


2024-11-02 18:00:33
欄目: 編程語言


  1. 按順序獲取鎖:確保所有線程以相同的順序獲取鎖。這樣可以避免循環等待條件,從而避免死鎖。
import threading

lock1 = threading.Lock()
lock2 = threading.Lock()

def thread1():
    with lock1:
        with lock2:
            # Do something

def thread2():
    with lock1:
        with lock2:
            # Do something
  1. 使用threading.RLock(可重入鎖):如果一個線程需要多次獲取同一個鎖,使用可重入鎖可以避免死鎖。
import threading

lock = threading.RLock()

def thread():
    with lock:
        # Do something
        with lock:
            # Do something else
  1. 使用threading.Semaphore(信號量):信號量是一種計數器,用于限制同時訪問共享資源的線程數量。這可以避免死鎖,但需要注意正確設置信號量的初始值。
import threading

semaphore = threading.Semaphore(2)  # Allow up to 2 threads to access the resource simultaneously

def thread():
    with semaphore:
        # Do something
  1. 使用threading.Event(事件):事件是一種簡單的同步原語,允許線程等待某個條件成立。使用事件可以避免死鎖,但需要注意正確使用wait()set()方法。
import threading

event = threading.Event()

def thread1():
    event.wait()  # Wait for the event to be set
    # Do something

def thread2():
    # Do something
    event.set()  # Set the event, causing thread1 to continue execution
  1. 使用queue.Queue(隊列):隊列是一種先進先出(FIFO)的數據結構,可以用于在線程之間傳遞數據。使用隊列可以避免死鎖,因為隊列會自動處理數據的順序和同步。
import threading
import queue

data_queue = queue.Queue()

def producer():
    data = produce_data()  # Generate data
    data_queue.put(data)  # Put data in the queue

def consumer():
    while True:
        data = data_queue.get()  # Get data from the queue
        if data is None:  # Exit condition
        # Process data


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