

TranslateMessage ,GetMessage, DispatchMessage分析

2024-01-02 18:41:23
欄目: 編程語言

TranslateMessage, GetMessage, DispatchMessage are all functions used in Windows programming to handle messages in a message loop.

  1. TranslateMessage: This function is used to translate virtual-key messages into character messages. This function typically processes keyboard input. It checks if the message is a WM_KEYDOWN or WM_KEYUP message and translates it into WM_CHAR messages which represent the corresponding character for the key pressed.

  2. GetMessage: This function retrieves a message from the message queue of the calling thread. It blocks the thread until a message is available. The function retrieves a message from the thread’s message queue and stores it in the specified structure. It also checks if the retrieved message is a quit message (WM_QUIT) and if so, it terminates the message loop.

  3. DispatchMessage: This function dispatches a message to a window procedure. It sends the message to the appropriate window procedure for processing. The window procedure then handles the message and performs the necessary actions based on the message type. This function is typically called after GetMessage to dispatch the retrieved message to the appropriate window procedure for processing.

Overall, these functions work together in a typical message loop to handle messages in a Windows program. The TranslateMessage function is used to process keyboard input, the GetMessage function retrieves messages from the message queue, and the DispatchMessage function dispatches the retrieved message to the appropriate window procedure for processing.

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