#include <librdkafka/rdkafkacpp.h>
#include <iostream>
int main() {
std::string brokers = "localhost:9092";
std::string topic = "test";
RdKafka::Conf *conf = RdKafka::Conf::create(RdKafka::Conf::CONF_GLOBAL);
conf->set("metadata.broker.list", brokers, errstr);
RdKafka::Producer *producer = RdKafka::Producer::create(conf, errstr);
if (!producer) {
std::cerr << "Failed to create producer: " << errstr << std::endl;
return 1;
RdKafka::Topic *rd_topic = RdKafka::Topic::create(producer, topic, tconf, errstr);
RdKafka::ErrorCode resp = producer->produce(rd_topic, RdKafka::Topic::PARTITION_UA, RdKafka::Producer::RK_MSG_COPY,
const_cast<char *>(message.c_str()), message.size(), NULL, NULL);
if (resp != RdKafka::ERR_NO_ERROR) {
std::cerr << "Failed to produce message: " << RdKafka::err2str(resp) << std::endl;
delete rd_topic;
delete producer;
return 0;