snob | 整個文檔中都使用unicode |
--no-automatic-links | 在任何適用情況下,不要使用自動鏈接 |
--no-skip-internal-links | 不要跳過內部鏈接 |
--links-after-para | 將鏈接置于每段之后而不是文檔之后 |
--mark-code | 用 復制代碼 代碼如下: … 將代碼塊標記出來 |
--decode-errors=DECODE_ERRORS | 如何處理decode錯誤。接受值為'ignore', ‘strict'和'replace' |
# 傳遞url html2text http://eepurl.com/cK06Gn # 傳遞文件名,編碼方式設置為utf-8 html2text test.html utf-8
html_content = """ <span ><a href="http://blog.yhat.com/posts/visualize-nba-pipelines.html" rel="external nofollow" target="_blank" >Data Wrangling 101: Using Python to Fetch, Manipulate & Visualize NBA Data</a></span><br> A tutorial using pandas and a few other packages to build a simple datapipe for getting NBA data. Even though this tutorial is done using NBA data, you don't need to be an NBA fan to follow along. The same concepts and techniques can be applied to any project of your choosing.<br> """
import html2text print html2text.html2text(html_content)
[Data Wrangling 101: Using Python to Fetch, Manipulate & Visualize NBA
A tutorial using pandas and a few other packages to build a simple datapipe
for getting NBA data. Even though this tutorial is done using NBA data, you
don't need to be an NBA fan to follow along. The same concepts and techniques
can be applied to any project of your choosing.
import html2text h = html2text.HTML2Text() print h.handle(html_content) # 輸出同上
h.ignore_emphasis = True print h.handle("<p>hello, this is <em>Ele</em></p>")
hello, this is Ele
h.ignore_emphasis = False # 默認值 print h.handle("<p>hello, this is <em>Ele</em></p>")
hello, this is _Ele_
h.inline_links = False print h.handle(html_content)
[Data Wrangling 101: Using Python to Fetch, Manipulate & Visualize NBA
A tutorial using pandas and a few other packages to build a simple datapipe
for getting NBA data. Even though this tutorial is done using NBA data, you
don't need to be an NBA fan to follow along. The same concepts and techniques
can be applied to any project of your choosing.
[16]: http://blog.yhat.com/posts/visualize-nba-pipelines.html
h.ignore_links = True print h.handle(html_content)
Data Wrangling 101: Using Python to Fetch, Manipulate & Visualize NBA Data
A tutorial using pandas and a few other packages to build a simple datapipe
for getting NBA data. Even though this tutorial is done using NBA data, you
don't need to be an NBA fan to follow along. The same concepts and techniques
can be applied to any project of your choosing.
h.protect_links = True print h.handle(html_content)
[Data Wrangling 101: Using Python to Fetch, Manipulate & Visualize NBA
A tutorial using pandas and a few other packages to build a simple datapipe
for getting NBA data. Even though this tutorial is done using NBA data, you
don't need to be an NBA fan to follow along. The same concepts and techniques
can be applied to any project of your choosing.
h.ignore_images = True print h.handle('<p>This is a img: <img src="https://my.oschina.net/img/hot3.png" alt="hot3"> ending ...</p>')
This is a img: ending ...
h.images_to_alt = True print h.handle('<p>This is a img: <img src="https://my.oschina.net/img/hot3.png" alt="hot3"> ending ...</p>')
This is a img: hot3 ending ...
h.images_with_size = True print h.handle('<p>This is a img: <img src="https://my.oschina.net/img/hot3.png" height=32px width=32px alt="hot3"> ending ...</p>')
This is a img: <img src='https://my.oschina.net/img/hot3.png' width='32px'
height='32px' alt='hot3' /> ending ...
h.body_width=0 print h.handle(html_content)
[Data Wrangling 101: Using Python to Fetch, Manipulate & Visualize NBA Data](http://blog.yhat.com/posts/visualize-nba-pipelines.html)
A tutorial using pandas and a few other packages to build a simple datapipe for getting NBA data. Even though this tutorial is done using NBA data, you don't need to be an NBA fan to follow along. The same concepts and techniques can be applied to any project of your choosing.
h.mark_code=True print h.handle('<pre class="hljs css"><code class="hljs css"> <span class="hljs-selector-tag"><span class="hljs-selector-tag">rpm</span></span> <span class="hljs-selector-tag"><span class="hljs-selector-tag">-Uvh</span></span> <span class="hljs-selector-tag"><span class="hljs-selector-tag">erlang-solutions-1</span></span><span class="hljs-selector-class"><span class="hljs-selector-class">.0-1</span></span><span class="hljs-selector-class"><span class="hljs-selector-class">.noarch</span></span><span class="hljs-selector-class"><span class="hljs-selector-class">.rpm</span></span></code></pre>')
復制代碼 代碼如下:
rpm -Uvh erlang-solutions-1.0-1.noarch.rpm
通過這種方式,就可以以腳本的形式自定義HTML -> MARKDOWN的自動化過程了。例子可參考下面的例子
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*- import sys reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') import re import requests from lxml import etree import html2text # 獲取第一個issue def get_first_issue(url): resp = requests.get(url) page = etree.HTML(resp.text) issue_list = page.xpath("//ul[@id='archive-list']/div[@class='display_archive']/li/a") fst_issue = issue_list[0].attrib fst_issue["text"] = issue_list[0].text return fst_issue # 獲取issue的內容,并轉成markdown def get_issue_md(url): resp = requests.get(url) page = etree.HTML(resp.text) content = page.xpath("//table[@id='templateBody']")[0]#'//table[@class="bodyTable"]')[0] h = html2text.HTML2Text() h.body_width=0 # 不自動換行 return h.handle(etree.tostring(content)) subtitle_mapping = { '**From Our Sponsor**': '# 來自贊助商', '**News**': '# 新聞', '**Articles**,** Tutorials and Talks**': '# 文章,教程和講座', '**Books**': '# 書籍', '**Interesting Projects, Tools and Libraries**': '# 好玩的項目,工具和庫', '**Python Jobs of the Week**': '# 本周的Python工作', '**New Releases**': '# 最新發布', '**Upcoming Events and Webinars**': '# 近期活動和網絡研討會', } def clean_issue(content): # 去除‘Share Python Weekly'及后面部分 content = re.sub('\*\*Share Python Weekly.*', '', content, flags=re.IGNORECASE) # 預處理標題 for k, v in subtitle_mapping.items(): content = content.replace(k, v) return content tpl_str = """原文:[{title}]({url}) --- {content} """ def run(): issue_list_url = "https://us2.campaign-archive.com/home/?u=e2e180baf855ac797ef407fc7&id=9e26887fc5" print "開始獲取最新的issue……" fst = get_first_issue(issue_list_url) #fst = {'href': 'http://eepurl.com/dqpDyL', 'title': 'Python Weekly - Issue 341'} print "獲取完畢。開始截取最新的issue內容并將其轉換成markdown格式" content = get_issue_md(fst['href']) print "開始清理issue內容" content = clean_issue(content) print "清理完畢,準備將", fst['title'], "寫入文件" title = fst['title'].replace('- ', '').replace(' ', '_') with open(title.strip()+'.md', "wb") as f: f.write(tpl_str.format(title=fst['title'], url=fst['href'], content=content)) print "恭喜,完成啦。文件保存至%s.md" % title if __name__ == '__main__': run()