

Android MobileGame 發布前的檢查清單

2024-07-17 13:09:43
欄目: 編程語言

  1. Ensure the game is free of bugs and errors by thoroughly testing all aspects of gameplay.

  2. Check the game’s performance on different devices to ensure smooth and stable operation.

  3. Verify that all in-app purchases and advertisements are working correctly.

  4. Ensure that the game’s content and graphics comply with all relevant regulations and guidelines.

  5. Test the game’s user interface and controls to ensure they are intuitive and easy to use.

  6. Check for any copyright or trademark infringement issues in the game’s content.

  7. Verify that all required permissions for the game have been properly declared and justified.

  8. Ensure that the game’s store listing, including screenshots, descriptions, and keywords, is accurate and well-optimized.

  9. Test the game’s social features, such as leaderboards and multiplayer options, to ensure they are functioning correctly.

  10. Verify that the game’s monetization strategy is implemented correctly and provides a positive user experience.

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