


2024-10-16 06:13:04
欄目: 編程語言


using System;

class RoundingTests
    static void Main()
        // 測試正數四舍五入
        Assert.AreEqual(3, Round(2.6), "2.6 should round to 3");
        Assert.AreEqual(4, Round(2.6, 0), "2.6 should round to 3 with 0 decimal places");
        Assert.AreEqual(4, Round(2.6, 1), "2.6 should round to 3 with 1 decimal place");
        Assert.AreEqual(4, Round(2.6, 2), "2.6 should round to 3 with 2 decimal places");

        // 測試負數四舍五入
        Assert.AreEqual(-3, Round(-2.6), "-2.6 should round to -3");
        Assert.AreEqual(-4, Round(-2.6, 0), "-2.6 should round to -3 with 0 decimal places");
        Assert.AreEqual(-4, Round(-2.6, 1), "-2.6 should round to -3 with 1 decimal place");
        Assert.AreEqual(-4, Round(-2.6, 2), "-2.6 should round to -3 with 2 decimal places");

        // 測試邊界情況
        Assert.AreEqual(0, Round(0.5), "0.5 should round to 0");
        Assert.AreEqual(0, Round(-0.5), "-0.5 should round to 0");
        Assert.AreEqual(1, Round(0.5, 0), "0.5 should round to 1 with 0 decimal places");
        Assert.AreEqual(1, Round(-0.5, 0), "-0.5 should round to 1 with 0 decimal places");

        Console.WriteLine("All tests passed!");

    // 自定義的四舍五入函數
    static double Round(double value, int decimalPlaces = 2)
        double factor = Math.Pow(10, decimalPlaces);
        return Math.Round(value * factor) / factor;

在這個例子中,Round 函數接受一個 double 類型的數值和一個可選的 decimalPlaces 參數,用于指定要保留的小數位數。默認情況下,它會四舍五入到最接近的整數。Assert.AreEqual 方法用于比較函數的輸出和預期的結果。如果它們不相等,測試將失敗,并顯示提供的錯誤消息。

請注意,這個例子使用了 Math.Round 方法,它是C#中內置的四舍五入函數。如果你想要實現自己的四舍五入邏輯,你可以根據需要修改 Round 函數。在編寫測試時,確保覆蓋各種可能的輸入情況,包括正數、負數、零和邊界值。

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