安裝DocxView:首先,你需要通過NuGet包管理器或者手動下載并引用DocxView庫。在Visual Studio中,右鍵點擊項目,選擇“Manage NuGet Packages”,然后搜索并安裝“DocxView”。
using System;
using DocxView;
namespace DocxViewExample
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// 創建一個新的Word文檔
var document = new WordDocument();
// 添加標題
document.AddHeading("Hello, World!", HeadingLevel.Heading1);
// 添加段落
document.AddParagraph("This is a simple example of using DocxView to create a Word document.");
// 保存文檔
// 添加圖片
var imagePath = "path/to/your/image.jpg";
document.AddImage(imagePath, ImageAlignment.Center);
// 設置文本格式
var textFormat = new TextFormat()
FontFamily = "Arial",
FontSize = 14,
Bold = true,
Italic = false,
Underline = true,
Strikethrough = false,
Color = Color.Blue
// 應用文本格式
document.AddParagraph("This text has custom formatting.", textFormat);
// 創建表格
var table = new Table(3, 3); // 3行3列的表格
// 設置表格內容
table[0, 0] = "Header 1";
table[0, 1] = "Header 2";
table[0, 2] = "Header 3";
table[1, 0] = "Row 1, Column 1";
table[1, 1] = "Row 1, Column 2";
table[1, 2] = "Row 1, Column 3";
table[2, 0] = "Row 2, Column 1";
table[2, 1] = "Row 2, Column 2";
table[2, 2] = "Row 2, Column 3";
// 設置表格樣式
table.SetBorder(TableBorderType.All, BorderStyle.Single, 1, Color.Black);
// 插入表格
// 打開現有的Word文檔
var existingDocument = WordDocument.Load("existing.docx");
// 獲取文檔中的所有段落
var paragraphs = existingDocument.GetParagraphs();
// 遍歷段落并輸出內容
foreach (var paragraph in paragraphs)