


2024-07-01 18:14:38
欄目: 編程語言

  1. iSCSI CHAP authentication: iSCSI CHAP (Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol) provides enhanced security by requiring a username and password for authentication before establishing a connection. Users can configure iSCSI CHAP authentication using iscsiadm.

  2. iSCSI boot configuration: iscsiadm can be used to configure iSCSI boot settings, allowing a server to boot from an iSCSI target. This feature is particularly useful in diskless server environments or for centralized storage management.

  3. Session and connection management: iscsiadm provides options to manage iSCSI sessions and connections, including listing active sessions, logging in to a target, logging out from a target, and modifying connection parameters.

  4. Performance tuning: Users can use iscsiadm to optimize iSCSI performance by adjusting parameters such as the maximum data transfer size, the number of outstanding commands, and the timeout values.

  5. Multipath support: iscsiadm supports multipathing for iSCSI connections, allowing multiple paths to a target for increased reliability and performance. Users can configure multipath settings using iscsiadm to ensure seamless failover and load balancing.

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